<% can_remove = @proposal.users.size > 1 %> <% @proposal.users.each do |user| %> <% end %> <% if can_remove %> <% end %>
<% if can_remove %> <% message = user == current_user ? "You will no longer be able to edit this proposal. Are you sure you want to remove yourself?" : "#{h user.fullname} will no longer be able to edit this proposal. Are you sure you want to remove them?" %> <%= link_to "", "#", :class => "remove-speaker deletable", :speaker_id => user.id, :speaker_fullname => user.fullname %> <% else %>   <% end %> <%= h user.fullname %> <%= hidden_field_tag "speaker_ids[#{user.id}]", user.id, :class => "speaker_id" %>

Remove speakers by clicking the red X next to the name of the speaker you want to remove.