// // Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h" #include "absl/random/random.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/str_replace.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/strings/strip.h" #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "absl/types/variant.h" #include "re2/re2.h" #include #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/unique_type_name.h" #define XXH_INLINE_ALL #include "xxhash.h" #include #include #include #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/config_selector.h" #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/ring_hash/ring_hash.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_bootstrap.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_bootstrap_grpc.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_client_grpc.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_http_filters.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_listener.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_route_config.h" #include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_routing.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_fwd.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/status_util.h" #include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/dual_ref_counted.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/match.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/iomgr_fwd.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/pollset_set.h" #include "src/core/lib/resolver/resolver.h" #include "src/core/lib/resolver/resolver_factory.h" #include "src/core/lib/resolver/server_address.h" #include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/arena.h" #include "src/core/lib/service_config/service_config.h" #include "src/core/lib/service_config/service_config_impl.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/metadata_batch.h" #include "src/core/lib/uri/uri_parser.h" namespace grpc_core { TraceFlag grpc_xds_resolver_trace(false, "xds_resolver"); UniqueTypeName XdsClusterAttributeTypeName() { static UniqueTypeName::Factory kFactory("xds_cluster_name"); return kFactory.Create(); } namespace { std::string GetDefaultAuthorityInternal(const URI& uri) { // Obtain the authority to use for the data plane connections, which is // also used to select the right VirtualHost from the RouteConfiguration. // We need to take the part of the URI path following the last // "/" character or the entire path if the path contains no "/" character. size_t pos = uri.path().find_last_of('/'); if (pos == uri.path().npos) return uri.path(); return uri.path().substr(pos + 1); } std::string GetDataPlaneAuthority(const ChannelArgs& args, const URI& uri) { absl::optional authority = args.GetOwnedString(GRPC_ARG_DEFAULT_AUTHORITY); if (authority.has_value()) return std::move(*authority); return GetDefaultAuthorityInternal(uri); } // // XdsResolver // class XdsResolver : public Resolver { public: explicit XdsResolver(ResolverArgs args) : work_serializer_(std::move(args.work_serializer)), result_handler_(std::move(args.result_handler)), args_(std::move(args.args)), interested_parties_(args.pollset_set), uri_(std::move(args.uri)), data_plane_authority_(GetDataPlaneAuthority(args_, uri_)), channel_id_(absl::Uniform(absl::BitGen())) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log( GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] created for URI %s; data plane authority is %s", this, uri_.ToString().c_str(), data_plane_authority_.c_str()); } } ~XdsResolver() override { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] destroyed", this); } } void StartLocked() override; void ShutdownLocked() override; void ResetBackoffLocked() override { if (xds_client_ != nullptr) xds_client_->ResetBackoff(); } private: class ListenerWatcher : public XdsListenerResourceType::WatcherInterface { public: explicit ListenerWatcher(RefCountedPtr resolver) : resolver_(std::move(resolver)) {} void OnResourceChanged(XdsListenerResource listener) override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self), listener = std::move(listener)]() mutable { self->resolver_->OnListenerUpdate(std::move(listener)); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void OnError(absl::Status status) override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self), status = std::move(status)]() mutable { self->resolver_->OnError(self->resolver_->lds_resource_name_, std::move(status)); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void OnResourceDoesNotExist() override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self)]() { self->resolver_->OnResourceDoesNotExist( absl::StrCat(self->resolver_->lds_resource_name_, ": xDS listener resource does not exist")); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } private: RefCountedPtr resolver_; }; class RouteConfigWatcher : public XdsRouteConfigResourceType::WatcherInterface { public: explicit RouteConfigWatcher(RefCountedPtr resolver) : resolver_(std::move(resolver)) {} void OnResourceChanged(XdsRouteConfigResource route_config) override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self), route_config = std::move(route_config)]() mutable { if (self != self->resolver_->route_config_watcher_) return; self->resolver_->OnRouteConfigUpdate(std::move(route_config)); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void OnError(absl::Status status) override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self), status = std::move(status)]() mutable { if (self != self->resolver_->route_config_watcher_) return; self->resolver_->OnError(self->resolver_->route_config_name_, std::move(status)); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } void OnResourceDoesNotExist() override { RefCountedPtr self = Ref(); resolver_->work_serializer_->Run( [self = std::move(self)]() { if (self != self->resolver_->route_config_watcher_) return; self->resolver_->OnResourceDoesNotExist(absl::StrCat( self->resolver_->route_config_name_, ": xDS route configuration resource does not exist")); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } private: RefCountedPtr resolver_; }; // An entry in the map of clusters that need to be present in the LB // policy config. The map holds a weak ref. One strong ref is held by // the ConfigSelector, and another is held by each call assigned to // the cluster by the ConfigSelector. The ref for each call is held // until the call is committed. When the strong refs go away, we hop // back into the WorkSerializer to remove the entry from the map. class ClusterState : public DualRefCounted { public: using ClusterStateMap = std::map>; ClusterState(RefCountedPtr resolver, const std::string& cluster_name) : resolver_(std::move(resolver)), it_(resolver_->cluster_state_map_.emplace(cluster_name, WeakRef()) .first) {} void Orphan() override { auto* resolver = resolver_.release(); resolver->work_serializer_->Run( [resolver]() { resolver->MaybeRemoveUnusedClusters(); resolver->Unref(); }, DEBUG_LOCATION); } const std::string& cluster() const { return it_->first; } private: RefCountedPtr resolver_; ClusterStateMap::iterator it_; }; // Call dispatch controller, created for each call handled by the // ConfigSelector. Holds a ref to the ClusterState object until the // call is committed. class XdsCallDispatchController : public ConfigSelector::CallDispatchController { public: explicit XdsCallDispatchController( RefCountedPtr cluster_state) : cluster_state_(std::move(cluster_state)) {} bool ShouldRetry() override { // TODO(donnadionne): Implement the retry circuit breaker here. return true; } void Commit() override { // TODO(donnadionne): If ShouldRetry() was called previously, // decrement the retry circuit breaker counter. cluster_state_.reset(); } private: // Note: The XdsCallDispatchController object is never actually destroyed, // so do not add any data members that require destruction unless you have // some other way to clean them up. RefCountedPtr cluster_state_; }; class XdsConfigSelector : public ConfigSelector { public: XdsConfigSelector(RefCountedPtr resolver, absl::Status* status); ~XdsConfigSelector() override; const char* name() const override { return "XdsConfigSelector"; } bool Equals(const ConfigSelector* other) const override { const auto* other_xds = static_cast(other); // Don't need to compare resolver_, since that will always be the same. return route_table_ == other_xds->route_table_ && clusters_ == other_xds->clusters_; } absl::StatusOr GetCallConfig(GetCallConfigArgs args) override; std::vector GetFilters() override { return filters_; } private: struct Route { struct ClusterWeightState { uint32_t range_end; absl::string_view cluster; RefCountedPtr method_config; bool operator==(const ClusterWeightState& other) const; }; XdsRouteConfigResource::Route route; RefCountedPtr method_config; std::vector weighted_cluster_state; bool operator==(const Route& other) const; }; using RouteTable = std::vector; class RouteListIterator; void MaybeAddCluster(const std::string& name); absl::StatusOr> CreateMethodConfig( const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route& route, const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterWeight* cluster_weight); RefCountedPtr resolver_; RouteTable route_table_; std::map> clusters_; std::vector filters_; }; void OnListenerUpdate(XdsListenerResource listener); void OnRouteConfigUpdate(XdsRouteConfigResource rds_update); void OnError(absl::string_view context, absl::Status status); void OnResourceDoesNotExist(std::string context); absl::StatusOr> CreateServiceConfig(); void GenerateResult(); void MaybeRemoveUnusedClusters(); uint64_t channel_id() const { return channel_id_; } std::shared_ptr work_serializer_; std::unique_ptr result_handler_; ChannelArgs args_; grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties_; URI uri_; RefCountedPtr xds_client_; std::string lds_resource_name_; std::string data_plane_authority_; uint64_t channel_id_; ListenerWatcher* listener_watcher_ = nullptr; // This will not contain the RouteConfiguration, even if it comes with the // LDS response; instead, the relevant VirtualHost from the // RouteConfiguration will be saved in current_virtual_host_. XdsListenerResource::HttpConnectionManager current_listener_; std::string route_config_name_; RouteConfigWatcher* route_config_watcher_ = nullptr; absl::optional current_virtual_host_; std::map cluster_specifier_plugin_map_; ClusterState::ClusterStateMap cluster_state_map_; }; // // XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::Route // bool MethodConfigsEqual(const ServiceConfig* sc1, const ServiceConfig* sc2) { if (sc1 == nullptr) return sc2 == nullptr; if (sc2 == nullptr) return false; return sc1->json_string() == sc2->json_string(); } bool XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::Route::ClusterWeightState::operator==( const ClusterWeightState& other) const { return range_end == other.range_end && cluster == other.cluster && MethodConfigsEqual(method_config.get(), other.method_config.get()); } bool XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::Route::operator==( const Route& other) const { return route == other.route && weighted_cluster_state == other.weighted_cluster_state && MethodConfigsEqual(method_config.get(), other.method_config.get()); } // Implementation of XdsRouting::RouteListIterator for getting the matching // route for a request. class XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::RouteListIterator : public XdsRouting::RouteListIterator { public: explicit RouteListIterator(const RouteTable* route_table) : route_table_(route_table) {} size_t Size() const override { return route_table_->size(); } const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::Matchers& GetMatchersForRoute( size_t index) const override { return (*route_table_)[index].route.matchers; } private: const RouteTable* route_table_; }; // // XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector // XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::XdsConfigSelector( RefCountedPtr resolver, absl::Status* status) : resolver_(std::move(resolver)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] creating XdsConfigSelector %p", resolver_.get(), this); } // 1. Construct the route table // 2 Update resolver's cluster state map // 3. Construct cluster list to hold on to entries in the cluster state // map. // Reserve the necessary entries up-front to avoid reallocation as we add // elements. This is necessary because the string_view in the entry's // weighted_cluster_state field points to the memory in the route field, so // moving the entry in a reallocation will cause the string_view to point to // invalid data. route_table_.reserve(resolver_->current_virtual_host_->routes.size()); for (auto& route : resolver_->current_virtual_host_->routes) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] XdsConfigSelector %p: route: %s", resolver_.get(), this, route.ToString().c_str()); } route_table_.emplace_back(); auto& route_entry = route_table_.back(); route_entry.route = route; auto* route_action = absl::get_if( &route_entry.route.action); if (route_action != nullptr) { // If the route doesn't specify a timeout, set its timeout to the global // one. if (!route_action->max_stream_duration.has_value()) { route_action->max_stream_duration = resolver_->current_listener_.http_max_stream_duration; } Match( route_action->action, // cluster name [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterName& cluster_name) { auto result = CreateMethodConfig(route_entry.route, nullptr); if (!result.ok()) { *status = result.status(); return; } route_entry.method_config = std::move(*result); MaybeAddCluster( absl::StrCat("cluster:", cluster_name.cluster_name)); }, // WeightedClusters [&](const std::vector< XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterWeight>& weighted_clusters) { uint32_t end = 0; for (const auto& weighted_cluster : weighted_clusters) { Route::ClusterWeightState cluster_weight_state; auto result = CreateMethodConfig(route_entry.route, &weighted_cluster); if (!result.ok()) { *status = result.status(); return; } cluster_weight_state.method_config = std::move(*result); end += weighted_cluster.weight; cluster_weight_state.range_end = end; cluster_weight_state.cluster = weighted_cluster.name; route_entry.weighted_cluster_state.push_back( std::move(cluster_weight_state)); MaybeAddCluster(absl::StrCat("cluster:", weighted_cluster.name)); } }, // ClusterSpecifierPlugin [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction:: ClusterSpecifierPluginName& cluster_specifier_plugin_name) { auto result = CreateMethodConfig(route_entry.route, nullptr); if (!result.ok()) { *status = result.status(); return; } route_entry.method_config = std::move(*result); MaybeAddCluster(absl::StrCat( "cluster_specifier_plugin:", cluster_specifier_plugin_name.cluster_specifier_plugin_name)); }); if (!status->ok()) return; } } // Populate filter list. const auto& http_filter_registry = static_cast(resolver_->xds_client_->bootstrap()) .http_filter_registry(); for (const auto& http_filter : resolver_->current_listener_.http_filters) { // Find filter. This is guaranteed to succeed, because it's checked // at config validation time in the XdsApi code. const XdsHttpFilterImpl* filter_impl = http_filter_registry.GetFilterForType( http_filter.config.config_proto_type_name); GPR_ASSERT(filter_impl != nullptr); // Add C-core filter to list. if (filter_impl->channel_filter() != nullptr) { filters_.push_back(filter_impl->channel_filter()); } } } XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::~XdsConfigSelector() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] destroying XdsConfigSelector %p", resolver_.get(), this); } clusters_.clear(); resolver_->MaybeRemoveUnusedClusters(); } absl::StatusOr> XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::CreateMethodConfig( const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route& route, const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterWeight* cluster_weight) { std::vector fields; const auto& route_action = absl::get(route.action); // Set retry policy if any. if (route_action.retry_policy.has_value() && !route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Empty()) { std::vector retry_parts; retry_parts.push_back(absl::StrFormat( "\"retryPolicy\": {\n" " \"maxAttempts\": %d,\n" " \"initialBackoff\": \"%s\",\n" " \"maxBackoff\": \"%s\",\n" " \"backoffMultiplier\": 2,\n", route_action.retry_policy->num_retries + 1, route_action.retry_policy->retry_back_off.base_interval.ToJsonString(), route_action.retry_policy->retry_back_off.max_interval.ToJsonString())); std::vector code_parts; if (route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Contains(GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED)) { code_parts.push_back(" \"CANCELLED\""); } if (route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Contains( GRPC_STATUS_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED)) { code_parts.push_back(" \"DEADLINE_EXCEEDED\""); } if (route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Contains(GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL)) { code_parts.push_back(" \"INTERNAL\""); } if (route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Contains( GRPC_STATUS_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)) { code_parts.push_back(" \"RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED\""); } if (route_action.retry_policy->retry_on.Contains(GRPC_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE)) { code_parts.push_back(" \"UNAVAILABLE\""); } retry_parts.push_back( absl::StrFormat(" \"retryableStatusCodes\": [\n %s ]\n", absl::StrJoin(code_parts, ",\n"))); retry_parts.push_back(" }"); fields.emplace_back(absl::StrJoin(retry_parts, "")); } // Set timeout. if (route_action.max_stream_duration.has_value() && (route_action.max_stream_duration != Duration::Zero())) { fields.emplace_back( absl::StrFormat(" \"timeout\": \"%s\"", route_action.max_stream_duration->ToJsonString())); } // Handle xDS HTTP filters. auto result = XdsRouting::GeneratePerHTTPFilterConfigs( static_cast(resolver_->xds_client_->bootstrap()) .http_filter_registry(), resolver_->current_listener_.http_filters, resolver_->current_virtual_host_.value(), route, cluster_weight, resolver_->args_); if (!result.ok()) return result.status(); for (const auto& p : result->per_filter_configs) { fields.emplace_back(absl::StrCat(" \"", p.first, "\": [\n", absl::StrJoin(p.second, ",\n"), "\n ]")); } // Construct service config. if (!fields.empty()) { std::string json = absl::StrCat( "{\n" " \"methodConfig\": [ {\n" " \"name\": [\n" " {}\n" " ],\n" " ", absl::StrJoin(fields, ",\n"), "\n } ]\n" "}"); return ServiceConfigImpl::Create(result->args, json.c_str()); } return nullptr; } void XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::MaybeAddCluster(const std::string& name) { if (clusters_.find(name) == clusters_.end()) { auto it = resolver_->cluster_state_map_.find(name); if (it == resolver_->cluster_state_map_.end()) { auto new_cluster_state = MakeRefCounted(resolver_, name); clusters_[new_cluster_state->cluster()] = std::move(new_cluster_state); } else { clusters_[it->second->cluster()] = it->second->Ref(); } } } absl::optional HeaderHashHelper( const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::HashPolicy::Header& header_policy, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata) { std::string value_buffer; absl::optional header_value = XdsRouting::GetHeaderValue( initial_metadata, header_policy.header_name, &value_buffer); if (!header_value.has_value()) return absl::nullopt; if (header_policy.regex != nullptr) { // If GetHeaderValue() did not already store the value in // value_buffer, copy it there now, so we can modify it. if (header_value->data() != value_buffer.data()) { value_buffer = std::string(*header_value); } RE2::GlobalReplace(&value_buffer, *header_policy.regex, header_policy.regex_substitution); header_value = value_buffer; } return XXH64(header_value->data(), header_value->size(), 0); } absl::StatusOr XdsResolver::XdsConfigSelector::GetCallConfig(GetCallConfigArgs args) { auto route_index = XdsRouting::GetRouteForRequest( RouteListIterator(&route_table_), StringViewFromSlice(*args.path), args.initial_metadata); if (!route_index.has_value()) { return absl::UnavailableError( "No matching route found in xDS route config"); } auto& entry = route_table_[*route_index]; // Found a route match const auto* route_action = absl::get_if( &entry.route.action); if (route_action == nullptr) { return absl::UnavailableError("Matching route has inappropriate action"); } std::string cluster_name; RefCountedPtr method_config; Match( route_action->action, // cluster name [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterName& action_cluster_name) { cluster_name = absl::StrCat("cluster:", action_cluster_name.cluster_name); method_config = entry.method_config; }, // WeightedClusters [&](const std::vector< XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::ClusterWeight>& /*weighted_clusters*/) { const uint32_t key = absl::Uniform( absl::BitGen(), 0, entry.weighted_cluster_state.back().range_end); // Find the index in weighted clusters corresponding to key. size_t mid = 0; size_t start_index = 0; size_t end_index = entry.weighted_cluster_state.size() - 1; size_t index = 0; while (end_index > start_index) { mid = (start_index + end_index) / 2; if (entry.weighted_cluster_state[mid].range_end > key) { end_index = mid; } else if (entry.weighted_cluster_state[mid].range_end < key) { start_index = mid + 1; } else { index = mid + 1; break; } } if (index == 0) index = start_index; GPR_ASSERT(entry.weighted_cluster_state[index].range_end > key); cluster_name = absl::StrCat( "cluster:", entry.weighted_cluster_state[index].cluster); method_config = entry.weighted_cluster_state[index].method_config; }, // ClusterSpecifierPlugin [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction:: ClusterSpecifierPluginName& cluster_specifier_plugin_name) { cluster_name = absl::StrCat( "cluster_specifier_plugin:", cluster_specifier_plugin_name.cluster_specifier_plugin_name); method_config = entry.method_config; }); auto it = clusters_.find(cluster_name); GPR_ASSERT(it != clusters_.end()); // Generate a hash. absl::optional hash; for (const auto& hash_policy : route_action->hash_policies) { absl::optional new_hash = Match( hash_policy.policy, [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::HashPolicy:: Header& header) { return HeaderHashHelper(header, args.initial_metadata); }, [&](const XdsRouteConfigResource::Route::RouteAction::HashPolicy:: ChannelId&) -> absl::optional { return resolver_->channel_id(); }); if (new_hash.has_value()) { // Rotating the old value prevents duplicate hash rules from cancelling // each other out and preserves all of the entropy const uint64_t old_value = hash.has_value() ? ((hash.value() << 1) | (hash.value() >> 63)) : 0; hash = old_value ^ new_hash.value(); } // If the policy is a terminal policy and a hash has been generated, // ignore the rest of the hash policies. if (hash_policy.terminal && hash.has_value()) { break; } } if (!hash.has_value()) { hash = absl::Uniform(absl::BitGen()); } CallConfig call_config; if (method_config != nullptr) { call_config.method_configs = method_config->GetMethodParsedConfigVector(grpc_empty_slice()); call_config.service_config = std::move(method_config); } call_config.call_attributes[XdsClusterAttributeTypeName()] = it->first; std::string hash_string = absl::StrCat(hash.value()); char* hash_value = static_cast(args.arena->Alloc(hash_string.size() + 1)); memcpy(hash_value, hash_string.c_str(), hash_string.size()); hash_value[hash_string.size()] = '\0'; call_config.call_attributes[RequestHashAttributeName()] = hash_value; call_config.call_dispatch_controller = args.arena->New(it->second->Ref()); return call_config; } // // XdsResolver // void XdsResolver::StartLocked() { auto xds_client = GrpcXdsClient::GetOrCreate(args_, "xds resolver"); if (!xds_client.ok()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to create xds client -- channel will remain in " "TRANSIENT_FAILURE: %s", xds_client.status().ToString().c_str()); absl::Status status = absl::UnavailableError(absl::StrCat( "Failed to create XdsClient: ", xds_client.status().message())); Result result; result.addresses = status; result.service_config = std::move(status); result.args = args_; result_handler_->ReportResult(std::move(result)); return; } xds_client_ = std::move(*xds_client); std::string resource_name_fragment(absl::StripPrefix(uri_.path(), "/")); if (!uri_.authority().empty()) { // target_uri.authority is set case const auto* authority_config = static_cast( xds_client_->bootstrap().LookupAuthority(uri_.authority())); if (authority_config == nullptr) { absl::Status status = absl::UnavailableError( absl::StrCat("Invalid target URI -- authority not found for ", uri_.authority().c_str())); Result result; result.addresses = status; result.service_config = std::move(status); result.args = args_; result_handler_->ReportResult(std::move(result)); return; } std::string name_template = authority_config->client_listener_resource_name_template(); if (name_template.empty()) { name_template = absl::StrCat( "xdstp://", URI::PercentEncodeAuthority(uri_.authority()), "/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener/%s"); } lds_resource_name_ = absl::StrReplaceAll( name_template, {{"%s", URI::PercentEncodePath(resource_name_fragment)}}); } else { // target_uri.authority not set absl::string_view name_template = static_cast(xds_client_->bootstrap()) .client_default_listener_resource_name_template(); if (name_template.empty()) { name_template = "%s"; } if (absl::StartsWith(name_template, "xdstp:")) { resource_name_fragment = URI::PercentEncodePath(resource_name_fragment); } lds_resource_name_ = absl::StrReplaceAll(name_template, {{"%s", resource_name_fragment}}); } if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] Started with lds_resource_name %s.", this, lds_resource_name_.c_str()); } grpc_pollset_set_add_pollset_set( static_cast(xds_client_.get())->interested_parties(), interested_parties_); auto watcher = MakeRefCounted(Ref()); listener_watcher_ = watcher.get(); XdsListenerResourceType::StartWatch(xds_client_.get(), lds_resource_name_, std::move(watcher)); } void XdsResolver::ShutdownLocked() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] shutting down", this); } if (xds_client_ != nullptr) { if (listener_watcher_ != nullptr) { XdsListenerResourceType::CancelWatch( xds_client_.get(), lds_resource_name_, listener_watcher_, /*delay_unsubscription=*/false); } if (route_config_watcher_ != nullptr) { XdsRouteConfigResourceType::CancelWatch( xds_client_.get(), route_config_name_, route_config_watcher_, /*delay_unsubscription=*/false); } grpc_pollset_set_del_pollset_set( static_cast(xds_client_.get())->interested_parties(), interested_parties_); xds_client_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "xds resolver"); } } void XdsResolver::OnListenerUpdate(XdsListenerResource listener) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] received updated listener data", this); } if (xds_client_ == nullptr) return; auto* hcm = absl::get_if( &listener.listener); if (hcm == nullptr) { return OnError(lds_resource_name_, absl::UnavailableError("not an API listener")); } current_listener_ = std::move(*hcm); MatchMutable( ¤t_listener_.route_config, // RDS resource name [&](std::string* rds_name) { // If the RDS name changed, update the RDS watcher. // Note that this will be true on the initial update, because // route_config_name_ will be empty. if (route_config_name_ != *rds_name) { // If we already had a watch (i.e., if the previous config had // a different RDS name), stop the previous watch. // There will be no previous watch if either (a) this is the // initial resource update or (b) the previous Listener had an // inlined RouteConfig. if (route_config_watcher_ != nullptr) { XdsRouteConfigResourceType::CancelWatch( xds_client_.get(), route_config_name_, route_config_watcher_, /*delay_unsubscription=*/true); route_config_watcher_ = nullptr; } // Start watch for the new RDS resource name. route_config_name_ = std::move(*rds_name); auto watcher = MakeRefCounted(Ref()); route_config_watcher_ = watcher.get(); XdsRouteConfigResourceType::StartWatch( xds_client_.get(), route_config_name_, std::move(watcher)); } else { // RDS resource name has not changed, so no watch needs to be // updated, but we still need to propagate any changes in the // HCM config (e.g., the list of HTTP filters). GenerateResult(); } }, // inlined RouteConfig [&](XdsRouteConfigResource* route_config) { // If the previous update specified an RDS resource instead of // having an inlined RouteConfig, we need to cancel the RDS watch. if (route_config_watcher_ != nullptr) { XdsRouteConfigResourceType::CancelWatch( xds_client_.get(), route_config_name_, route_config_watcher_); route_config_watcher_ = nullptr; route_config_name_.clear(); } OnRouteConfigUpdate(std::move(*route_config)); }); } namespace { class VirtualHostListIterator : public XdsRouting::VirtualHostListIterator { public: explicit VirtualHostListIterator( const std::vector* virtual_hosts) : virtual_hosts_(virtual_hosts) {} size_t Size() const override { return virtual_hosts_->size(); } const std::vector& GetDomainsForVirtualHost( size_t index) const override { return (*virtual_hosts_)[index].domains; } private: const std::vector* virtual_hosts_; }; } // namespace void XdsResolver::OnRouteConfigUpdate(XdsRouteConfigResource rds_update) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] received updated route config", this); } if (xds_client_ == nullptr) { return; } // Find the relevant VirtualHost from the RouteConfiguration. auto vhost_index = XdsRouting::FindVirtualHostForDomain( VirtualHostListIterator(&rds_update.virtual_hosts), data_plane_authority_); if (!vhost_index.has_value()) { OnError( route_config_name_.empty() ? lds_resource_name_ : route_config_name_, absl::UnavailableError(absl::StrCat("could not find VirtualHost for ", data_plane_authority_, " in RouteConfiguration"))); return; } // Save the virtual host in the resolver. current_virtual_host_ = std::move(rds_update.virtual_hosts[*vhost_index]); cluster_specifier_plugin_map_ = std::move(rds_update.cluster_specifier_plugin_map); // Send a new result to the channel. GenerateResult(); } void XdsResolver::OnError(absl::string_view context, absl::Status status) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "[xds_resolver %p] received error from XdsClient: %s: %s", this, std::string(context).c_str(), status.ToString().c_str()); if (xds_client_ == nullptr) return; status = absl::UnavailableError(absl::StrCat(context, ": ", status.ToString())); Result result; result.addresses = status; result.service_config = std::move(status); // Need to explicitly convert to the right RefCountedPtr<> type for // use with ChannelArgs::SetObject(). RefCountedPtr xds_client = xds_client_->Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "xds resolver result"); result.args = args_.SetObject(std::move(xds_client)); result_handler_->ReportResult(std::move(result)); } void XdsResolver::OnResourceDoesNotExist(std::string context) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "[xds_resolver %p] LDS/RDS resource does not exist -- clearing " "update and returning empty service config", this); if (xds_client_ == nullptr) { return; } current_virtual_host_.reset(); Result result; result.addresses.emplace(); result.service_config = ServiceConfigImpl::Create(args_, "{}"); GPR_ASSERT(result.service_config.ok()); result.resolution_note = std::move(context); result.args = args_; result_handler_->ReportResult(std::move(result)); } absl::StatusOr> XdsResolver::CreateServiceConfig() { std::vector clusters; for (const auto& cluster : cluster_state_map_) { absl::string_view child_name = cluster.first; if (absl::ConsumePrefix(&child_name, "cluster_specifier_plugin:")) { clusters.push_back(absl::StrFormat( " \"%s\":{\n" " \"childPolicy\": %s\n" " }", cluster.first, cluster_specifier_plugin_map_[std::string(child_name)])); } else { absl::ConsumePrefix(&child_name, "cluster:"); clusters.push_back( absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\":{\n" " \"childPolicy\":[ {\n" " \"cds_experimental\":{\n" " \"cluster\": \"%s\"\n" " }\n" " } ]\n" " }", cluster.first, child_name)); } } std::vector config_parts; config_parts.push_back( "{\n" " \"loadBalancingConfig\":[\n" " { \"xds_cluster_manager_experimental\":{\n" " \"children\":{\n"); config_parts.push_back(absl::StrJoin(clusters, ",\n")); config_parts.push_back( " }\n" " } }\n" " ]\n" "}"); std::string json = absl::StrJoin(config_parts, ""); return ServiceConfigImpl::Create(args_, json.c_str()); } void XdsResolver::GenerateResult() { if (!current_virtual_host_.has_value()) return; // First create XdsConfigSelector, which may add new entries to the cluster // state map, and then CreateServiceConfig for LB policies. absl::Status status; auto config_selector = MakeRefCounted(Ref(), &status); if (!status.ok()) { OnError("could not create ConfigSelector", absl::UnavailableError(status.message())); return; } Result result; result.addresses.emplace(); result.service_config = CreateServiceConfig(); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_xds_resolver_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[xds_resolver %p] generated service config: %s", this, result.service_config.ok() ? std::string((*result.service_config)->json_string()).c_str() : result.service_config.status().ToString().c_str()); } // Need to explicitly convert to the right RefCountedPtr<> type for // use with ChannelArgs::SetObject(). RefCountedPtr xds_client = xds_client_->Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "xds resolver result"); result.args = args_.SetObject(std::move(xds_client)).SetObject(config_selector); result_handler_->ReportResult(std::move(result)); } void XdsResolver::MaybeRemoveUnusedClusters() { bool update_needed = false; for (auto it = cluster_state_map_.begin(); it != cluster_state_map_.end();) { RefCountedPtr cluster_state = it->second->RefIfNonZero(); if (cluster_state != nullptr) { ++it; } else { update_needed = true; it = cluster_state_map_.erase(it); } } if (update_needed && xds_client_ != nullptr) { // Send a new result to the channel. GenerateResult(); } } // // Factory // class XdsResolverFactory : public ResolverFactory { public: absl::string_view scheme() const override { return "xds"; } bool IsValidUri(const URI& uri) const override { if (uri.path().empty() || uri.path().back() == '/') { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "URI path does not contain valid data plane authority"); return false; } return true; } std::string GetDefaultAuthority(const URI& uri) const override { return GetDefaultAuthorityInternal(uri); } OrphanablePtr CreateResolver(ResolverArgs args) const override { if (!IsValidUri(args.uri)) return nullptr; return MakeOrphanable(std::move(args)); } }; } // namespace void RegisterXdsResolver(CoreConfiguration::Builder* builder) { builder->resolver_registry()->RegisterResolverFactory( std::make_unique()); } } // namespace grpc_core