--- title: ufo init reference: true --- ## Usage ufo init --image=IMAGE ## Description Set up initial ufo files. The `ufo init` command provides a way to quickly setup a project to be ufo ready. It creates a ufo folder with all the starter supporting files in order to use ufo. This page demonstrates how to use `ufo init`. The command requires the `--image` option. If the `--app` option is not provided, then it is inferred and set as the parent folder name. Example: cd demo ufo init --image tongueroo/demo-ufo # same as --app demo ## Examples For this example we will use [tongueroo/demo-ufo](https://github.com/tongueroo/demo-ufo) which is a small test sinatra app. Let's run the command in our newly clone project. $ git clone https://github.com/tongueroo/demo-ufo.git demo $ cd demo $ ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo Setting up ufo project... create .ufo/settings.yml create .ufo/task_definitions.rb create .ufo/templates/main.json.erb create .ufo/variables/base.rb create .ufo/variables/development.rb create .ufo/variables/production.rb create Dockerfile create bin/deploy append .gitignore Starter ufo files created. ## More Short Examples ufo init --image httpd ufo init --image 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myimage ufo init --image tongueroo/demo-ufo --launch-type fargate --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole ufo init --image httpd --vpc-id vpc-123 ## Important options The `app` is that application name that you want to show up on the ECS dashboard. It is encouraged to have the app name be a single word. If the option is not provided, the app name is inferred and is the parent folder name. The `image` is the base portion of image name that will be pushed to the docker registry, ie: DockerHub or AWS ECR. The image should **not** include the tag since the tag is generated upon a `ufo ship`. For example: tongueroo/demo-ufo => tongueroo/demo-ufo:ufo-2018-02-08T21-04-02-3c86158 The generated `tongueroo/demo-ufo:ufo-2018-02-08T21-04-02-3c86158` image name gets pushed to the docker registry. The `--vpc-id` option is optional but very useful. If not specified then ufo will use the default vpc for the network settings like subnets and security groups, which might not be what you want. ## Directory Structure The standard directory structure of the `.ufo` folder that was created looks like this: ufo ├── output ├── settings.yml ├── task_definitions.rb ├── templates │ └── main.json.erb └── variables ├── base.rb ├── production.rb └── development.rb For a explanation of the folders and files refer to [Structure]({% link _docs/structure.md %}). ## Fargate Support For ECS Fargate, the ECS task definition structure is a bit different. To initialize a project to support Fargate use the `--launch-type fargate` option. You'll be prompted for a execution role arn. This value gets added to the generated `.ufo/variables/base.rb` and used in the `.ufo/templates/main.json.erb`. ufo init --image tongueroo/demo-ufo --app demo --launch-type fargate You can also generate the init ufo files and bypass the prompt by providing the `--execution-role-arn` option upfront. ufo init --image tongueroo/demo-ufo --app demo --launch-type fargate --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole For more information and a demo of Fargate support, check out the [Quick Start: Fargate Docs]({% link quick-start.md %}). ## Custom Templates If you would like the `ufo init` command to use your own custom templates, you can achieve this with the `--template` and `--template-mode` options. Example: ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo --template=tongueroo/ufo-custom-template This will clone the repo on GitHub into the `~/.ufo/templates/tongueroo/ufo-custom-template` and use that as an additional template source. The default `--template-mode=additive` mode means that if there's a file in `tongueroo/ufo-custom-template` that exists it will use that in place of the default template files. If you do not want to use any of the original default template files within the ufo gem at all, you can use the `--template-mode=replace` mode. Replace mode will only use templates from the provided `--template` option. Example: ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo --template=tongueroo/ufo-custom-template --template-mode=replace You can also specific the full GitHub url. Example: ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo --template=https://github.com/tongueroo/ufo-custom-template If you would like to use a local template that is not on GitHub, then created a top-level folder in `~/.ufo/templates` without a subfolder. Example: ufo init --image=tongueroo/demo-ufo --template=my-custom # uses ~/.ufo/templates/my-custom ## Options ``` [--force] # Bypass overwrite are you sure prompt for existing files. --image=IMAGE # Docker image name without the tag. Example: tongueroo/demo-ufo. Configures ufo/settings.yml [--app=APP] # App name. Preferably one word. Used in the generated ufo/task_definitions.rb. If not specified then the app name is inferred as the folder name. [--launch-type=LAUNCH_TYPE] # ec2 or fargate. # Default: ec2 [--execution-role-arn=EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN] # execution role arn used by tasks, required for fargate. [--template=TEMPLATE] # Custom template to use. [--template-mode=TEMPLATE_MODE] # Template mode: replace or additive. [--vpc-id=VPC_ID] # Vpc id. For settings/network/default.yml. [--ecs-subnets=one two three] # Subnets for ECS tasks, defaults to --elb-subnets set to. For settings/network/default.yml [--elb-subnets=one two three] # Subnets for ELB. For settings/network/default.yml [--verbose], [--no-verbose] [--mute], [--no-mute] [--noop], [--no-noop] [--cluster=CLUSTER] # Cluster. Overrides .ufo/settings.yml. ```