require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'bundler/setup' print_without = false APP_RAKEFILE = File.expand_path('../spec/dummy/Rakefile', __FILE__) begin load 'rails/tasks/engine.rake' rescue LoadError puts "railties not in bundle, so can't load engine tasks." print_without = true end Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks # # load rake files like a normal rails app # @see # pathname = root = pathname.parent rakefile_glob = root.join('lib', 'tasks', '**', '*.rake').to_path Dir.glob(rakefile_glob) do |rakefile| load rakefile end begin require 'rspec/core' rescue LoadError puts "rspec not in bundle, so can't set up spec tasks. " \ "To run specs ensure to install the development and test groups." print_without = true else require 'rspec/core/rake_task' # Depend on app:db:test:prepare so that test database is recreated just like in a full rails app # @see => 'app:db:test:prepare') task :default => :spec end # Use find_all_by_name instead of find_by_name as find_all_by_name will return pre-release versions gem_specification = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name('metasploit-yard').first if gem_specification Dir[File.join(gem_specification.gem_dir, 'lib', 'tasks', '**', '*.rake')].each do |rake| load rake end # # Eager load before yard docs so that ApplicationRecord subclasses are loaded for yard-metasploit-erd # task 'yard:doc' => :eager_load task eager_load: :environment do Rails.application.eager_load! end else puts "metasploit-yard not in bundle, so can't setup yard tasks. " \ "To run yard ensure to install the development group." print_without = true end if print_without puts "Bundle currently installed '--without #{Bundler.settings[:without].join(' ')}'." puts "To clear the without option do `bundle install --without ''` (the --without flag with an empty string) or " \ "`rm -rf .bundle` to remove the .bundle/config manually and then `bundle install`" end