Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/views/gtk/widgets/ProblemDisplay.rb 175 131


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'jldrill/views/gtk/widgets/ProblemPane'
2 require 'Context/Views/Gtk/Widgets/VBox'
3 require 'jldrill/views/gtk/widgets/KanjiPopupFactory'
4 require 'jldrill/views/gtk/widgets/VocabPopupFactory'
5 require 'gtk2'
7 module JLDrill::Gtk
9     # This is the widget that displays the problem.
10     # The display is made up of 2 pieces:
11     # the QuestionPane, which shows the question for the problem
12     # and the AnswerPane which shows the answer.
13     # The ProblemDisplay also interacts with the PopupFactory
14     # to display the kanji/kana Popup when hovering over a character.
15     class ProblemDisplay < Context::Gtk::VBox
16         attr_reader :question, :answer, :accel
18         def initialize(view)
19             @view = view
20             @context = @view.context
21             super()
22             @vpane = nil
23             @question = QuestionPane.new(self)
24             @answer = AnswerPane.new(self)
25             @problem = nil
26             @kanjiPopupFactory = KanjiPopupFactory.new(view)
27             @vocabPopupFactory = VocabPopupFactory.new(view)
28             # Default to Kanji Popups
29             @popupFactory = @kanjiPopupFactory
30             @lastEvent = nil
31             @accel = Gtk::AccelGroup.new
32             packVPane
33             connectSignals
34             afterWidgetIsAdded do
35                 gtkWidgetMainWindow.add_accel_group(@accel)
36             end
37         end
39         def removeVPane
40             if !@vpane.nil?
41                 @vpane.remove(@question)
42                 @vpane.remove(@answer)
43                 self.remove(@vpane)
44                 @vpane = nil
45             end
46         end
48         def packVPane
49             @vpane = Gtk::VPaned.new
50             @vpane.set_border_width(5)
51             @vpane.pack1(@question, true, true)
52             @vpane.pack2(@answer, true, true)
53             self.pack_end(@vpane, true, true)
54             @vpane.show
55         end
57         def connectSignals
58             @question.contents.add_events(Gdk::Event::POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
59             @question.contents.add_events(Gdk::Event::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK)
60             @answer.contents.add_events(Gdk::Event::POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
61             @answer.contents.add_events(Gdk::Event::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK)
63             @accel.connect(Gdk::Keyval::GDK_space, 0, Gtk::ACCEL_VISIBLE) do
64                 @popupFactory.closePopup
65                 if @context.dictionaryLoaded?
66                     if @popupFactory == @kanjiPopupFactory
67                         @popupFactory = @vocabPopupFactory
68                     else
69                         @popupFactory = @kanjiPopupFactory
70                     end
71                     if !@lastEvent.nil?
72                         @popupFactory.notify(@lastEvent)
73                     end
74                 end
75             end
77             @question.contents.signal_connect('motion_notify_event') do |widget, motion|
78                 @lastEvent = MotionEvent.new(widget, motion)
79                 @popupFactory.notify(@lastEvent)
80             end
82             @answer.contents.signal_connect('motion_notify_event') do |widget, motion|
83                 @lastEvent = MotionEvent.new(widget, motion)
84                 @popupFactory.notify(@lastEvent)
85             end
87             @question.contents.signal_connect('leave_notify_event') do
88                 @popupFactory.closePopup
89             end
91             @answer.contents.signal_connect('leave_notify_event') do
92                 @popupFactory.closePopup
93             end
94         end
96         def newProblem(problem)
97             @popupFactory.closePopup
98             @problem = problem
99             @answer.clear(@problem)
100             @question.update(problem)
101             adjustSizeForQuestion
102         end
104         # Attempt to adjust the size of the question pane
105         # to accomodate the size of the question
106         # Note: This method is in an idle_add block because
107         # we have to wait until the pane has been redrawn before
108         # we calculate the size.  By putting it in an idle_add
109         # block we can ensure that the events that draw the pane
110         # have finished.
111         def adjustSizeForQuestion
112             Gtk.idle_add do
113                 pos = @question.bufferSize
114                 # But don't adjust the size unnecessarily
115                 if pos > @vpane.position
116                     @vpane.position = pos
117                 end
118                 false
119             end
120         end
122         def showAnswer
123             if !@problem.nil?
124                 @answer.update(@problem)
125                 adjustSizeForAnswer
126             end
127         end
129         # Try to accomodate the answer size.  Always
130         # keep 10% of the panel for the question, though.
131         # Note: This method is in an idle_add block because
132         # we have to wait until the pane has been redrawn before
133         # we calculate the size.  By putting it in an idle_add
134         # block we can ensure that the events that draw the pane
135         # have finished.
136         def adjustSizeForAnswer
137             Gtk.idle_add do
138                 maxPos = @vpane.max_position
139                 minPos = (maxPos.to_f * 0.10).to_i
140                 pos = maxPos - @answer.bufferSize
141                 if pos < minPos
142                     pos = minPos
143                 end
144                 # Don't adjust the size unnecessarily
145                 if pos < @vpane.position
146                     @vpane.position = pos
147                 end
148             end
149         end
152         def expire
153             if !@problem.nil?
154                 @question.expire
155             end
156         end
158         def showingAnswer?
159             !@answer.clear?
160         end
162         def updateProblem(problem)
163             needToDisplayAnswer = showingAnswer?
164             newProblem(problem)
165             if needToDisplayAnswer
166                 showAnswer
167             end
168         end
170         def expandWithSavePath(filename)
171             @context.expandWithSavePath(filename)
172         end
174     end
175 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:47 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8