--- layout: page title: About permalink: /about/ --- Geomerative is a library for Processing by [Ricard Marxer][ricard]. It extends 2D geometry operations to facilitate generative geometry. Includes a TrueType font and an SVG interpreters. This library exposes the shapes (such as vector drawings or typographies) in a more approchable way. Geomerative makes it easy to access the paths, the handles and the points, making it easy to develop generative typography and geometry pieces in Processing. [Geomerarative gem][gem] is a ruby wrapper for the java processing library geomerative library Ricard Marxer. If you create processing sketches using [JRubyArt][jruby_art] or [propane][propane], all you need to do is `require 'geomerative'` to use the geomerative library. [jruby_art]: https://ruby-processing.github.io/index.html [gem]:http://www.ricardmarxer.com/geomerative/ [ricard]:http://www.ricardmarxer.com/ [propane]:https://ruby-processing.github.io/propane/