require "singleton" require "teaspoon/driver" require "teaspoon/formatter" module Teaspoon class Configuration include Singleton # CONTRIBUTORS: # If you add a configuration option you should do the following before it will be considered for merging. # - think about if it should be a suite, coverage, or global configuration # - write specs for it, and add it to existing specs in spec/teaspoon/configuration_spec.rb # - add it to the readme so it's documented # - add it to the command_line.rb if appropriate (_only_ if it's appropriate) # - add it to ENV_OVERRIDES if it can be overridden from ENV # - add it to the initializers in /lib/generators/install/templates so it's documented there as well cattr_accessor :mount_at, :root, :asset_paths, :fixture_paths, :asset_manifest @@mount_at = "/teaspoon" @@root = nil # will default to Rails.root @@asset_paths = ["spec/javascripts", "spec/javascripts/stylesheets", "test/javascripts", "test/javascripts/stylesheets"] @@fixture_paths = ["spec/javascripts/fixtures", "test/javascripts/fixtures"] @@asset_manifest = ["teaspoon.css", "teaspoon-filterer.js", "support/*.js"] # console runner specific cattr_accessor :driver, :driver_options, :driver_timeout, :server, :server_host, :server_port, :server_timeout, :fail_fast, :formatters, :color, :suppress_log, :use_coverage @@driver = Teaspoon::Driver.default @@driver_options = nil @@driver_timeout = 180 @@server = nil @@server_host = nil @@server_port = nil @@server_timeout = 20 @@fail_fast = true @@formatters = [Teaspoon::Formatter.default] @@color = true @@suppress_log = false @@use_coverage = nil # options that can be specified in the ENV ENV_OVERRIDES = { boolean: %w(FAIL_FAST SUPPRESS_LOG COLOR), integer: %w(DRIVER_TIMEOUT SERVER_TIMEOUT), string: %w(DRIVER DRIVER_OPTIONS SERVER SERVER_PORT FORMATTERS USE_COVERAGE) } # suite configurations cattr_accessor :suite_configs @@suite_configs = { "default" => { block: proc { } } } def self.suite(name = :default, &block) @@suite_configs[name.to_s] = { block: block, instance:, &block) } end class Suite attr_accessor :matcher, :helper, :javascripts, :stylesheets, :boot_partial, :body_partial, :hooks, :expand_assets, :js_extensions def initialize(name = nil) @matcher = "{spec/javascripts,app/assets}/**/*_spec.{js,,coffee,es6,js.es6}" @helper = "spec_helper" @javascripts = [] @stylesheets = ["teaspoon"] @boot_partial = "boot" @body_partial = "body" @hooks = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @expand_assets = true @js_extensions = [/(\.js)?\.coffee/, /(\.js)?\.es6/, ".es6.js"] default = Teaspoon.configuration.suite_configs["default"] instance_eval(&default[:block]) if default if block_given? yield self raise name) if @javascripts.length == 0 end end def use_framework(name, version = nil) framework = Teaspoon::Framework.fetch(name) framework.modify_config(self) @javascripts = framework.javascripts_for(version) return if @javascripts raise name, version: version) end def hook(group = :default, &block) @hooks[group.to_s] << block end end # coverage configurations cattr_accessor :coverage_configs @@coverage_configs = { "default" => { block: proc { } } } def self.coverage(name = :default, &block) @@coverage_configs[name.to_s] = { block: block, instance: } end class Coverage attr_accessor :reports, :output_path, :ignore, :statements, :functions, :branches, :lines def initialize @reports = ["text-summary"] @output_path = "coverage" @ignore = [%r{/.rvm/gems/}, %r{/lib/ruby/gems/}, %r{/vendor/assets/}, %r{/support/}, %r{/(.+)_helper.}] @statements = nil @functions = nil @branches = nil @lines = nil default = Teaspoon.configuration.coverage_configs["default"] instance_eval(&default[:block]) if default yield self if block_given? end end # custom getters / setters def self.root=(path) @@root = if path.present? end def self.formatters return ["dot"] if @@formatters.blank? return @@formatters if @@formatters.is_a?(Array) @@formatters.to_s.split(/,\s?/) end # override from env or options def self.override_from_options(options) options.each { |k, v| override(k, v) } end def self.override_from_env(env) ENV_OVERRIDES[:boolean].each { |o| override(o, env[o] == "true") if env[o].present? } ENV_OVERRIDES[:integer].each { |o| override(o, env[o].to_i) if env[o].present? } ENV_OVERRIDES[:string].each { |o| override(o, env[o]) if env[o].present? } end def self.override(config, value) setter = "#{config.to_s.downcase}=" send(setter, value) if respond_to?(setter) end end mattr_accessor :configured, :configuration @@configured = false @@configuration = Configuration def self.configure yield @@configuration @@configured = true @@configuration.override_from_env(ENV) end end