require "spec_helper" require "yaml" describe Compiler::ICR do let(:scanner) do iterator = double("iterator") scanner = double("scanner") expect(scanner).to receive(:each).once.and_return(iterator) allow(iterator).to receive(:next).and_return([, "32", 0, 0),, "10", 0, 0)]) allow(iterator).to receive(:peek).and_return(, "32", 0, 0)) allow(iterator).to receive(:rewind) scanner end subject do end describe "#peek" do specify { expect(subject.peek).to be_a Scanner::Token } specify { expect(subject.peek).to be_type :number } end describe "#expect" do context "with one argument" do before do expect(subject).to receive(:compile_number).once end it "calls the corresponding method" do subject.expect :number end end context "with a mismatching argument" do it "raises an error" do expect { subject.expect :string }.to raise_error CompileError end end context "with a hash argument" do let :probe do block = lambda {} expect(block).to receive(:arity).once.and_return(0) expect(block).to receive(:call).once.with(no_args) block end let :bad_probe do block = lambda {} expect(block).to_not receive(:arity) expect(block).to_not receive(:call) end context "and a symbol value" do before do expect(subject).to receive(:compile_something).once end it "calls the corresponding method" do subject.expect :number => :something end end context "and a block value" do it "calls the corresponding block" do subject.expect :number => probe end end context "with no right action" do it "raises an error" do expect { subject.expect :string => :foo }.to raise_error CompileError end it "uses the catch all" do subject.expect :string => bad_probe, :_ => probe end end end end describe "#compile" do specify { expect("hello = 3").to compile.and_produce([:exec, [:_context, [:hello]], [:set, [:_variable, :hello], [:number, "3"]] ]) } specify { expect("{hello: 'world}").to compile.and_produce([:exec, [:_context, []], [:object, [[[:identifier, "hello"], [:sstring, "world"]]]] ]) } specify { expect("(test)-> { 2 }").to compile.and_produce([:exec, [:_context, []], [:function, [:exec, [:_context, [:test]], [:_arguments, [[:identifier, "test"]]], [:number, "2"] ] ]]) } specify { expect("(2)").to compile } specify { expect("(2)->").to_not compile } specify { expect("()-> {}").to compile } specify { expect("(test)-> {}").to compile } specify { expect("(test, foo)-> {}").to compile } end describe "with fixtures" do Dir.glob("spec/fixtures/*.compile.yml") do |file| content = YAML.load_file file file =~ /spec\/fixtures\/(.*)\.compile\.yml/ it "compiles #{$1}" do expect(content["data"]).to compile.and_produce content["compiled"] end end end end