import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import BST ( bstLeft , bstRight , bstValue , empty , fromList , insert , singleton , toList ) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs specs :: Spec specs = describe "binary-seach-tree" $ do -- As of 2016-08-03, there was no reference file -- for the test cases in `exercism/x-common`. let int4 = 4 :: Int let noInts = [] :: [Int] it "data is retained" $ bstValue (singleton int4) `shouldBe` Just 4 it "inserting less" $ do let t = insert 2 (singleton int4) bstValue t `shouldBe` Just 4 (bstLeft t >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 2 it "inserting same" $ do let t = insert 4 (singleton int4) bstValue t `shouldBe` Just 4 (bstLeft t >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 4 it "inserting right" $ do let t = insert 5 (singleton int4) bstValue t `shouldBe` Just 4 (bstRight t >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 5 it "empty list to tree" $ fromList noInts `shouldBe` empty it "empty list has no value" $ bstValue (fromList noInts) `shouldBe` Nothing it "inserting into empty" $ do let t = insert int4 empty bstValue t `shouldBe` Just 4 it "complex tree" $ do let t = fromList [int4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 7, 5] bstValue t `shouldBe` Just 4 (bstLeft t >>= bstValue ) `shouldBe` Just 2 (bstLeft t >>= bstLeft >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 1 (bstLeft t >>= bstRight >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 3 (bstRight t >>= bstValue ) `shouldBe` Just 6 (bstRight t >>= bstLeft >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 5 (bstRight t >>= bstRight >>= bstValue) `shouldBe` Just 7 it "empty tree to list" $ length (toList empty) `shouldBe` 0 it "iterating one element" $ toList (singleton int4) `shouldBe` [4] it "iterating over smaller element" $ toList (fromList [int4, 2]) `shouldBe` [2, 4] it "iterating over larger element" $ toList (fromList [int4, 5]) `shouldBe` [4, 5] it "iterating over complex tree" $ toList (fromList [int4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 5]) `shouldBe` [1..7]