require 'spec_helper' describe "display_name" do include ActiveAdmin::ViewHelpers do |m| it "should return #{m} when defined" do klass = do define_method(m) { m } end expect(display_name eq m end end it "should memeoize the result for the class" do subject = expect(subject).to receive(:name).twice.and_return "My Name" expect(display_name subject).to eq "My Name" expect(ActiveAdmin.application).to_not receive(:display_name_methods) expect(display_name subject).to eq "My Name" end it "should not call a method if it's an association" do subject = subject.stub_chain(:class, :reflect_on_all_associations).and_return [ double(name: :login) ] subject.stub :login expect(subject).to_not receive :login subject.stub(:email).and_return 'foo@bar.baz' expect(display_name subject).to eq 'foo@bar.baz' end [nil, false].each do |type| it "should return nil when the passed object is #{type.inspect}" do expect(display_name type).to eq nil end end it "should default to `to_s`" do subject = expect(display_name subject).to eq subject.to_s end context "when no display name method is defined" do context "on a Rails model" do it "should show the model name" do class ThisModel extend ActiveModel::Naming end subject = expect(display_name subject).to eq "This model" end it "should show the model name, plus the ID if in use" do subject = Tagging.create! expect(display_name subject).to eq "Tagging #1" end it "should translate the model name" do with_translation activerecord: {models: {tagging: {one: "Different"}}} do subject = Tagging.create! expect(display_name subject).to eq "Different #1" end end end end end