module Rack # A Rack middleware for providing JSON-P support. # # Full credit to Flinn Mueller ( for this contribution. # class JSONP include Rack::Utils def initialize(app) @app = app end # Proxies the request to the application, stripping out the JSON-P callback # method and padding the response with the appropriate callback format if # the returned body is application/json # # Changes nothing if no callback param is specified. # def call(env) status, headers, response = headers = request = if is_json?(headers) && has_callback?(request) status = translate_error_code!(status, response) response = pad(request.params.delete('callback'), response) # No longer json, its javascript! headers['Content-Type'].gsub!('json', 'javascript') # Set new Content-Length, if it was set before we mutated the response body if headers['Content-Length'] length = response.to_ary.inject(0) { |len, part| len + bytesize(part) } headers['Content-Length'] = length.to_s end end [status, headers, response] end private def is_json?(headers) headers['Content-Type'].include?('application/json') end def has_callback?(request) request.params.include?('callback') end # Pads the response with the appropriate callback format according to the # JSON-P spec/requirements. # # The Rack response spec indicates that it should be enumerable. The # method of combining all of the data into a single string makes sense # since JSON is returned as a full string. # def pad(callback, response, body = "") response.each{ |s| body << s.to_s } ["#{callback}(#{body})"] end # Translate status code 40x and 50x to a json string in response, and change # status code to 200. That because the jsonp's implemetation could not handler # http status code when error occured, which could be meaningful in webservice. def translate_error_code!(status, response) if status % 400 == 4 || status % 500 == 5 response.slice(1..-1) # keep the first element, delete the others response[0] = %Q|{"errorCode":#{status}}| status = 200 else status end end end end