# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # # 90migrate.rb: tDiary plugin for migration 2.2 to 2.3. # if !@conf.tdiary_version && @conf.io_class.to_s == 'TDiary::DefaultIO' def convert_pstore( file ) require "pstore" db = PStore.new( file ) begin roots = db.transaction{ db.roots } rescue ArgumentError if /\Aundefined class\/module (.+?)(::)?\z/ =~ $!.message klass = $1 if /EmptdiaryString\z/ =~ klass eval( "class #{klass} < String; end" ) else eval( "class #{klass}; end" ) end retry end end db.transaction do roots.each do |root| convert_element( db[root] ) end end end def convert_element( data ) case data when Hash, Array data.each_with_index do |e, i| if String === e data[i] = @conf.migrate_to_utf8( e ) else convert_element( e ) end end else data.instance_variables.each do |e| var = data.instance_variable_get( e ) if String === var data.instance_variable_set( e, @conf.migrate_to_utf8( var ) ) else convert_element( var ) end end end end require "fileutils" # convert tdiary.conf in @conf.data_path begin conf_path = "#{@conf.data_path}tdiary.conf" conf = File::open( conf_path ){|f| @conf.migrate_to_utf8( f.read ) } conf.gsub!(/(\\[0-9]{3})+/) do |str| @conf.migrate_to_utf8( eval( %Q["#{$&}"] ) ).dump[1...-1] end rescue end File::open( conf_path, 'w' ) do |o| o.puts %Q!tdiary_version = "#{TDIARY_VERSION}"! o.print( conf ) if conf end @conf.tdiary_version = TDIARY_VERSION # convert pstore cache files of plugins dir = @cache_path || "#{@conf.data_path}cache" %w(makerss.cache recent_comments recent_trackbacks tlink/tlink.dat whatsnew-list blog_category).each do |e| convert_pstore( "#{dir}/#{e}" ) if File.exist?( "#{dir}/#{e}" ) end Dir["#{dir}/disp_referrer2.d/*"].each do |file| convert_pstore( file ) end Dir["#{@conf.data_path}category/*"].each do |file| convert_pstore( file ) end # rename category cache files Dir["#{@conf.data_path}category/*"].each do |file| dirname, basename = File.split( file ) new_basename = u( @conf.migrate_to_utf8( CGI::unescape( basename ) ) ) FileUtils.mv( file, File.join( dirname, new_basename ) ) unless basename == new_basename end # other files a_dat = @conf['a.path'] || "#{dir}/a.dat" if File.exist?( a_dat ) then t = File::open( a_dat ){|f| f.read} File::open( a_dat, 'wb' ){|f| f.write( @conf.migrate_to_utf8( t ) )} end # remove ruby/erb cache files Dir["#{dir}/*.rb"].each{|f| FileUtils.rm_f( f )} Dir["#{dir}/*.parser"].each{|f| FileUtils.rm_f( f )} # redirect to top page raise ::TDiary::ForceRedirect, base_url end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: