require 'socket' require 'openssl' require 'thread' require 'uri' module Le module Host class HTTP LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER = '###R01### - Library initialised' API_SERVER = '' API_PORT = 10000 API_SSL_PORT = 20000 API_CERT = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFSjCCBDKgAwIBAgIDCQpNMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMGExCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT MRYwFAYDVQQKEw1HZW9UcnVzdCBJbmMuMR0wGwYDVQQLExREb21haW4gVmFsaWRh dGVkIFNTTDEbMBkGA1UEAxMSR2VvVHJ1c3QgRFYgU1NMIENBMB4XDTE0MDQxNTEz NTcxNVoXDTE2MDkxMzA0MTMzMFowgcExKTAnBgNVBAUTIEhpL1RHbXlmUEpJYTFy b0NQdlJ1U1NNRVdLOFp0NUtmMRMwEQYDVQQLEwpHVDAzOTM4NjcwMTEwLwYDVQQL EyhTZWUgd3d3Lmdlb3RydXN0LmNvbS9yZXNvdXJjZXMvY3BzIChjKTEyMS8wLQYD VQQLEyZEb21haW4gQ29udHJvbCBWYWxpZGF0ZWQgLSBRdWlja1NTTChSKTEbMBkG A1UEAxMSYXBpLmxvZ2VudHJpZXMuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAwGsgjVb/pn7Go1jqNQVFsN+VEMRFpu7bJ5i+Lv/gY9zXBDGULr3d j9/hB/pa49nLUpy9GsaFru2AjNoveoVoe5ng2QhZRlUn77hxkoZsaiD+rrH/D/Yp LP3b/pNQg+nNTC81uwbhlxjIoeMSaPGjr1SFjZ1StCprZKFRu3IV+2/wZ+STUz/L aA3r6J86DRptasbzYMkDyWlUzN3nhYUcPUNrd4jSk+soSDEuDpHMahgRdQBo6Dht EKCSY+vB5ZIgEydI7mra8ygRjXotvc0zeb8Jvo8ZhyLDwvxjgo9F6Li3h/tfAjRR 4ngV7yg9o8MgXN852GMHpUxzqhygLeyqSQIDAQABo4IBqDCCAaQwHwYDVR0jBBgw FoAUjPTZkwpHvACgSs5LdW6gtrCyfvwwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdJQQW MBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjAdBgNVHREEFjAUghJhcGkubG9nZW50cmll cy5jb20wQQYDVR0fBDowODA2oDSgMoYwaHR0cDovL2d0c3NsZHYtY3JsLmdlb3Ry dXN0LmNvbS9jcmxzL2d0c3NsZHYuY3JsMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRowYR/aaGeiRRQxbaV 1PI8hS4m9jAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMHUGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGkwZzAsBggrBgEFBQcw AYYgaHR0cDovL2d0c3NsZHYtb2NzcC5nZW90cnVzdC5jb20wNwYIKwYBBQUHMAKG K2h0dHA6Ly9ndHNzbGR2LWFpYS5nZW90cnVzdC5jb20vZ3Rzc2xkdi5jcnQwTAYD VR0gBEUwQzBBBgpghkgBhvhFAQc2MDMwMQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWJWh0dHA6Ly93d3cu Z2VvdHJ1c3QuY29tL3Jlc291cmNlcy9jcHMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAAzx g9JKztRmpItki8XQoGHEbopDIDMmn4Q7s9k7L9nT5gn5XCXdIHnsSe8+/2N7tW4E iHEEWC5G6Q16FdXBwKjW2LrBKaP7FCRcqXJSI+cfiuk0uywkGBTXpqBVClQRzypd 9vZONyFFlLGUwUC1DFVxe7T77Dv+pOPuJ7qSfcVUnVtzpLMMWJsDG6NHpy0JhsS9 wVYQgpYWRRZ7bJyfRCJxzIdYF3qy/P9NWyZSlDUuv11s1GSFO2pNd34p59GacVAL BJE6y5eOPTSbtkmBW/ukaVYdI5NLXNer3IaK3fetV3LvYGOaX8hR45FI1pvyKYvf S5ol3bQmY1mv78XKkOk= -----END CERTIFICATE-----' SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = "DIE!DIE!" # magic command string for async worker to shutdown SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT = 10 # max seconds to wait for queue to clear on shutdown SHUTDOWN_WAIT_STEP = 0.2 # sleep duration (seconds) while waiting to shutdown include Le::Host::InstanceMethods attr_accessor :token, :queue, :started, :thread, :conn, :local, :debug, :ssl def initialize(token, local, debug, ssl) if local device = if local.class <= TrueClass if defined?(Rails) Rails.root.join("log","#{Rails.env}.log") else STDOUT end else local end @logger_console = end @token = token @local = !!local @debug = debug @ssl = ssl @queue = # Add identifer msg to queue to be sent first @queue << "#{@token}#{LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER}\n" @started = false @thread = nil if @debug self.init_debug end at_exit { shutdown! } end def init_debug filePath = "logentriesGem.log" if File.exist?('log/') filePath = "log/logentriesGem.log" end @debug_logger = end def dbg(message) if @debug @debug_logger.add(Logger::Severity::DEBUG, message) end end def write(message) if @local @logger_console.add(Logger::Severity::UNKNOWN, message) end if message.scan(/\n/).empty? @queue << "#{ @token } #{ message }\n" else @queue << "#{ message.gsub(/^/, "\1#{ @token } [#{ random_message_id }] ") }\n" end if @started check_async_thread else start_async_thread end end def start_async_thread @thread = { run() } dbg "LE: Asynchronous socket writer started" @started = true end def check_async_thread if not(@thread && @thread.alive?) @thread = { run() } end end def close dbg "LE: Closing asynchronous socket writer" @started = false end def openConnection dbg "LE: Reopening connection to Logentries API server" port = @ssl ? API_SSL_PORT : API_PORT socket =, port) if @ssl ssl_context = ssl_context.cert = ssl_socket =, ssl_context) ssl_socket.sync_close = true ssl_socket.connect @conn = ssl_socket else @conn = socket end dbg "LE: Connection established" end def reopenConnection closeConnection root_delay = 0.1 loop do begin openConnection break rescue TimeoutError, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, EOFError dbg "LE: Unable to connect to Logentries due to timeout(#{ $! })" rescue dbg "LE: Got exception in reopenConnection - #{ $! }" raise end root_delay *= 2 if root_delay >= 10 root_delay = 10 end wait_for = (root_delay + rand(root_delay)).to_i dbg "LE: Waiting for #{ wait_for }ms" sleep(wait_for) end end def closeConnection begin if @conn.respond_to?(:sysclose) @conn.sysclose elsif @conn.respond_to?(:close) @conn.close end rescue dbg "LE: couldn't close connection, close with exception - #{ $! }" ensure @conn = nil end end def run reopenConnection loop do data = @queue.pop break if data == SHUTDOWN_COMMAND loop do begin @conn.write(data) rescue TimeoutError, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ETIMEOUT, EOFError dbg "LE: Connection timeout(#{ $! }), try to reopen connection" reopenConnection next rescue dbg("LE: Got exception in run loop - #{ $! }") raise end break end end dbg "LE: Closing Asyncrhonous socket writer" closeConnection end private def random_message_id @random_message_id_sample_space ||= ('0'..'9').to_a.concat(('A'..'Z').to_a) (0..5).map{ @random_message_id_sample_space.sample }.join end # at_exit handler. # Attempts to clear the queue and terminate the async worker cleanly before process ends. def shutdown! return unless @started dbg "LE: commencing shutdown, queue has #{queue.size} entries to clear" queue << SHUTDOWN_COMMAND SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT.div(SHUTDOWN_WAIT_STEP).times do break if queue.empty? sleep SHUTDOWN_WAIT_STEP end dbg "LE: shutdown complete, queue is #{queue.empty? ? '' : 'not '}empty with #{queue.size} entries" end end end end