import './polyfills'; import renderToString from './index'; import { indent, encodeEntities, assign } from './util'; import prettyFormat from 'pretty-format'; // we have to patch in Array support, Possible issue in let preactPlugin = { test(object) { return ( object && typeof object === 'object' && 'type' in object && 'props' in object && 'key' in object ); }, print(val, print, indent) { return renderToString(val, preactPlugin.context, preactPlugin.opts, true); } }; let prettyFormatOpts = { plugins: [preactPlugin] }; function attributeHook(name, value, context, opts, isComponent) { let type = typeof value; // Use render-to-string's built-in handling for these properties if (name === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') return false; // always skip null & undefined values, skip false DOM attributes, skip functions if told to if (value == null || (type === 'function' && !opts.functions)) return ''; if ( opts.skipFalseAttributes && !isComponent && (value === false || ((name === 'class' || name === 'style') && value === '')) ) return ''; let indentChar = typeof opts.pretty === 'string' ? opts.pretty : '\t'; if (type !== 'string') { if (type === 'function' && !opts.functionNames) { value = 'Function'; } else { preactPlugin.context = context; preactPlugin.opts = opts; value = prettyFormat(value, prettyFormatOpts); if (~value.indexOf('\n')) { value = `${indent('\n' + value, indentChar)}\n`; } } return indent(`\n${name}={${value}}`, indentChar); } return `\n${indentChar}${name}="${encodeEntities(value)}"`; } let defaultOpts = { attributeHook, jsx: true, xml: false, functions: true, functionNames: true, skipFalseAttributes: true, pretty: ' ' }; function renderToJsxString(vnode, context, opts, inner) { opts = assign(assign({}, defaultOpts), opts || {}); return renderToString(vnode, context, opts, inner); } export default renderToJsxString; export { renderToJsxString as render };