# Configuration and behavior of Redactor html editor. The editor is used for all html CMS # attributes and provides autosave on top of the default Redactor settings. # Check if the namespace for plugins exists and create it otherwise. unless @RedactorPlugins? @RedactorPlugins = {} # Plugin for closing the editor with a button in the toolbar. @RedactorPlugins.close = init: -> @buttonAddFirst('close', 'Close', @closeAction) closeAction: (buttonName, buttonDOM, buttonObj, event) -> @.callback('blur') $ -> # Stores redactor options, custom settings and configures callbacks. redactorOptions = -> return {} = # This setting defines the array of toolbar buttons. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/settings/#set-buttons buttons: [ 'formatting', 'bold', 'italic', 'deleted', 'underline', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'table', 'link', 'html', ] # This options allows to configure what plugins are loaded. Plugins need to be defined in the # +RedactorPlugins+ namespace. plugins: ['close'] # This option allows you to set whether Redactor gets cursor focus on load or not. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/settings/#set-focus focus: true # With this option turned on, Redactor will automatically replace divs to paragraphs. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/settings/#set-convertDivs convertDivs: false # This callback fires every time when content changes in Redactor. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/callbacks/#callback-changeCallback changeCallback: -> saveContents(@) # This callback is triggered when Redactor loses focus. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/callbacks/#callback-blurCallback blurCallback: -> @.destroy() saveContents(@) # This callback is triggered when a key is released. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/callbacks/#callback-keyupCallback keyupCallback: (event) -> event.stopPropagation() key = event.keyCode || event.which if key == 27 @.callback('blur') else saveContents(@) # This callback allows to get pasted code after clean on paste. # http://imperavi.com/redactor/docs/callbacks/#callback-pasteAfterCallback pasteAfterCallback: (html) -> saveContents(@) html # Saves the current editor content to the CMS. saveContents = (editor) -> cmsField = editor.$element content = editor.get() if content != cmsField.scrivito('content') cmsField.scrivito('save', content).done -> cmsField.trigger('save.scrivito_editors') else $.Deferred().resolve() # Registers Redactor for all CMS html attributes found in the given scope of the DOM element. addOnclickRedactorHandlers = (domElement) -> domElement.on 'click', '[data-scrivito-field-type="html"]:not([data-editor]), [data-editor="html"]', (event) -> event.preventDefault() cmsField = $(@) unless cmsField.hasClass('redactor_editor') cmsField.html(cmsField.scrivito('content') || '') cmsField.redactor(redactorOptions()) cmsField.redactor('focus') # Registers all handlers when inplace editing is activated. scrivito.on 'editing', -> addOnclickRedactorHandlers($('body')) # Registers all handlers when content has changed. scrivito.on 'new_content', (domElement) -> addOnclickRedactorHandlers($(domElement))