# # bio/db/rebase.rb - Interface for EMBOSS formatted REBASE files # # Author:: Trevor Wennblom # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com) # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: rebase.rb,v 1.8 2007/04/05 23:35:40 trevor Exp $ # autoload :YAML, 'yaml' module Bio #:nodoc: autoload :Reference, 'bio/reference' # # bio/db/rebase.rb - Interface for EMBOSS formatted REBASE files # # Author:: Trevor Wennblom # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Midwinter Laboratories, LLC (http://midwinterlabs.com) # License:: The Ruby License # # # = Description # # Bio::REBASE provides utilties for interacting with REBASE data in EMBOSS # format. REBASE is the Restriction Enzyme Database, more information # can be found here: # # * http://rebase.neb.com # # EMBOSS formatted files located at: # # * http://rebase.neb.com/rebase/rebase.f37.html # # These files are the same as the "emboss_?.???" files located at: # # * ftp://ftp.neb.com/pub/rebase/ # # To easily get started with the data you can simply type this command # at your shell prompt: # # % wget ftp://ftp.neb.com/pub/rebase/emboss* # # # = Usage # # require 'bio' # require 'pp' # # enz = File.read('emboss_e') # ref = File.read('emboss_r') # sup = File.read('emboss_s') # # # When creating a new instance of Bio::REBASE # # the contents of the enzyme file must be passed. # # The references and suppiers file contents # # may also be passed. # rebase = Bio::REBASE.new( enz ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.new( enz, ref ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.new( enz, ref, sup ) # # # The 'read' class method allows you to read in files # # that are REBASE EMBOSS formatted # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e', 'emboss_r' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e', 'emboss_r', 'emboss_s' ) # # # The data loaded may be saved in YAML format # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml' ) # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml' ) # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml', 'sup.yaml' ) # # # YAML formatted files can also be read with the # # class method 'load_yaml' # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml', 'sup.yaml' ) # # pp rebase.enzymes[0..4] # ["AarI", "AasI", "AatI", "AatII", "Acc16I"] # pp rebase.enzyme_name?('aasi') # true # pp rebase['AarI'].pattern # "CACCTGC" # pp rebase['AarI'].blunt? # false # pp rebase['AarI'].organism # "Arthrobacter aurescens SS2-322" # pp rebase['AarI'].source # "A. Janulaitis" # pp rebase['AarI'].primary_strand_cut1 # 11 # pp rebase['AarI'].primary_strand_cut2 # 0 # pp rebase['AarI'].complementary_strand_cut1 # 15 # pp rebase['AarI'].complementary_strand_cut2 # 0 # pp rebase['AarI'].suppliers # ["F"] # pp rebase['AarI'].supplier_names # ["Fermentas International Inc."] # # pp rebase['AarI'].isoschizomers # Currently none stored in the references file # pp rebase['AarI'].methylation # "" # # pp rebase['EcoRII'].methylation # "2(5)" # pp rebase['EcoRII'].suppliers # ["F", "J", "M", "O", "S"] # pp rebase['EcoRII'].supplier_names # ["Fermentas International Inc.", "Nippon Gene Co., Ltd.", # # "Roche Applied Science", "Toyobo Biochemicals", # # "Sigma Chemical Corporation"] # # # Number of enzymes in the database # pp rebase.size # 673 # pp rebase.enzymes.size # 673 # # rebase.each do |name, info| # pp "#{name}: #{info.methylation}" unless info.methylation.empty? # end # class REBASE class DynamicMethod_Hash < Hash #:nodoc: # Define a writer or reader # * Allows hash[:kay]= to be accessed like hash.key= # * Allows hash[:key] to be accessed like hash.key def method_missing(method_id, *args) k = self.class if method_id.to_s[-1].chr == '=' k.class_eval do define_method(method_id) { |s| self[ method_id.to_s[0..-2].to_sym ] = s } end k.instance_method(method_id).bind(self).call(args[0]) else k.class_eval do define_method(method_id) { self[method_id] } end k.instance_method(method_id).bind(self).call end end end class EnzymeEntry < DynamicMethod_Hash #:nodoc: @@supplier_data = {} def self.supplier_data=(d); @@supplier_data = d; end def supplier_names ret = [] self.suppliers.each { |s| ret << @@supplier_data[s] } ret end end # Calls _block_ once for each element in @data hash, passing that element as a parameter. # # --- # *Arguments* # * Accepts a block # *Returns*:: results of _block_ operations def each @data.each { |item| yield item } end # Make the instantiated class act like a Hash on @data # Does the equivalent and more of this: # def []( key ); @data[ key ]; end # def size; @data.size; end def method_missing(method_id, *args) #:nodoc: self.class.class_eval do define_method(method_id) { |a| Hash.instance_method(method_id).bind(@data).call(a) } end Hash.instance_method(method_id).bind(@data).call(*args) end # Constructor # # --- # *Arguments* # * +enzyme_lines+: (_required_) contents of EMBOSS formatted enzymes file # * +reference_lines+: (_optional_) contents of EMBOSS formatted references file # * +supplier_lines+: (_optional_) contents of EMBOSS formatted suppliers files # * +yaml+: (_optional_, _default_ +false+) enzyme_lines, reference_lines, and supplier_lines are read as YAML if set to true # *Returns*:: Bio::REBASE def initialize( enzyme_lines, reference_lines = nil, supplier_lines = nil, yaml = false ) # All your REBASE are belong to us. if yaml @enzyme_data = enzyme_lines @reference_data = reference_lines @supplier_data = supplier_lines else @enzyme_data = parse_enzymes(enzyme_lines) @reference_data = parse_references(reference_lines) @supplier_data = parse_suppliers(supplier_lines) end EnzymeEntry.supplier_data = @supplier_data setup_enzyme_data end # List the enzymes available # # --- # *Arguments* # * _none_ # *Returns*:: +Array+ sorted enzyme names def enzymes @data.keys.sort end # Check if supplied name is the name of an available enzyme # # --- # *Arguments* # * +name+: Enzyme name # *Returns*:: +true/false+ def enzyme_name?(name) enzymes.each do |e| return true if e.downcase == name.downcase end return false end # Save the current data # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml' ) # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml' ) # rebase.save_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml', 'sup.yaml' ) # # --- # *Arguments* # * +f_enzyme+: (_required_) Filename to save YAML formatted output of enzyme data # * +f_reference+: (_optional_) Filename to save YAML formatted output of reference data # * +f_supplier+: (_optional_) Filename to save YAML formatted output of supplier data # *Returns*:: nothing def save_yaml( f_enzyme, f_reference=nil, f_supplier=nil ) File.open(f_enzyme, 'w') { |f| f.puts YAML.dump(@enzyme_data) } File.open(f_reference, 'w') { |f| f.puts YAML.dump(@reference_data) } if f_reference File.open(f_supplier, 'w') { |f| f.puts YAML.dump(@supplier_data) } if f_supplier return end # Read REBASE EMBOSS-formatted files # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e', 'emboss_r' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.read( 'emboss_e', 'emboss_r', 'emboss_s' ) # # --- # *Arguments* # * +f_enzyme+: (_required_) Filename to read enzyme data # * +f_reference+: (_optional_) Filename to read reference data # * +f_supplier+: (_optional_) Filename to read supplier data # *Returns*:: Bio::REBASE object def self.read( f_enzyme, f_reference=nil, f_supplier=nil ) e = IO.readlines(f_enzyme) r = f_reference ? IO.readlines(f_reference) : nil s = f_supplier ? IO.readlines(f_supplier) : nil self.new(e,r,s) end # Read YAML formatted files # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml' ) # rebase = Bio::REBASE.load_yaml( 'enz.yaml', 'ref.yaml', 'sup.yaml' ) # # --- # *Arguments* # * +f_enzyme+: (_required_) Filename to read YAML-formatted enzyme data # * +f_reference+: (_optional_) Filename to read YAML-formatted reference data # * +f_supplier+: (_optional_) Filename to read YAML-formatted supplier data # *Returns*:: Bio::REBASE object def self.load_yaml( f_enzyme, f_reference=nil, f_supplier=nil ) e = YAML.load_file(f_enzyme) r = f_reference ? YAML.load_file(f_reference) : nil s = f_supplier ? YAML.load_file(f_supplier) : nil self.new(e,r,s,true) end ######### protected ######### def setup_enzyme_data @data = {} @enzyme_data.each do |name, hash| @data[name] = EnzymeEntry.new d = @data[name] d.pattern = hash[:pattern] # d.blunt?= is a syntax error d[:blunt?] = (hash[:blunt].to_i == 1 ? true : false) d.primary_strand_cut1 = hash[:c1].to_i d.complementary_strand_cut1 = hash[:c2].to_i d.primary_strand_cut2 = hash[:c3].to_i d.complementary_strand_cut2 = hash[:c4].to_i # Set up keys just in case there's no reference data supplied [:organism, :isoschizomers, :methylation, :source].each { |k| d[k] = '' } d.suppliers = [] d.references = [] end setup_enzyme_and_reference_association end def setup_enzyme_and_reference_association return unless @reference_data @reference_data.each do |name, hash| d = @data[name] [:organism, :isoschizomers, :methylation, :source].each { |k| d[k] = hash[k] } d.suppliers = hash[:suppliers].split('') d.references = [] hash[:references].each { |k| d.references << raw_to_reference(k) } end end # data is a hash indexed by the :name of each entry which is also a hash # * data[enzyme_name] has the following keys: # :name, :pattern, :len, :ncuts, :blunt, :c1, :c2, :c3, :c4 # :c1 => First 5' cut # :c2 => First 3' cut # :c3 => Second 5' cut # :c4 => Seocnd 3' cut def parse_enzymes( lines ) data = {} return data if lines == nil lines.each do |line| next if line[0].chr == '#' line.chomp! a = line.split("\s") data[ a[0] ] = { :name => a[0], :pattern => a[1], :len => a[2], :ncuts => a[3], :blunt => a[4], :c1 => a[5], :c2 => a[6], :c3 => a[7], :c4 => a[8] } end # lines.each data end # data is a hash indexed by the :name of each entry which is also a hash # * data[enzyme_name] has the following keys: # :organism, :isoschizomers, :references, :source, :methylation, :suppliers, :name, :number_of_references def parse_references( lines ) data = {} return data if lines == nil index = 1 h = {} references_left = 0 lines.each do |line| next if line[0].chr == '#' # Comment next if line[0..1] == '//' # End of entry marker line.chomp! if (1..7).include?( index ) h[index] = line references_left = h[index].to_i if index == 7 index += 1 next end if index == 8 h[index] ||= [] h[index] << line references_left -= 1 end if references_left == 0 data[ h[1] ] = { :name => h[1], :organism => h[2], :isoschizomers => h[3], :methylation => h[4], :source => h[5], :suppliers => h[6], :number_of_references => h[7], :references => h[8] } index = 1 h = {} end end # lines.each data end # data is a hash indexed by the supplier code # data[supplier_code] # returns the suppliers name def parse_suppliers( lines ) data = {} return data if lines == nil lines.each do |line| next if line[0].chr == '#' data[$1] = $2 if line =~ %r{(.+?)\s(.+)} end data end # Takes a string in one of the three formats listed below and returns a # Bio::Reference object # * Possible input styles: # a = 'Inagaki, K., Hikita, T., Yanagidani, S., Nomura, Y., Kishimoto, N., Tano, T., Tanaka, H., (1993) Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., vol. 57, pp. 1716-1721.' # b = 'Nekrasiene, D., Lapcinskaja, S., Kiuduliene, L., Vitkute, J., Janulaitis, A., Unpublished observations.' # c = "Grigaite, R., Maneliene, Z., Janulaitis, A., (2002) Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 30." def raw_to_reference( line ) a = line.split(', ') if a[-1] == 'Unpublished observations.' title = a.pop.chop pages = volume = year = journal = '' else title = '' pages_or_volume = a.pop.chop if pages_or_volume =~ %r{pp\.\s} pages = pages_or_volume pages.gsub!('pp. ', '') volume = a.pop else pages = '' volume = pages_or_volume end volume.gsub!('vol. ', '') year_and_journal = a.pop year_and_journal =~ %r{\((\d+)\)\s(.+)} year = $1 journal = $2 end authors = [] last_name = nil a.each do |e| if last_name authors << "#{last_name}, #{e}" last_name = nil else last_name = e end end ref = { 'title' => title, 'pages' => pages, 'volume' => volume, 'year' => year, 'journal' => journal, 'authors' => authors, } Bio::Reference.new(ref) end end # REBASE end # Bio