module Spider config_option('runmode', "production, test, devel", :default => 'devel', :choices => ['production', 'test', 'devel'], :action =>{ |option| Spider.runmode = option unless Spider.runmode || $SPIDER_RUNMODE} ) config_option('apps', _('Apps to load'), :type => Array, :yaml_style => :inline) # Storage # config_option('storage.type', '') # config_option('storage.url', '') # Web server config_option 'http.server', _("The internal server to use"), { :default => lambda{ begin require 'rubygems' require 'mongrel' 'mongrel' rescue LoadError 'webrick' end }, :type => String, :choices => ['webrick', 'mongrel', 'thin'] } config_option 'webserver.show_traces', _("Whether to show the stack trace on error"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default =>{ ['test', 'devel'].include?(Spider.config.get('runmode')) ? true : false } config_option 'webserver.reload_sources', _("Reload application and spider sources on each request"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default =>{ Spider.config.get('runmode') == 'devel' ? true : false } config_option 'webserver.port', _("Port to use for the http server"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 8080 config_option 'webserver.force_threads', _("Force threading on non-threaded adapters"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default =>{ Spider.runmode != 'test' && RUBY_VERSION_PARTS[1] == '8'} config_option 'webserver.timeout', _("Time allowed for each request (in seconds)"), :type=> Fixnum, :default => nil config_option 'webserver.respawn_on_change', _("Restart the webserver when application code changes"), :type => Spider::Bool, :default =>{ RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /win32|mingw32/ && Spider.config.get('runmode') == 'devel' ? true : false } config_option 'process.shutdown_timeout', _("Number of seconds a process is given to end"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 60 config_option 'static_content.mode', _("Mode to use for serving static files"), :type => String, :choices => [nil, 'x-sendfile', 'x-accel-redirect', 'published'], :default => nil config_option 'static_content.auto_publish', _("Automatically publish content to the home's public folder"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => false # Client config_option 'client.text_editor', _("The text editor installed on the client"), :default => 'textmate' # Templates config_option 'template.cache.disable', _("Refresh template cache every time"), :default => false, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'template.cache.reload_on_restart', _("Refresh template cache when server restarts"), :default => true, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'template.cache.no_check', _("Never recompile templates"), :default => true, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'template.cache.check_files', _("Check on every request if templates are changed"), :default => true, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'template.default_doctype', _("Default doctype to use for templates"), :type => Symbol, :default => :html5, :choices => [:html4, :html5, :xhtml] #config_option '', _("Run templates in safe mode"), { :default => false } # Model config_option 'storage.pool.size', _("How many connections to open to a storage"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 5 config_option 'storage.pool.timeout', _("Timout in seconds to obtain a connection"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 5 config_option 'storage.pool.retry', _("How many times to retry acquiring a connection"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 5 config_option 'storage.shared_connection', _("Use one connection for all threads; use this only when testing!"), :type => Spider::Bool, :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'test' ? true : false} config_option 'storage.db.replace_debug_vars', _("Replace bound variables in debug sql"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default =>{ Spider.config.get('runmode') == 'devel' ? true : false } config_option 'db.mysql.default_engine', _("The engine to use when creating tables"), :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'test' ? 'InnoDB' : 'MyISAM' } config_option 'storages', _("A list of named storages"), :type => :conf config_option 'storages.x.url', _("Connection url to the storage"), :type => String, :required => true config_option 'storages.x.encoding', _("Encoding the DB uses"), :type => String config_option 'storages.x.enable_transactions', _("Whether to enable transactions on the db"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => true config_option 'storage.versioning.use_document', _("Use given document storage for versioning if available"), :default => 'document' config_option 'debugger.start', _("Start the debugger"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => lambda{ ['test', 'devel'].include?(Spider.runmode) ? true : false } config_option 'profiling.enable', _("Enable on-request profiling"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'request.mutex', _("Respond to requests sequentially"), :default => false config_option 'locale', _("The locale to use") do |val| Spider.locale = end config_option 'i18n.rails_path', _("Path where rails-style locales are found"), :default => lambda{ Spider.paths[:root]+'/locales' } config_option 'i18n.default_locale', _("Fallback locale"), :default => 'en' config_option 'runner.sleep', _("Sleep time for the periodic runner"), :default => 10 config_option '', _("Where to store the session"), :default => 'file', :choices => ['memory', 'file', 'memcached'] config_option '', _("Lifetime in seconds of the sessions"), :default => 3600, :type => Fixnum config_option 'session.purge_check', _("Number of seconds to wait before session purge check"), :default => 10, :type => Fixnum config_option 'session.file.path', _("The folder where to store file sessions"), :default => lambda{ return Spider.paths[:var]+'/sessions' } config_option 'shared_store.type', _("Which shared store to use"), :default => 'memory' config_option 'http.nonce_life', _("Life in seconds of HTTP Digest Authentication nonces"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 60 # TODO: implement in webrick/others, check if has a performance gain config_option 'http.auto_headers', _("Automatically send headers on first output"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => true config_option 'http.seize_stdout', _("Redirect standard output to the browser"), :default => false, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'http.proxy_mapping', _("If the request is proxyied, the urls used to reach spider, with the corresponding paths called by the proxy"), :type => Hash config_option 'http.charset', _("The charset to use for http requests"), :default => 'UTF-8' config_option 'log.console', _("Level of debug output to console"), :default =>{ Spider.runmode == 'devel' ? :DEBUG : false }, :process => lambda{ |opt| opt && opt != 'false' ? opt.to_s.upcase.to_sym : false }, :choices => [false, :DEBUG, :WARN, :INFO, :ERROR] config_option 'log.errors', _("Log errors to errors.log file"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => true config_option 'log.level', _("Log level to use for main log file (false for no logging)"), :default =>{ Spider.runmode == 'devel' ? :DEBUG : :INFO }, :choices => [false, :DEBUG, :WARN, :INFO, :ERROR], :process => lambda{ |opt| opt && opt != 'false' ? opt.to_s.upcase.to_sym : false } config_option 'log.file_name', _("Name of the main log file"), :default => 'site.log' config_option 'log.rotate.age', _("Number of old log files to keep, OR frequency of rotation (daily, weekly or monthly)"), :default => 'daily' config_option 'log.rotate.size', _("Maximum logfile size (only applies when log.rotate.age is a number)"), :default => 1048576 config_option 'log.memory', _("Log memory usage"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => false config_option 'log.keep', _("Maximum number of rotated log files to keep"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 10 config_option 'log.gzip', _("Whether to compress rotated log files"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => true config_option 'log.apache_commons', _("Under JRuby, Use Apache Commons Logging if available"), :default => true config_option 'orgs', _("A list of organizations"), :type => :conf config_option '', _("Descriptive name of the organization") config_option 'orgs.x.country_code', _("Country code of the organization") config_option 'orgs.x.state', _("State of the organization") config_option '', _("Name of the city") config_option 'orgs.x.common_name', _("Common name (e.g. domain) of the organization") config_option '', _("Main e-mail address of the organization") config_option 'orgs.x.auto_from_email', _("Email address used as 'From' for automatic e-mails"), :default => lambda{ |name| Spider.conf.get("orgs.#{name}.email") } config_option 'orgs.x.organizational_unit', _("Organizational Unit (e.g. department)") config_option 'orgs.x.pub_key', _("Path to the public key (defaults to config/certs/org_name/public.pem)"), :default => lambda{ |name| Spider.paths[:certs]+'/'+name+'/public.pem'} config_option 'orgs.x.cert', _("Path to the certificate (defaults to config/certs/org_name/cert.pem)"), :default => lambda{ |name| Spider.paths[:certs]+'/'+name+'/cert.pem'} config_option 'orgs.x.private_key', _("Path to the private key (defaults to config/certs/org_name/private/key.pem)"), :default => lambda{ |name| Spider.paths[:certs]+'/'+name+'/private/key.pem'} conf_alias 'it_IT' => { 'orgs' => 'organizzazioni', 'name' => 'nome', 'country_code' => 'codice_nazione', 'city' => 'comune', 'state' => 'provincia', 'organizational_unit' => 'unita_organizzativa' } config_option '', _("Name of the site administrator") config_option '', _("Email of the site administrator") config_option '', _("Email of the site technical administrator"), :default => lambda{ Spider.conf.get('') } config_option 'site.domain', _("Main domain name used to access the site") config_option 'site.port', _("Main port used to access the site"), :default => 80 config_option 'site.ssl', _("Whether this site can be accessed using SSL"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'site.ssl_port', _("Port used to access the site via SSL"), :default => 443 config_option 'errors.send_email', _("Send an e-mail to the technical administrator when errors occur"), :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool, :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'production' ? true : false } config_option 'devel.trace.extended', _("Use ruby-debug to provide extended traces"), :default => lambda{ RUBY_VERSION_PARTS[1] == '8' } config_option 'devel.trace.show_locals', _("Show locals in debug traces"), :default => true config_option 'devel.trace.show_instance_variables', _("Show locals in debug traces"), :default => true config_option 'javascript.compress', _("Compress JavaScript files"), :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'production' ? true : false }, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'css.compress', _("Combine CSS files"), :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'production' ? true : false }, :type => Spider::DataTypes::Bool config_option 'css.cachebuster', _("Use cache busters for CSS urls"), :type => Symbol, :default => :soft, :choices => [false, :soft, :hard, :hardcopy] config_option 'assets.use_cdn', _("Use a Content Delivery Network for assets if defined"), :type => Spider::Bool, :default => lambda{ Spider.runmode == 'production' ? true : false } config_option 'http_proxy', _("Proxy to use for http clients (http://user:pass@host:port)"), :type => String, :do => lambda{ |val| ENV['http_proxy'] = val } config_option 'resources.disable_custom', _("Disable resource overriding in home"), :type => Spider::Bool, :default => false config_option 'migrations.window', _("Fetch window to use when migrating models"), :type => Fixnum, :default => 100 end