module Releaf::Test # Releaf::TestHelpers provides a facility to simplify admin functionality testing module Helpers def postgresql? adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL' end def mysql? adapter_name == "Mysql2" end def adapter_name ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name end def auth_as_user(full_login = false, factory_or_instance = :user) if factory_or_instance.is_a?(Symbol) || factory_or_instance.is_a?(String) user = create(factory_or_instance) else user = factory_or_instance end if full_login visit "/" within("form.login") do fill_in 'Email', with: fill_in 'Password', with: user.password end click_button 'Sign in' else login_as user end user end def stub_settings(values) unless @releaf_settings_default_stubbed allow(Releaf::Settings).to receive(:[]).and_call_original @releaf_settings_default_stubbed = true end values.each_pair do|key, value| allow(Releaf::Settings).to receive(:[]).with(key).and_return(value) end end def update_resource within "form.edit-resource" do yield end save_and_check_response "Update succeeded" end def create_resource click_link "Create new resource" unless first("") within "" do yield end save_and_check_response "Create succeeded" end def within_search within("") do yield end end def search(text) within_search do fill_in 'search', with: text end end def within_dialog within(".dialog.initialized") do yield end end def close_dialog within_dialog do find("a[data-type='cancel']").click end expect(page).to have_no_css(".dialog") end def wait_for_all_richtexts # wait for all ckeditors to fully initialize before moving on. # otherwise the page sometimes produces random js errors in fast tests number_of_normal_richtexts = page.all('.field.type-richtext:not(.i18n)').length number_of_localized_richtexts = page.all('.field.type-richtext.i18n .localization', visible: false).length number_of_richtexts = number_of_normal_richtexts + number_of_localized_richtexts if (number_of_richtexts > 0) expect(page).to have_css(".ckeditor-initialized", visible: false, count: number_of_richtexts) end end def switch_admin_locale(locale) switch = page.first('.localization-switch') current_locale = switch.text.downcase new_locale = locale.to_s.downcase if current_locale == new_locale return current_locale end within( switch ) do click_button current_locale end menu = page.find(:xpath, '/html//menu[@class="localization-menu-items"]') within( menu ) do click_button new_locale.capitalize end wait_for_all_richtexts end def save_and_check_response(status_text) wait_for_all_richtexts click_button 'Save' expect(page).to have_css('body > .notifications .notification[data-id="resource_status"][data-type="success"]', text: status_text) wait_for_all_richtexts end # As there is no visual UI for settings update being successful # do check against database def wait_for_settings_update(key, value = true) safety = 5 loop do if @user.settings.try(:[], key) == value return elsif safety > 0 safety -= 1 sleep 0.5 else fail "'#{key}' setting didn't change to '#{value}' (#{})" end end end def open_toolbox_dialog(item_name, resource = nil, resource_selector_scope = ".view-index .table tr") open_toolbox(item_name, resource, resource_selector_scope) expect(page).to have_css('.dialog.initialized') end def open_toolbox(item_name, resource = nil, resource_selector_scope = ".view-index .table tr") if resource find(resource_selector_scope + '[data-id="' + + '"] .toolbox.initialized button.trigger').click else find('main section header .toolbox-wrap .toolbox.initialized button.trigger').click end within('menu.toolbox-items') do click_on(item_name) end end def fill_in_date(field_locator, options) date = options[:with] if date.is_a? Time date = date.to_date elsif date.is_a? Date # do nothing else # try to convert it to string date = Date.parse(date.to_s) end # wrapper = find('.field.type-date') field = find_field( field_locator ) field_id = field[:id] if Capybara.current_driver == Capybara.javascript_driver execute_script('$("#' + field_id + '").trigger("focus")') expect(page.document).to have_css('.ui-datepicker-year') expect(page.document).to have_css('.ui-datepicker-month') year_string = date.year.to_s execute_script('$(".ui-datepicker-year").val(' + year_string + ').change()') expect(evaluate_script('$(".ui-datepicker-year").val();')).to eq year_string month_string = (date.month - 1).to_s execute_script('$(".ui-datepicker-month").val("' + month_string + '").change()') expect(evaluate_script('$(".ui-datepicker-month").val();')).to eq month_string execute_script('$("a.ui-state-default:contains(' + + ')").filter(function() { return $(this).text() == "' + + '"}).trigger("click")') expect(page.document).to have_no_css('.ui-datepicker-year') else fill_in field_locator, with: date.to_s end end def fill_in_richtext(locator, options = {} ) # locator can be anything that is normally accepted by fill_in # e.g., the label text or the id of the textarea expect(page).to have_css('.field.type-richtext label') # locate possibly hidden textarea among active/visible richtext fields ignoring hidden localization versions textareas = [] richtext_boxes = all(".field.type-richtext:not(.i18n), .field.type-richtext.i18n") richtext_boxes.each do |richtext_box| textarea = richtext_box.first(:field, locator, visible: false) textareas << textarea if textarea.present? end if textareas.count > 1 raise"Ambiguous match, found #{target_textareas.count} richtext boxes matching #{locator}") elsif textareas.count < 1 raise"Unable to find richtext box #{locator}") end textarea_id = textareas.first[:id].to_s expect(page).to have_css("##{textarea_id}.ckeditor-initialized", visible: false) # wait for ckeditor appearance html = options[:with].to_s page.execute_script("CKEDITOR.instances['#{textarea_id}'].setData(#{html.to_json});") end def scroll_to_bottom_of_page execute_script('window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);') end def add_nested_item(block_name, expected_item_index) scroll_to_bottom_of_page all('button', text: 'Add item') # use last button in case of multiple nested items wait_for_nested_item block_name, expected_item_index if block_given? within(".item[data-name=\"#{block_name}\"][data-index=\"#{expected_item_index}\"]") do yield end end end def remove_nested_item(block_name, item_index) base_selector = ".item[data-name=\"#{block_name}\"][data-index=\"#{item_index}\"]" page.find("#{base_selector} > .remove-item-box button.remove-nested-item").click # wait for js to finish hiding the block # the opacity and display styles may get set in different order, so select both orders expect(page).to have_css("#{base_selector}[style=\"display: none; opacity: 0;\"], #{base_selector}[style=\"opacity: 0; display: none;\"]", visible: false) end def wait_for_nested_item(block_name, item_index) # wait for js to finish initializing the block expect(page).to have_css(".item[data-name=\"#{block_name}\"][data-index=\"#{item_index}\"][style=\"opacity: 1; display: block;\"]") end end end