# Some helper methods # to use in main methods for the bot. module Helpers # Prints out the current time # @example # print_time_stamp # => "2018-09-19 12:14:43" def print_time_stamp print "#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\t" end # Prints success message for a specified action. # # @option params [Symbol] :action The action performed. # @option params [String] :data The id that the action is performed on. # @option params [Integer] :number The number of times that the action has been performed. def print_success_message(**params) action = case params[:action] when :like then 'liked media' when :unlike then 'unliked media' when :follow then 'followed user' when :unfollow then 'unfollowed user' when :comment then 'commented on media' end success_string = "Successfully #{action} ##{params[:number]} ".colorize(:green) + params[:data].to_s print_time_stamp puts success_string end # Prints error message for a specified action. # # @option params [Symbol] :action The action performed. # @option params [String] :data The id that the action is performed on. def print_error_message(**params) action = case params[:action] when :like then 'like media' when :unlike then 'unlike media' when :follow then 'follow user' when :unfollow then 'unfollow user' when :comment then 'comment on media' end error_string = "There was an error trying to #{action} ".colorize(:red) + params[:data].to_s print_time_stamp puts error_string end # Prints login status message for the account # # @option params [Symbol] :result Login status # @option params [String] :username def print_login_message(**params) result = case params[:result] when :success then 'Successfully logged in as ' when :error then 'There was an error trying to login as ' end print_time_stamp puts result.colorize(:red) + params[:username] end # Prints messages when trying to take some action. # # @option params [Symbol] :action The action that the bot is trying to take. # @option params [String, Integer] :data The data which will be # affected by the specified action. def print_try_message(**params) action = case params[:action] when :login then 'Trying to login ...' when :logout then 'Trying to logout ...' when :like then 'Trying to like media ' when :unlike then 'Trying to unlike media ' when :follow then 'Trying to follow user ' when :unfollow then 'trying to unfollow user ' end print_time_stamp puts action.colorize(:light_red) + "#{params[:data].to_s unless params[:data].nil?}" sleep(1) end # Prints action sum. Used before logging out. # # @example # bot.print_action_sum # => 2018-09-19 17:41:11 Liked: 0 Followed: 0 Unfollowed: 0 def print_action_sum string = 'Liked: ' + @total_likes.to_s.colorize(:red) + ' Followed: ' + @total_follows.to_s.colorize(:red) + ' Unfollowed: ' + @total_unfollows.to_s.colorize(:red) print_time_stamp puts string end # Prints out when the current is set to some specified tag. # # @param tag [String] current tag. def print_tag_message(tag) print_time_stamp puts 'Current tag is set to '.colorize(:blue) + '#' + tag end def sleep_rand(min, max) sleep_time = rand(min..max) sleep(1) print_time_stamp puts "Sleeping for #{sleep_time - 1} seconds ...".colorize(:red) sleep(sleep_time - 1) end # Handles the creation and connection of a database and its tables. # Sets @table_follows and @table_likes to the related tables for further use. def handle_database_creation database = Sequel.sqlite('./actions_db.db') # memory database, requires sqlite3 database.create_table? :"#{@username}_follows" do primary_key :id String :user_id String :username Time :follow_time end database.create_table? :"#{@username}_likes" do primary_key :id String :media_id String :user_id String :shortcode Time :like_time end @table_follows = database[:"#{@username}_follows"] @table_likes = database[:"#{@username}_likes"] end # Reassigns the database related variables to the first entry # in the database. # Used after a deletion from the database. def refresh_db_related return if @table_follows.empty? @first_db_entry = @table_follows.first @last_follow_time = @first_db_entry[:follow_time] end # The method that is used to delete a user from the database # after unfollowing the user. # # @todo This method needs to be replaced with a better and DRY one. # @param user_id [String, Integer] id of the user to be unfollowed. def delete_from_db(user_id) @table_follows.where(user_id: user_id).delete end # Calculates if a day is past since the first follow entry in the database. # # @param last_time [Time] a Time instance, used with @last_follow_time. # @return [Boolean] true if a day is past since # the first follow entry in the database, false otherwise. def one_day_past?(last_time) ((Time.now - last_time) / 86_400) >= 1 end end