module Bond # Every time a completion is attempted, the Agent searches its missions for the first one that matches the user input. # Using either the found mission or Agent.default_mission, the Agent executes the mission's action. class Agent # The array of missions that will be searched when a completion occurs. attr_reader :missions # An agent's best friend a.k.a. the readline plugin. attr_reader :weapon def initialize(options={}) #:nodoc: setup_readline_plugin(options[:readline_plugin]) @default_mission_action = options[:default_mission] if options[:default_mission] Mission.eval_binding = options[:eval_binding] if options[:eval_binding] Search.default_search = options[:default_search] || :normal @missions = [] end def setup_readline_plugin(plugin) #:nodoc: raise ArgumentError unless plugin.is_a?(Module) @weapon = plugin.extend(plugin) @weapon.setup(self) rescue $stderr.puts "Bond Error: Failed #{plugin.to_s[/[^:]+$/]} setup with '#{$!.message}'" end # Creates a mission. def complete(options={}, &block) if (mission = create_mission(options, &block)).is_a?(Mission) ? @missions.insert( - 1, mission).compact! : @missions << mission sort_last_missions end mission end def create_mission(options, &block) #:nodoc: Mission.create options.merge!(:action=>options[:action] || block) rescue InvalidMissionError "Invalid #{$!.message} for completion with options: #{options.inspect}" rescue "Unexpected error while creating completion with options #{options.inspect} and message:\n#{$!}" end # Creates a mission and replaces the mission it matches if possible. def recomplete(options={}, &block) if (mission = create_mission(options, &block)).is_a?(Mission) if (existing_mission = @missions.find {|e| == }) @missions[@missions.index(existing_mission)] = mission sort_last_missions else return "No existing mission found to recomplete." end end mission end def sort_last_missions #:nodoc: @missions.replace @missions.partition {|e| != :last }.flatten end def reset #:nodoc: @missions = [] end # This is where the action starts when a completion is initiated. Optional line_buffer # overrides line buffer from readline plugin. def call(input, line_buffer=nil) mission_input = line_buffer || @weapon.line_buffer mission_input = $1 if mission_input !~ /#{Regexp.escape(input)}$/ && mission_input =~ /^(.*#{Regexp.escape(input)})/ (mission = find_mission(mission_input)) ? mission.execute : default_mission.execute( rescue FailedMissionError=>e completion_error(e.message, "Completion Info: #{e.mission.match_message}") rescue completion_error "Failed internally with '#{$!.message}'.", "Please report this issue with debug on: Bond.config[:debug] = true." end def completion_error(desc, message) #:nodoc: arr = ["Bond Error: #{desc}", message] arr << "Stack Trace: #{$!.backtrace.inspect}" if Bond.config[:debug] arr end # Given a hypothetical user input, reports back what mission it would have found and executed. def spy(input) if (mission = find_mission(input)) puts mission.match_message, "Possible completions: #{mission.execute.inspect}", "Matches for #{mission.condition.inspect} are #{mission.matched.to_a.inspect}" else puts "Doesn't match a completion." end rescue FailedMissionError=>e puts e.mission.match_message, e.message, "Matches for #{e.mission.condition.inspect} are #{e.mission.matched.to_a.inspect}" end def find_mission(input) #:nodoc: @missions.find {|mission| mission.matches?(input) } end # Default mission used by agent. An instance of DefaultMission. def default_mission @default_mission ||=>@default_mission_action) end end end