--- layout: docs title: Contributing prev_section: upgrading next_section: history permalink: /docs/contributing/ --- So you've got an awesome idea to throw into Jekyll. Great! Please keep the following in mind: * If you're creating a small fix or patch to an existing feature, just a simple test will do. Please stay in the confines of the current test suite and use [Shoulda](http://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda/tree/master) and [RR](http://github.com/btakita/rr/tree/master). * If it's a brand new feature, make sure to create a new [Cucumber](https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/) feature and reuse steps where appropriate. Also, whipping up some documentation in your fork's `site` directory would be appreciated, and once merged it will also appear in the next update of the main site. * If your contribution adds or changes any Jekyll behavior, make sure to update the documentation. It lives in `site/docs`. If the docs are missing information, please feel free to add it in. Great docs make a great project! * Please follow the [GitHub Ruby Styleguide](https://github.com/styleguide/ruby) when modifying Ruby code.
Contributions will not be accepted without tests

If you’re creating a small fix or patch to an existing feature, just a simple test will do.

Test Dependencies ----------------- To run the test suite and build the gem you'll need to install Jekyll's dependencies. Jekyll uses Bundler, so a quick run of the `bundle` command and you're all set! {% highlight bash %} $ bundle {% endhighlight %} Before you start, run the tests and make sure that they pass (to confirm your environment is configured properly): {% highlight bash %} $ rake test $ rake features {% endhighlight %} Workflow -------- Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project: * Fork the project. * Clone down your fork: {% highlight bash %} git clone git://github.com//jekyll.git {% endhighlight %} * Create a topic branch to contain your change: {% highlight bash %} git checkout -b my_awesome_feature {% endhighlight %} * Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order. * Make sure everything still passes by running `rake`. * If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors. * Push the branch up: {% highlight bash %} git push origin my_awesome_feature {% endhighlight %} * Create a pull request against mojombo/jekyll and describe what your change does and the why you think it should be merged. Updating Documentation ---------------------- We want the Jekyll documentation to be the best it can be. We've open-sourced our docs and we welcome any pull requests if you find it lacking. You can find the documentation for jekyllrb.com in the [site]({{ site.repository }}/tree/master/site) directory of Jekyll's repo on GitHub.com. All documentation pull requests should be directed at `master`. Pull requests directed at another branch will not be accepted. The [Jekyll wiki]({{ site.repository }}/wiki) on GitHub can be freely updated without a pull request as all GitHub users have access. Gotchas ------- * If you want to bump the gem version, please put that in a separate commit. This way, the maintainers can control when the gem gets released. * Try to keep your patch(es) based from the latest commit on mojombo/jekyll. The easier it is to apply your work, the less work the maintainers have to do, which is always a good thing. * Please don't tag your GitHub issue with \[fix\], \[feature\], etc. The maintainers actively read the issues and will label it once they come across it.
Let us know what could be better!

Both using and hacking on Jekyll should be fun, simple, and easy, so if for some reason you find it’s a pain, please create an issue on GitHub describing your experience so we can make it better.