module CrossOrigen module Test # Simple DUT class used for testing class DUT include Origen::TopLevel include CrossOrigen def initialize @path = :hidden sub_block :atx, class_name: 'D_IP_ANA_TEST_ANNEX_SYN', base_address: 0x4000_0000 # Register defined solely to test out the top level register export reg :dut_top_level_reg, 0x0, size: 32, bit_order: :msb0, lau: 8 do bit 15, :pls_work, reset: 1, access: :rw bit 14, :second_bit, reset: 0, access: :rw end # Register defined solely to test out the top level register export reg :dut_top_level_reg_number_two, 0x10, size: 32, bit_order: :lsb0, lau: 16 do bit 0, :pls_work, reset: 0, access: :ro bit 1, :second_bit, reset: 1, access: :rw end # Import some data from IP-XACT cr_import(path: "#{Origen.root}/imports/ipxact.xml") end def add_atx2 sub_block :atx2, class_name: 'ATX2', base_address: 0x6000_0000 end class ATX2 include Origen::Model include CrossOrigen def initialize cr_import(path: "#{Origen.root}/approved/ip_xact_sub_block.xml") end end class D_IP_ANA_TEST_ANNEX_SYN # rubocop:disable ClassAndModuleCamelCase include Origen::Model include CrossOrigen def initialize # A manually defined register for testing the conversion of any specific attributes # ** MGATE Clock Divider Register ** # The MCLKDIV register is used to divide down the frequency of the HBOSCCLK input. If the MCLKDIV # register is set to value "N", then the output (beat) frequency of the clock divider is OSCCLK / (N+1). The # resulting beats are, in turn, counted by the PTIMER module to control the duration of Flash high-voltage # operations. # This is a test of potentially problematic characters ' " \' \" < > reg :mclkdiv, 0x0, size: 16, bit_order: 'decrement' do # **Oscillator (Hi)** - Firmware FMU clk source selection. (Note that in addition to this firmware-controlled bit, the # FMU clock source is also dependent on test and power control discretes). # # 0 | FMU clock is the externally supplied bus clock ipg_clk # 1 | FMU clock is the internal oscillator from the TFS hardblock bit 15, :osch, reset: 1, access: :rw end end end end end end