### Copyright 2017 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
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###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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module JSS

    # An Icon in the JSS, used in Self Service.
    # At the moment, icons are not API objects, they are collections of data
    # stored in the JSS that might be included in some API object's Self Service data.
    # The data available for an icon are:
    # - id: the icon's id in the JSS
    # - name: the icon's non-unique name in the JSS
    # - uri: the uri to download or preview the icon
    # - data: the icon file itself, base-64 encoded.
    # Icon instances are read-only. To change the icon for an self-servable object,
    # see {SelfServable#icon=}.
    # NOTE: Since icons are not APIObjects, there's no way to see a list of them
    # via the API. The JSS::Icon class methods .all, .all_ids, and .all_names
    # require MySQL database access. See {JSS::DBConnection}.
    class Icon

      #  Class Methods

      # Return an Array of { id:, name: } Hashes for all icons known to the JSS
      # Since Icon lists aren't accessible via the API, this method must
      # query the SQL database directly, and will raise an exception if you
      # aren't connected to the database.
      # @param refresh[Boolean] re-read the data from the server?
      # @return [Array<Hash>] The names and ids of all icons known to the JSS
      def self.all(refresh = false)
        @all_icons = nil if refresh
        return @all_icons if @all_icons
        @all_icons = []
        qry = 'SELECT icon_id, filename FROM icons'
        res = JSS::DB_CNX.db.query qry
        res.each_hash { |icon| @all_icons << { id: icon['icon_id'].to_i, name: icon['filename'] } }

      # An Array of all icon ids known to the JSS.
      # See {Icon.all}.
      # @param refresh[Boolean] re-read the data from the server?
      # @return [Array<Integer>] The ids of all icons known to the JSS
      def self.all_ids(refresh = false)
        all(refresh).map { |i| i[:id] }

      # An Array of all icon names known to the JSS.
      # See {Icon.all}.
      # NOTE: Icon names are not unique
      # @param refresh[Boolean] re-read the data from the server?
      # @return [Array<Integer>] The names of all icons known to the JSS
      def self.all_names(refresh = false)
        all(refresh).map { |i| i[:name] }

      #  Attributes

      # @return [Integer] the icon's id in the JSS
      attr_reader :id

      # @return [String] the icon's name in the JSS
      #   NOTE: these are not unique
      attr_reader :name
      alias filename name

      # @return [String] The URI for downloading or previewing the icon from the JSS
      attr_reader :uri

      # @return [String] The raw icon file.
      attr_reader :data

      #  Constructor

      # Set up a new JSS::Icon instance
      # @param icon_data[Hash] The :self_service_icon Hash from the :self_service
      #   Hash of an object's API @init_data
      # @return [JSS::Icon] The new object
      def initialize(icon_data)
        return unless icon_data.is_a? Hash
        @id = icon_data[:id]
        @name = icon_data[:filename]
        @uri = icon_data[:uri]
        @data = icon_data[:data]

        # if no :filename, its called :name
        @name ||= icon_data[:name]

        # if there's no id, as with MobileDeviceConfigurationProfile
        # get it from the end of the uri if possible
        if @uri && !@id
          @id = Regexp.last_match(1).to_i if @uri =~ /(\d+)$/

        # decode the icon data, or grab from
        # the URI if needed
        @data = Base64.decode64(@data) if @data
        @data ||= open(@uri).read if @uri


      # Instance Methods

      # Open the icon's URL in the current user's browser
      # @return [void]
      def show_in_browser
        return nil unless @uri
        system "/usr/bin/open '#{@uri}'"

      # Save the icon to a file.
      # @param path[Pathname, String] The path to which the file should be saved.
      # If the path given is an existing directory, the icon's current filename will
      # be used, if known.
      # @param overwrite[Boolean] Overwrite the file if it exists? Defaults to false
      # @return [void]
      def save(path, overwrite = false)
        path = Pathname.new path
        path = path + @name if path.directory? && @name

        raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "The file #{path} already exists" if path.exist? unless overwrite
        path.delete if path.exist?
        path.jss_save @data

    end # class icon

end # module