.. module:: twilio.rest.resources ================= Phone Numbers ================= With Twilio you can search and buy real phone numbers, just using the API. For more information, see the `IncomingPhoneNumbers REST Resource `_ documentation. Searching and Buying a Number -------------------------------- Finding numbers to buy couldn't be easier. We first search for a number in area code 530. Once we find one, we'll purchase it for our account. .. code-block:: ruby require 'twilio-ruby' # To find these visit https://www.twilio.com/user/account account_sid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth_token = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" @client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.list(:area_code=>"530") if numbers: numbers[0].purchase() else: print "No numbers in 530 available" Local, Toll-Free, and Mobile Numbers ------------------------------------ By default, :meth:`PhoneNumbers.search` looks for local phone numbers. You can search for different types of numbers by using a type subresource. Available subresources for AvailablePhoneNumbers are: - `local` - `toll_free` - `mobile` You can search for numbers for a given type. .. code-block:: ruby # local numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.local.list() # toll free numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.toll_free.list() # mobile numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.mobile.list() Numbers Containing Words ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Phone number search also supports looking for words inside phone numbers. The following example will find any phone number with "FOO" in it. .. code-block:: ruby numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.list(:contains=>"FOO") You can use the ''*'' wildcard to match any character. The following example finds any phone number that matches the pattern ''D*D''. .. code-block:: ruby numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.list(:contains=>"D*D") International Numbers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, the client library will look for US numbers. Set the :data:`country` keyword to a country code of your choice to search for international numbers. .. code-block:: ruby numbers = @client.available_phone_numbers.list(:country=>"FR") :meth:`PhoneNumbers.search` method has plenty of other options to augment your search : - :data:`region`: When searching the US, show numbers in this state - :data:`postal_code`: Only show numbers in this area code - :data:`rate_center`: US only. - :data:`near_lat_long`: Find numbers near this latitude and longitude. - :data:`distance`: Search radius for a Near- query in miles. The `AvailablePhoneNumbers REST Resource `_ documentation has more information on the various search options. Buying a Number --------------- If you've found a phone number you want, you can purchase the number. .. code-block:: ruby require 'twilio-ruby' # To find these visit https://www.twilio.com/user/account account_sid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth_token = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" @client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token @number = @client.available_phone_numbers.purchase({:phone_number => "+15305431234"}) However, it's easier to purchase numbers after finding them using search (as shown in the first example). Updating Properties on a Number ------------------------------- To update the properties on a phone number, call :meth:`update` on the phone number object, with any of the parameters listed in the `IncomingPhoneNumbers Resource documentation `_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'twilio-ruby' # To find these visit https://www.twilio.com/user/account account_sid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth_token = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" @client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token @client.available_phone_numbers.list(api_version="2010-04-01").each do |number| number.update({:voice_url => "http://twimlets.com/holdmusic?" + "Bucket=com.twilio.music.ambient", :status_callback => "http://example.com/callback"}) Changing Applications ---------------------- An :class:`Application` encapsulates all necessary URLs for use with phone numbers. Update an application on a phone number using :meth:`update`. .. code-block:: ruby require 'twilio-ruby' # To find these visit https://www.twilio.com/user/account account_sid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth_token = "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" @client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token phone_sid = "PNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" @number = @client.available_phone_numbers.get(phone_sid) @number.update(:sms_application_sid => "APXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") See :doc:`/usage/applications` for instructions on updating and maintaining Applications. Validate a Phone Number ----------------------- See validation instructions here: :doc:`/usage/caller-ids`: