require 'open-uri' module Shutl::Resource module RestClassMethods def base_uri uri @base_uri = uri end def connection @connection ||= => @base_uri || Shutl::Resource.base_uri) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params if Shutl::Resource.logger faraday.use :default_logger, logger: Shutl::Resource.logger end faraday.response :json faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end end def headers { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'User-Agent' => "Shutl Resource Gem v#{Shutl::Resource::VERSION}" } end def find(args = {}, params = {}) params = args if @singular_resource auth_options = { auth: params.delete(:auth), from: params.delete(:from) } if @singular_resource url = singular_member_url params elsif !args.kind_of?(Hash) id = args args = { resource_id_name => id } url = member_url args.dup, params else url = member_url args.dup, params end response = connection.get(url) do |req| req.headers = headers_with_auth(auth_options) end check_fail response, "Failed to find #{name}! args: #{args}, params: #{params}" including_parent_attributes = response.body[@resource_name].merge args new_object including_parent_attributes, response.body end def create attributes = {}, options = {} url = generate_collection_url attributes attributes.delete "response" response = do |req| req.headers = headers_with_auth(options) req.body = { @resource_name => attributes }.to_json end check_fail response, "Create failed" body = response.body || {} attributes = body[@resource_name] || {} new_object attributes, body end def destroy instance, options = {} failure_message = "Failed to destroy #{name.downcase.pluralize}" perform_action( instance, :delete, {}.to_json, headers_with_auth(options), failure_message ).success? end def save instance, options = {} attributes = instance.attributes rescue instance body = { @resource_name => convert_new_id(attributes) }.to_json response = perform_action(instance, :put, body, headers_with_auth(options), "Save failed") response.success? end def update args, options = {} save args, options end def all(args = {}) auth_options = { auth: args.delete(:auth), from: args.delete(:from) } partition = args.partition { |key, value| !remote_collection_url.index(":#{key}").nil? } url_args = partition.first.inject({}) { |h, pair| h[pair.first] = pair.last; h } params = partition.last.inject({}) { |h, pair| h[pair.first] = pair.last; h } url = generate_collection_url url_args, params response = connection.get(url) do |req| req.headers = headers_with_auth(auth_options) end check_fail response, "Failed to find all #{name.downcase.pluralize}" response_object = response.body[@resource_name.pluralize].map do |h| new_object(args.merge(h), response.body) end if order_collection? response_object.sort! do |a,b| str_a = a.send(@order_collection_by).to_s str_b = b.send(@order_collection_by).to_s str_a.casecmp(str_b) end end, response.body['pagination']) end class RestCollection include Enumerable attr_reader :collection def initialize(collection, pagination) @collection = collection @pagination = pagination end delegate :each, to: :collection class Pagination <, :items_on_page, :total_count, :number_of_pages) end def pagination return unless @pagination.present?['page'], @pagination['items_on_page'], @pagination['total_count'], @pagination['number_of_pages']) end end def singular_resource @singular_resource = true end def resource_name(name) instance_variable_set :@resource_name, name end def resource_id(variable_name) instance_variable_set :@resource_id, variable_name end def resource_id_name instance_variable_get(:@resource_id).to_sym end def remote_collection_url @remote_collection_url ||= "/#{@resource_name.pluralize}" end def remote_resource_url @remote_resource_url ||= "#{remote_collection_url}/:#{resource_id_name}" end def collection_url(url) @remote_collection_url = url end def resource_url(url) @remote_resource_url = url end def order_collection_by(field) @order_collection_by = field end def convert_new_id attributes if attributes[:new_id] attributes = attributes.clone.tap { |h| h[:id] = h[:new_id]; h.delete(:new_id) } end attributes end def add_resource_id_to args={} args = args.dup.with_indifferent_access unless args.has_key? "id" args.merge!({ "id" => args[resource_id_name] }) end args end def singular_member_url params={} generate_url! "/#{@resource_name}", params end def member_url *args attributes = args.first.with_indifferent_access unless attributes[resource_id_name] ||= attributes[:id] raise ArgumentError, "Missing resource id with name: `#{resource_id_name}' for #{self}" end args[0] = attributes generate_url! remote_resource_url, *(args.dup) end def generate_collection_url *args generate_url! remote_collection_url, *args end private def headers_with_auth options = {} headers.tap do |h| h['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{options[:auth]}" if options[:auth] h['From'] = "#{options[:from]}" if options[:from] end end def perform_action instance, verb, body, headers, failure_message attributes = instance.is_a?(Hash) ? instance : instance.attributes attributes.delete "response" #used in debugging requests/responses url = member_url attributes response = connection.send(verb, url) do |req| req.headers = headers req.body = body end check_fail response, failure_message response end def new_object(args={}, body) instance = new add_resource_id_to(args) instance.tap do |i| i.errors = body["errors"] i.pagination = body["pagination"] end end def check_fail response, message if klass = failure_klass(response.status) body = if response.headers["content-type"] =~ %r{application/json} response.body else {debug_info: response.body} end raise body, response.status end end def failure_klass(status) case status when 299 if Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_no_quotes_generated Shutl::NoQuotesGenerated else nil end when 400 then Shutl::BadRequest when 401 then Shutl::UnauthorizedAccess when 403 then Shutl::ForbiddenAccess when 404 then Shutl::ResourceNotFound when 409 then Shutl::ResourceConflict when 410 then Shutl::ResourceGone when 422 if Shutl::Resource.raise_exceptions_on_validation Shutl::ResourceInvalid else nil #handled as validation failure end when 411..499 Shutl::BadRequest when 500 then Shutl::ServerError when 503 then Shutl::ServiceUnavailable when 501..Float::INFINITY Shutl::ServerError end end protected def generate_url!(url_pattern, args, params = {}) url = url_pattern.dup args, url = replace_args_from_pattern! args, url url = URI.escape url unless params.empty? url += '?' + do |key, value| URI::encode "#{key}=#{value}" end.join("&") end url end def order_collection? !!@order_collection_by end private def replace_args_from_pattern! args, url args = args.reject! do |key, value| if s = url[":#{key}"] url.gsub!(s, value.to_s) end end return args, url end end end