.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "ZEUS" "1" "January 2017" "" "" . .SH "NAME" \fBzeus\fR \- boot rails in under a second . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBzeus\fR [\-\-no\-color] [\-\-log FILE] [\-\-file\-change\-delay TIME] [\-\-config PATH] COMMAND [ARGS] . .SH "DESCRIPTION" Zeus makes working with large codebases much less painful\. . .P To use Zeus with Ruby on Rails 3\.0+, Just run \fBzeus start\fR in your project directory\. It will output a list of available commands, including tasks to spawn consoles, servers, tests, and rake tasks\. . .P See \fBhttps://github\.com/burke/zeus/blob/master/docs/ruby/modifying\.md\fR for information on modifying the boot process that Zeus uses by default and adding custom tasks\. . .SH "SLIGHTLY MORE TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION" Zeus is a language\-agnostic application checkpointer for non\-multithreaded applications\. . .P It is primarily targeted at ruby and other dynamic languages, where application boot time can be tens of seconds, but it can be made to work for nearly any language\. However, zeus does not work well with multithreaded applications\. It relies heavily on \fBfork(2)\fR, which is largely incompatible with multithreaded systems\. . .P Currently only ruby is targeted, but support for other languages is planned\. . .P Zeus lets you define common tasks, and preloads all of them in the background\. When you ask to run them, zeus transparently connects your terminal to the already\-running process in milliseconds\. . .P This lets you, for example, run unit tests in dozens of milliseconds, rather than dozens of seconds\. . .P Zeus also monitors all files loaded by your application, and restarts parts of it when dependencies change, to keep everything up\-to\-date\. . .SH "WAY MORE TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION" See \fBhttps://github\.com/burke/zeus/blob/master/docs/overview\.md\fR . .SH "OPTIONS" . .TP \fB\-\-no\-color\fR Prints all output without color . .TP \fB\-\-log\fR trace\-log\-name Prints process tree state details to the log file specified\. . .TP \fB\-\-file\-change\-delay\fR delay Collect all file changes that happen within the specified delay time and restart processes only after this deadline expires\. The argument must be parseable by time\.ParseDuration\. The default delay is 300ms\. . .TP \fB\-\-config\fR path Read from the given JSON config file\. Defaults to \fBzeus\.json\fR\. . .SH "BUILTIN COMMANDS" . .TP zeus start(1) \fIzeus\-start\.1\.html\fR Start a zeus server in the current directory using \fBzeus\.json\fR . .TP zeus init(1) \fIzeus\-init\.1\.html\fR Generate a template zeus\.json . .TP \fBzeus commands(1)\fR List the commands defined by zeus\.json