source "" if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3' # i18n 0.7.0 dropped support for Ruby 1.9.2 and older. ActiveSupport # depends on i18n 0.7.0 since v 4.0.5. For < 1.9.2 Ruby support, lock # down to these versions to maintain functionality. gem 'i18n', '< 0.7.0' gem 'activesupport', '< 4.0' end group :development, :test do gem 'rake' gem 'minitest' gem 'minitest-reporters', '< 1.0.18' gem 'minitest-debugger', :require => false gem 'rack-test' gem 'puma' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3' gem 'bson', '<= 1.12.3' else gem 'bson' end end group :development do gem 'ruby-debug', :platforms => [ :mri_18, :jruby ] gem 'debugger', :platform => :mri_19 gem 'byebug', :platforms => [ :mri_20, :mri_21, :mri_22 ] # gem 'perftools.rb', :platforms => [ :mri_20, :mri_21 ], :require => 'perftools' if RUBY_VERSION > '1.8.7' gem 'pry' gem 'pry-byebug', :platforms => [ :mri_20, :mri_21, :mri_22 ] else gem 'pry', '' end end if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) gem 'sinatra', :require => false else gem 'sinatra' end gem "rails", "~>2.3" gemspec :path => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../') # vim:syntax=ruby