require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe HTTParty::Request do context "SSL certificate verification" do before do WebMock.allow_net_connect! end after do WebMock.disable_net_connect! end it "should fail when no trusted CA list is specified, by default" do expect do ssl_verify_test(nil, nil, "selfsigned.crt") raise_error OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError end it "should work when no trusted CA list is specified, when the verify option is set to false" do expect(ssl_verify_test(nil, nil, "selfsigned.crt", verify: false).parsed_response).to eq({'success' => true}) end it "should fail when no trusted CA list is specified, with a bogus hostname, by default" do expect do ssl_verify_test(nil, nil, "bogushost.crt") raise_error OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError end it "should work when no trusted CA list is specified, even with a bogus hostname, when the verify option is set to true" do expect(ssl_verify_test(nil, nil, "bogushost.crt", verify: false).parsed_response).to eq({'success' => true}) end it "should work when using ssl_ca_file with a self-signed CA" do expect(ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_file, "selfsigned.crt", "selfsigned.crt").parsed_response).to eq({'success' => true}) end it "should work when using ssl_ca_file with a certificate authority" do expect(ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_file, "ca.crt", "server.crt").parsed_response).to eq({'success' => true}) end it "should work when using ssl_ca_path with a certificate authority" do http ='', 443) response = double(Net::HTTPResponse, :[] => '', body: '', to_hash: {}) allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(response) expect(Net::HTTP).to receive(:new).with('', 443).and_return(http) expect(http).to receive(:ca_path=).with('/foo/bar') HTTParty.get('', ssl_ca_path: '/foo/bar') end it "should fail when using ssl_ca_file and the server uses an unrecognized certificate authority" do expect do ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_file, "ca.crt", "selfsigned.crt") raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) end it "should fail when using ssl_ca_path and the server uses an unrecognized certificate authority" do expect do ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_path, ".", "selfsigned.crt") raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) end it "should fail when using ssl_ca_file and the server uses a bogus hostname" do expect do ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_file, "ca.crt", "bogushost.crt") raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) end it "should fail when using ssl_ca_path and the server uses a bogus hostname" do expect do ssl_verify_test(:ssl_ca_path, ".", "bogushost.crt") raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) end end end