require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'timeout' require 'json' module RunLoop class TimeoutError < RuntimeError end module Core START_DELIMITER = "OUTPUT_JSON:\n" END_DELIMITER="\nEND_OUTPUT" SCRIPTS_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'scripts')) SCRIPTS = { :dismiss => "run_dismiss_location.js", :run_loop => "run_loop.js" } def self.scripts_path SCRIPTS_PATH end def self.script_for_key(key) if SCRIPTS[key].nil? return nil end File.join(scripts_path, SCRIPTS[key]) end def self.run_with_options(options) device = options[:device] || :iphone udid = options[:udid] timeout = options[:timeout] || 10 log_file = options[:log_path] results_dir = options[:results_dir] || Dir.mktmpdir("run_loop") results_dir_trace = File.join(results_dir, "trace") FileUtils.mkdir_p(results_dir_trace) dependencies = options[:dependencies] || [] dependencies.each do |dep| FileUtils.cp(dep, results_dir) end script = File.join(results_dir, "_run_loop.js") code =[:script]) code = code.gsub(/\$PATH/, results_dir) code = code.gsub(/\$MODE/, "FLUSH") unless options[:no_flush] repl_path = File.join(results_dir, "repl-cmd.txt"), "w") { |file| file.puts "0:UIALogger.logMessage('Listening for run loop commands');" }, "w") { |file| file.puts code } bundle_dir_or_bundle_id = options[:app] || ENV['BUNDLE_ID']|| ENV['APP_BUNDLE_PATH'] unless bundle_dir_or_bundle_id raise 'key :app or environment variable APP_BUNDLE_PATH or BUNDLE_ID must be specified as path to app bundle (simulator) or bundle id (device)' end if File.exist?(bundle_dir_or_bundle_id) #Assume simulator udid = nil plistbuddy="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" plistfile="#{bundle_dir_or_bundle_id}/Info.plist" if device == :iphone uidevicefamily=1 else uidevicefamily=2 end system("#{plistbuddy} -c 'Delete :UIDeviceFamily' '#{plistfile}'") system("#{plistbuddy} -c 'Add :UIDeviceFamily array' '#{plistfile}'") system("#{plistbuddy} -c 'Add :UIDeviceFamily:0 integer #{uidevicefamily}' '#{plistfile}'") else unless udid begin Timeout::timeout(3, TimeoutError) do udid = `#{File.join(scripts_path, 'udidetect')}`.chomp end rescue TimeoutError => e end unless udid raise "Unable to find connected device." end end end log_file ||= File.join(results_dir, 'run_loop.out') cmd = instruments_command(udid, results_dir_trace, bundle_dir_or_bundle_id, results_dir, script, log_file) pid = fork do log_header("Starting App: #{bundle_dir_or_bundle_id}") cmd_str = cmd.join(" ") if ENV['DEBUG'] log(cmd_str) end exec(cmd_str) end Process.detach(pid), ""), "w") do |f| f.write pid end run_loop = {:pid => pid, :udid => udid, :app => bundle_dir_or_bundle_id, :repl_path => repl_path, :log_file => log_file, :results_dir => results_dir} #read_response(run_loop,0) begin Timeout::timeout(timeout, TimeoutError) do read_response(run_loop, 0) end rescue TimeoutError => e raise TimeoutError, "Time out waiting for UIAutomation run-loop to Start. \n #{}" end run_loop end def self.write_request(run_loop, cmd) repl_path = run_loop[:repl_path] cur = colon = cur.index(':') if colon.nil? raise "Illegal contents of #{repl_path}: #{cur}" end index = cur[0, colon].to_i + 1 tmp_cmd = File.join(File.dirname(repl_path), '__repl-cmd.txt'), "w") do |f| f.write("#{index}:#{cmd}") if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "Wrote: #{index}:#{cmd}" end end, repl_path) index end def self.read_response(run_loop, expected_index) log_file = run_loop[:log_file] initial_offset = run_loop[:initial_offset] || 0 offset = initial_offset result = nil loop do unless File.exist?(log_file) && File.size?(log_file) sleep(0.5) next end size = File.size(log_file) output =, size-offset, offset) index_if_found = output.index(START_DELIMITER) if ENV['DEBUG_READ']=='1' puts output.gsub("*", '') puts "Size #{size}" puts "offset #{offset}" puts "index_of #{START_DELIMITER}: #{index_if_found}" end if index_if_found offset = offset + index_if_found rest = output[index_if_found+START_DELIMITER.size..output.length] index_of_json = rest.index("}#{END_DELIMITER}") if index_of_json.nil? #Wait for rest of json sleep(0.1) next end json = rest[0..index_of_json] if ENV['DEBUG_READ']=='1' puts "Index #{index_if_found}, Size: #{size} Offset #{offset}" puts ("parse #{json}") end offset = offset + json.size parsed_result = JSON.parse(json) json_index_if_present = parsed_result['index'] if json_index_if_present && json_index_if_present == expected_index result = parsed_result break end else sleep(0.1) end end run_loop[:initial_offset] = offset result end def self.pids_for_run_loop(run_loop, &block) results_dir = run_loop[:results_dir] udid = run_loop[:udid] instruments_prefix = instruments_command_prefix(udid, results_dir) pids_str = `ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep "#{instruments_prefix}" | awk '{printf "%s,", $1}'` pids = pids_str.split(",").map { |pid| pid.to_i } if block_given? pids.each do |pid| end else pids end end def self.instruments_command_prefix(udid,results_dir_trace) instruments_path = 'instruments' if udid instruments_path = "#{instruments_path} -w #{udid}" end instruments_path << " -D \"#{results_dir_trace}\"" instruments_path end def self.instruments_command(udid, results_dir_trace, bundle_dir_or_bundle_id, results_dir, script, log_file) instruments_prefix = instruments_command_prefix(udid, results_dir_trace) cmd = [ instruments_prefix, "-t", automation_template, "\"#{bundle_dir_or_bundle_id}\"", "-e", "UIARESULTSPATH", results_dir, "-e", "UIASCRIPT", script ] if log_file cmd << "&> #{log_file}" end cmd end def self.automation_template xcode_path = `xcode-select -print-path`.chomp automation_bundle = File.expand_path(File.join(xcode_path, "..", 'Applications', "", "Contents", "PlugIns", 'AutomationInstrument.bundle')) if not File.exist? automation_bundle automation_bundle= File.expand_path(File.join(xcode_path, "Platforms", "iPhoneOS.platform", "Developer", "Library", "Instruments", "PlugIns", "AutomationInstrument.bundle")) raise "Unable to find AutomationInstrument.bundle" if not File.exist? automation_bundle end File.join(automation_bundle, "Contents", "Resources", "Automation.tracetemplate") end def self.log(message) puts "#{ } #{message}" $stdout.flush end def self.log_header(message) puts "\n\e[#{35}m### #{message} ###\e[0m" $stdout.flush end end def{}) script = validate_script(options) options[:script] = script Core.run_with_options(options) end def self.send_command(run_loop, cmd, timeout=60) if not cmd.is_a?(String) raise "Illegal command #{cmd} (must be a string)" end expected_index = Core.write_request(run_loop, cmd) result = nil begin Timeout::timeout(timeout, TimeoutError) do result = Core.read_response(run_loop, expected_index) end rescue TimeoutError => e raise TimeoutError, "Time out waiting for UIAutomation run-loop for command #{cmd}. Waiting for index:#{expected_index}" end result end def self.stop(run_loop, out=Dir.pwd) results_dir = run_loop[:results_dir] udid = run_loop[:udid] instruments_prefix = Core.instruments_command_prefix(udid, results_dir) pid = run_loop[:pid] ||, "")) dest = out Core.pids_for_run_loop(run_loop) do |pid| Process.kill('TERM', pid.to_i) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) pngs = Dir.glob(File.join(results_dir, "Run 1", "*.png")) FileUtils.cp(pngs, dest) if pngs and pngs.length > 0 end def self.validate_script(options) script = options[:script] if script if script.is_a?(Symbol) script = Core.script_for_key(script) unless script raise "Unknown script for symbol: #{options[:script]}. Options: #{Core::SCRIPTS.keys.join(', ')}" end elsif script.is_a?(String) unless File.exist?(script) raise "File does not exist: #{script}" end else raise "Unknown type for :script key: #{options[:script].class}" end else script = Core.script_for_key(:run_loop) end script end end