## 1.0.0 ### Features: - `Temperature#boil_water?`, `Temperature#freeze_water?` (#47). ### Removals - `BasicTemperature#==`, since it is generated by `Comparable` (#43). - Remove Math, since it provides more confusion than benefit (#51). ### Docs - Added link to docs in README.md (#42). ### Tech improvements: - Global refactoring: splitting ot the God Object into modules (#43) . - [Inch CI](https://inch-ci.org/) setup (#45). ## 0.2.2 ### Features: - Include Comparable (#24). - Introduction of shorter form (`Temperature` instead of `BasicTemperature::Temperature`) (#25). - Added simple memoization (#26). - Added rounding (#26). - Alias `[]` for `new` (#27). - Added support of `Rankine` scale. - `Temperature#inspect`. ### Fixes: - Updated `BasicTemperature#==`. (When two temperatures had different scales - automatic conversion was not performed.) (#18). - Recticted Rubocop version for Code Climate (#22). - Typo `Celsium` instead of `Celcius` (#23). - Added Gemfile.lock to .gitignore (#38). ### Docs - Added `Active Development Warning` (#19). - Badges: Gem Version, Build Status, Maintainability, Coverage Status, License: MIT, Patreon, Inch CI (#14) (#20) (#40). - Added docs for all public API (#38). - Added usage section in README.md (#38). ### Tech improvements: - [Coverals](https://docs.coveralls.io/ruby-on-rails) setup (#10). - [SimpleCov](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov) setup (#10). - [Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/) setup (#13). - [ReverseCoverage] setup (#21). - [SDoc] setup (#38). - [Rerun] setup (#38). - Autodeploy of docs to Github Pages (#39). ## 0.2.1 ### Features: - Spaceship operator <=> (#2). ### Tech improvements: - [Byebug](https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/byebug) setup (#1). - [RSpec](https://rspec.info/) setup (#3). - [RuboCop](https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop) setup (#5). - [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.com/) setup (#4). ## 0.2.0 - 'Accidentally' yanked. ## 0.1.0 - Initial Release. ### Features: - Creation of `Temperature` using positional arguments. - Creation of `Temperature` using keyword arguments. - Creation of `Temperature`s from already existing temperature objects (`Temperature#set_degrees`, `Temperature#set_scale`). - Conversion to Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. - Dynamic conversion (`Temperature#to_scale`). - Equality operator `==`. - Addition of `Temperature`s. - Subtraction of `Temperature`s. - Support of Ruby coersion mechanism.