@class = Class.new(DBDConfig.testbase(DBDConfig.current_dbtype)) do def test_empty_query ["", " ", "\t"].each do |str| [:do, :prepare, :execute, :select_one, :select_all].each do |call| assert_raises(DBI::InterfaceError) do @dbh.send(call, str) end end end end def test_ping assert @dbh.ping # XXX if it isn't obvious, this should be tested better. Not sure what # good behavior is yet. end def test_columns assert_nothing_raised do cols = @dbh.columns("precision_test") assert(cols) assert_kind_of(Array, cols) assert_equal(4, cols.length) # the first column should always be "text_field" and have the following # properties: assert_equal("text_field", cols[0]["name"]) assert(!cols[0]["nullable"]) assert_equal(20, cols[0]["precision"]) # scale can be either nil or 0 for character types. case cols[0]["scale"] when nil assert_equal(nil, cols[0]["scale"]) when 0 assert_equal(0, cols[0]["scale"]) else flunk "scale can be either 0 or nil for character types" end assert_equal( DBI::Type::Varchar.object_id, DBI::TypeUtil.type_name_to_module(cols[0]["type_name"]).object_id ) # the second column should always be "integer_field" and have the following # properties: assert_equal("integer_field", cols[1]["name"]) assert(cols[1]["nullable"]) assert_equal(1, cols[2]["scale"]) assert_equal(2, cols[2]["precision"]) assert_equal( DBI::Type::Integer.object_id, DBI::TypeUtil.type_name_to_module(cols[1]["type_name"]).object_id ) # the second column should always be "integer_field" and have the following # properties: assert_equal("decimal_field", cols[2]["name"]) assert(cols[2]["nullable"]) assert_equal(1, cols[2]["scale"]) assert_equal(2, cols[2]["precision"]) assert_equal( DBI::Type::Decimal.object_id, DBI::TypeUtil.type_name_to_module(cols[2]["type_name"]).object_id ) # the second column should always be "numeric_field" and have the following # properties: assert_equal("numeric_field", cols[3]["name"]) assert(cols[3]["nullable"]) assert_equal(6, cols[3]["scale"]) assert_equal(30, cols[3]["precision"]) assert_equal( DBI::Type::Decimal.object_id, DBI::TypeUtil.type_name_to_module(cols[3]["type_name"]).object_id ) # finally, we ensure that every column in the array is a ColumnInfo # object cols.each { |col| assert_kind_of(DBI::ColumnInfo, col) } end end def test_prepare @sth = @dbh.prepare('select * from names') assert @sth assert_kind_of DBI::StatementHandle, @sth @sth.finish end def test_do assert_equal 1, @dbh.do("insert into names (name, age) values (?, ?)", "Billy", 21) @sth = @dbh.prepare("select * from names where name = ?") @sth.execute("Billy") assert_equal ["Billy", 21], @sth.fetch @sth.finish end def test_tables tables = @dbh.tables.sort # since this is a general test, let's prune the system tables # FIXME not so sure if this should be a general test anymore. if dbtype == "odbc" tables -= [ "administrable_role_authorizations", "applicable_roles", "attributes", "check_constraint_routine_usage", "check_constraints", "column_domain_usage", "column_privileges", "column_udt_usage", "columns", "constraint_column_usage", "constraint_table_usage", "data_type_privileges", "domain_constraints", "domain_udt_usage", "domains", "element_types", "enabled_roles", "information_schema_catalog_name", "key_column_usage", "parameters", "referential_constraints", "role_column_grants", "role_routine_grants", "role_table_grants", "role_usage_grants", "routine_privileges", "routines", "schemata", "sequences", "sql_features", "sql_implementation_info", "sql_languages", "sql_packages", "sql_parts", "sql_sizing", "sql_sizing_profiles", "table_constraints", "table_privileges", "tables", "triggered_update_columns", "triggers", "usage_privileges", "view_column_usage", "view_routine_usage", "view_table_usage", "views" ] end case dbtype when "postgresql" tables.reject! { |x| x =~ /^pg_/ } assert_equal %w(array_test bit_test blob_test boolean_test bytea_test db_specific_types_test field_types_test names precision_test time_test timestamp_test view_names), tables else assert_equal %w(bit_test blob_test boolean_test db_specific_types_test field_types_test names precision_test time_test timestamp_test view_names), tables end end def test_attrs # test defaults assert @dbh["AutoCommit"] # should be true # test setting assert !(@dbh["AutoCommit"] = false) assert !@dbh["AutoCommit"] # test committing an outstanding transaction @sth = @dbh.prepare("insert into names (name, age) values (?, ?)") @sth.execute("Billy", 22) @sth.finish assert @dbh["AutoCommit"] = true # should commit at this point @sth = @dbh.prepare("select * from names where name = ?") @sth.execute("Billy") assert_equal [ "Billy", 22 ], @sth.fetch @sth.finish end end