require 'set' require 'ms/error_rate/decoy' class Array def group_by(&block) hash = {|h,k| h[k] = [] } each do |v| hash[] << v end hash end unless [].respond_to?(:group_by) end module Ms module ErrorRate # For generating and working with q-value calculations. The q-value is the global false discovery rate when accepting that particular ID. We do not necessarily distinguish here between *how* the FDR is generated (i.e., Storey's pFDR "the occurrence of false positives" vs. Benjamini-Hochberg's FDR "the rate of false positives" [except to prefer Storey when possible] ). The main point is that we sort and threshold based on a global FDR. module Qvalue module_function # returns a parallel array to target hits with qvalues # opts = :z_together true/false (default false) group all charges # together. # the sort block should sort from worst to best # by default, sorting is: {|hit| hit.score} if not provided # options also passed through to mixed_target_decoy def target_decoy_qvalues(target_hits, decoy_hits, opts={}, &sorting) sorting ||= :score opts = {:z_together => false}.merge(opts) target_set = # doesn't do arity checking hit_with_qvalue_pairs = do |hits| sorted_best_to_worst = (hits.sort_by(&sorting)).reverse (target_hits, qvalues) = Ms::ErrorRate::Qvalue.mixed_target_decoy(sorted_best_to_worst, target_set, opts) end all_together = target_hits + decoy_hits if !opts[:z_together] else all_hits = [] by_charge = all_together.group_by(&:charge) by_charge.each do |charge,hits| all_hits.push(*( end all_hits end end # returns [target_hits, qvalues] (parallel arrays sorted from best hit to # worst hit). expects an array-like object of hits sorted from best to worst # hit with decoys interspersed and a target_setlike object that responds to # :include? for the hit object assumes the hit is a decoy if not found # in the target set! if monotonic is false, then the guarantee that # qvalues be monotonically increasing is not respected. def mixed_target_decoy(best_to_worst, target_setlike, opts={}) opts = {:monotonic => true}.merge(opts) num_target = 0 ; num_decoy = 0 monotonic = opts[:monotonic] target_hits = [] qvalues = [] best_to_worst.each do |hit| if target_setlike.include?(hit) num_target += 1 precision = Ms::ErrorRate::Decoy.precision(num_target, num_decoy) target_hits << hit qvalues << (1.0 - precision) else num_decoy += 1 end end if opts[:monotonic] min_qvalue = qvalues.last qvalues = do |val| # from worst to best score if min_qvalue < val min_qvalue else min_qvalue = val val end end.reverse end [target_hits, qvalues] end end end end