#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'twitter' require 'tweetstream' require 'rufus/scheduler' module Ebooks class Bot attr_accessor :consumer_key, :consumer_secret, :oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret attr_accessor :username attr_reader :twitter, :stream @@all = [] # List of all defined bots def self.all; @@all; end def self.get(name) all.find { |bot| bot.username == name } end def initialize(username, &b) # Set defaults @username = username # Override with callback b.call(self) Bot.all.push(self) end def log(*args) STDOUT.puts "@#{@username}: " + args.map(&:to_s).join(' ') STDOUT.flush end def configure TweetStream.configure do |config| config.consumer_key = @consumer_key config.consumer_secret = @consumer_secret config.oauth_token = @oauth_token config.oauth_token_secret = @oauth_token_secret end Twitter.configure do |config| config.consumer_key = @consumer_key config.consumer_secret = @consumer_secret config.oauth_token = @oauth_token config.oauth_token_secret = @oauth_token_secret end @twitter = Twitter::Client.new needs_stream = [@on_follow, @on_message, @on_mention, @on_timeline].any? {|e| !e.nil?} @stream = TweetStream::Client.new if needs_stream end # Connects to tweetstream and opens event handlers for this bot def start configure @on_startup.call if @on_startup if not @stream log "not bothering with stream for #@username" return end log "starting stream for #@username" @stream.on_error do |msg| log "ERROR: #{msg}" end @stream.on_inited do log "Online!" end @stream.on_event(:follow) do |event| next if event[:source][:screen_name] == @username log "Followed by #{event[:source][:screen_name]}" @on_follow.call(event[:source]) if @on_follow end @stream.on_direct_message do |dm| next if dm[:sender][:screen_name] == @username # Don't reply to self log "DM from @#{dm[:sender][:screen_name]}: #{dm[:text]}" @on_message.call(dm) if @on_message end @stream.userstream do |ev| next unless ev[:text] # If it's not a text-containing tweet, ignore it next if ev[:user][:screen_name] == @username # Ignore our own tweets meta = {} mentions = ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions].map { |x| x[:screen_name] } reply_mentions = mentions.reject { |m| m.downcase == @username.downcase } reply_mentions = [ev[:user][:screen_name]] + reply_mentions meta[:reply_prefix] = reply_mentions.uniq.map { |m| '@'+m }.join(' ') + ' ' meta[:limit] = 140 - meta[:reply_prefix].length mless = ev[:text] begin ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions].reverse.each do |entity| last = mless[entity[:indices][1]..-1]||'' mless = mless[0...entity[:indices][0]] + last.strip end rescue Exception p ev.attrs[:entities][:user_mentions] p ev[:text] raise end meta[:mentionless] = mless # To check if this is a mention, ensure: # - The tweet mentions list contains our username # - The tweet is not being retweeted by somebody else # - Or soft-retweeted by somebody else if mentions.map(&:downcase).include?(@username.downcase) && !ev[:retweeted_status] && !ev[:text].start_with?('RT ') log "Mention from @#{ev[:user][:screen_name]}: #{ev[:text]}" @on_mention.call(ev, meta) if @on_mention else @on_timeline.call(ev, meta) if @on_timeline end end end # Wrapper for EM.add_timer # Delays add a greater sense of humanity to bot behaviour def delay(time, &b) time = time.to_a.sample unless time.is_a? Integer EM.add_timer(time, &b) end # Reply to a tweet or a DM. # Applies configurable @reply_delay range def reply(ev, text, opts={}) opts = opts.clone if ev.is_a? Twitter::DirectMessage log "Sending DM to @#{ev[:sender][:screen_name]}: #{text}" @twitter.direct_message_create(ev[:sender][:screen_name], text, opts) elsif ev.is_a? Twitter::Tweet log "Replying to @#{ev[:user][:screen_name]} with: #{text}" @twitter.update(text, in_reply_to_status_id: ev[:id]) else raise Exception("Don't know how to reply to a #{ev.class}") end end def scheduler @scheduler ||= Rufus::Scheduler.new end def follow(*args) log "Following #{args}" @twitter.follow(*args) end def tweet(*args) log "Tweeting #{args.inspect}" @twitter.update(*args) end # could easily just be *args however the separation keeps it clean. def pictweet(txt, pic, *args) log "Tweeting #{txt.inspect} - #{pic} #{args}" @twitter.update_with_media(txt, File.new(pic), *args) end def on_startup(&b); @on_startup = b; end def on_follow(&b); @on_follow = b; end def on_mention(&b); @on_mention = b; end def on_timeline(&b); @on_timeline = b; end def on_message(&b); @on_message = b; end end end