namespace "wp-capistrano" do desc 'Install plugins dependencies using composer' task :plugins_composer_install do on roles(:app) do pluginDirectory = "../app/web/wp-content/plugins/" Dir.foreach(pluginDirectory) { |directory| if (directory != "." and directory != ".." && + directory)) puts "#################################\n# Plugin #{directory}\n#################################" Dir.chdir(pluginDirectory + directory) do puts info(Dir.exist?(Dir.pwd + '/vendor')) info(File.exist?(Dir.pwd + '/composer.lock')) if (Dir.exist?(Dir.pwd + '/vendor') == false && File.exist?(Dir.pwd + '/composer.lock') == true) puts '=> NEED INSTALL : There is no vendor installed and composer.lock' execute "ls #{release_path}/wp-content/plugins/" execute "composer install --working-dir=#{release_path}/wp-content/plugins/" + directory else puts '=> NO NEED INSTALL' end end puts ' ' end } puts "#################################\n#End Install Plugins\n#################################" end end end