opal_filter "Range" do fails "Range#bsearch raises a TypeError if the block returns a String" fails "Range#bsearch raises a TypeError if the block returns an Object" fails "Range#bsearch raises a TypeError if the Range has Object values" fails "Range#bsearch raises a TypeError if the Range has String values" fails "Range#bsearch returns an Enumerator when not passed a block" fails "Range#bsearch when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns nil" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers accepts (+/-)Float::INFINITY from the block" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns an element at an index for which block returns 0" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns an element at an index for which block returns 0.0" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block never returns zero" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block returns greater than zero for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block returns less than zero for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning true or false returns minimum element if the block returns true for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning true or false returns nil if the block returns false for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning true or false returns nil if the block returns nil for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Float values with a block returning true or false returns the smallest element for which block returns true" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers accepts (+/-)Float::INFINITY from the block" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns an element at an index for which block returns 0" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns an element at an index for which block returns 0.0" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block never returns zero" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block returns greater than zero for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning negative, zero, positive numbers returns nil if the block returns less than zero for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning true or false returns minimum element if the block returns true for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning true or false returns nil if the block returns false for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning true or false returns nil if the block returns nil for every element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning true or false returns the last element if the block returns true for the last element" fails "Range#bsearch with Integer values with a block returning true or false returns the smallest element for which block returns true" fails "Range#cover? compares values using <=>" fails "Range#cover? returns false if range is empty" fails "Range#cover? returns false if the range does not contain the argument" fails "Range#cover? uses the range element's <=> to make the comparison" fails "Range#each passes each element to the given block by using #succ" fails "Range#each raises a TypeError if the first element does not respond to #succ" fails "Range#each raises a TypeError if the first element is a Time object" fails "Range#each when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns the enumerable size" fails "Range#first calls #to_int to convert the argument" fails "Range#first raises a TypeError if #to_int does not return an Integer" fails "Range#first raises a TypeError when passed a String" fails "Range#first raises a TypeError when passed nil" fails "Range#first raises an ArgumentError when count is negative" fails "Range#first returns all elements in the range when count exceeds the number of elements" fails "Range#first returns an empty array for an empty Range" fails "Range#first returns an empty array when passed zero" fails "Range#first returns the specified number of elements from the beginning" fails "Range#first truncates the value when passed a Float" fails "Range#hash generates a Fixnum for the hash value" fails "Range#hash generates the same hash values for Ranges with the same start, end and exclude_end? values" fails "Range#include? compares values using <=>" fails "Range#include? on string elements returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#include? returns false if range is empty" fails "Range#include? returns false if the range does not contain the argument" fails "Range#include? with weird succ when excluded end value returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#include? with weird succ when included end value returns false if other is equal as last element but not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#include? with weird succ when included end value returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#initialize is private" fails "Range#initialize raises a NameError if called on an already initialized Range" fails "Range#inspect ignores own untrusted status" fails "Range#inspect returns a tainted string if either end is tainted" fails "Range#inspect returns a untrusted string if either end is untrusted" fails "Range#last calls #to_int to convert the argument" fails "Range#last raises a TypeError if #to_int does not return an Integer" fails "Range#last raises a TypeError when passed a String" fails "Range#last raises a TypeError when passed nil" fails "Range#last raises an ArgumentError when count is negative" fails "Range#last returns all elements in the range when count exceeds the number of elements" fails "Range#last returns an empty array for an empty Range" fails "Range#last returns an empty array when passed zero" fails "Range#last returns the specified number of elements from the end" fails "Range#last truncates the value when passed a Float" fails "Range#max given a block calls #> and #< on the return value of the block" fails "Range#max raises TypeError when called on a Time...Time(excluded end point)" fails "Range#max raises TypeError when called on an exclusive range and a non Integer value" fails "Range#max returns nil when the endpoint equals the start point and the range is exclusive" fails "Range#max returns nil when the endpoint is less than the start point" fails "Range#max returns nil when the endpoint is less than the start point in a Float range" fails "Range#max returns the maximum value in the range when called with no arguments" fails "Range#member? compares values using <=>" fails "Range#member? on string elements returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#member? returns false if range is empty" fails "Range#member? returns false if the range does not contain the argument" fails "Range#member? with weird succ when excluded end value returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#member? with weird succ when included end value returns false if other is equal as last element but not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#member? with weird succ when included end value returns false if other is not matched by element.succ" fails "Range#min given a block calls #> and #< on the return value of the block" fails "Range#min returns nil when the endpoint equals the start point and the range is exclusive" fails "Range#min returns nil when the start point is greater than the endpoint" fails "Range#min returns nil when the start point is greater than the endpoint in a Float range" fails "Range#step calls #to_int to coerce step to an Integer" fails "Range#step coerces the argument to integer by invoking to_int" fails "Range#step raises a TypeError if #to_int does not return an Integer" fails "Range#step raises a TypeError if step does not respond to #to_int" fails "Range#step raises a TypeError if the first element does not respond to #succ" fails "Range#step raises an ArgumentError if step is 0" fails "Range#step raises an ArgumentError if step is 0.0" fails "Range#step raises an ArgumentError if step is negative" fails "Range#step raises TypeError if step" fails "Range#step returns an enumerator when no block is given" fails "Range#step returns self" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size raises a TypeError if #to_int does not return an Integer" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size raises a TypeError if step does not respond to #to_int" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size raises an ArgumentError if step is 0" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size raises an ArgumentError if step is 0.0" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size raises an ArgumentError if step is negative" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size return nil and not raises a TypeError if the first element does not respond to #succ" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns nil with begin and end are String" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns the ceil of range size divided by the number of steps" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns the correct number of steps when one of the arguments is a float" fails "Range#step when no block is given returned Enumerator size returns the range size when there's no step_size" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float values returns Float values of 'step * n + begin < end'" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer values yields Integer values incremented by 1 and less than end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer values yields Integer values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer, Float values yields an Float and then Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer, Float values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and Integer, Float values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and String values raises a TypeError when passed a Float step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and String values yields String values incremented by #succ and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with exclusive end and String values yields String values incremented by #succ called Integer step times" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float values returns Float values of 'step * n + begin <= end'" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Float, Integer values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer values yields Integer values incremented by 1 and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer values yields Integer values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer, Float values yields Float values incremented by 1 and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer, Float values yields Float values incremented by a Float step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and Integer, Float values yields Float values incremented by an Integer step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and String values calls #succ on begin and each element returned by #succ" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and String values raises a TypeError when passed a Float step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and String values yields String values incremented by #succ and less than or equal to end when not passed a step" fails "Range#step with inclusive end and String values yields String values incremented by #succ called Integer step times" fails "Range#to_s ignores own untrusted status" fails "Range#to_s provides a printable form of self" fails "Range#to_s returns a tainted string if either end is tainted" fails "Range#to_s returns a untrusted string if either end is untrusted" end