require 'htmlentities' =begin rdoc mixins all around =end require 'uri' alias putd puts#:nodoc: alias putx puts#:nodoc: alias putw puts#:nodoc: # I really hate this class NilClass#:nodoc: def empty?; return true; end def size; return 0; end def to_form; return[]); end def clop; return nil; end def inner_html; return nil; end def get_attribute(*args); return nil; end def grep(*args); return []; end def escape(*args); return nil; end end class Numeric # return binary representation of length size padded with \x00 # length: length in bytes to return (padded with least signficant \x00 # reverse: reverse the byte order def to_bin (len,rev = false) str = "" bignum = self 1.upto(len) do |i| str << (bignum & 0xFF).to_n8 bignum = bignum >> 8 end return str.reverse if rev return str end # integer to ip address def int_to_ip [24, 16, 8, 0].map { |b| (self >> b) & 255 }.join('.') end # integer to mac address [uses ':' as delimiter] def int_to_mac [40,32,24,16,8,0].map { |b| ((self >> b) & 255).to_s(16).rjust(2,"0") }.join(":") end end class String @@he = def strip_up self.gsub(/[^\x20-\x7e,\n]/,"").gsub(/^\n/,"") end # ip address to int def ip_to_int self.split('.').inject(0) { |a,e| (a << 8) + e.to_i } end # mac address to int [uses ':' as delimiter] def mac_to_int self.split(':').inject(0) { |a,e| (a << 8) + e.to_i(16) } end # return true or false for string.match def contains?(rexp) return !self.match(rexp).nil? end # strip the string and return true if empty def empty? return self.strip == '' end # return everything in the string (url) before the first get param ## "".clip ## => "" def clip(pref="?") if (v = self.index(pref)) return self[0..(v-1)] end return self end # return everything in the string (url) after the first get parameter # without the leading '?' # # pass true as the second param to also get back the ? ## "".clop ## => "somearg=foo&otherarg=bar" def clop(pref="?",preftoo=false) (preftoo == false) ? add = "" : add = pref if (v = self.index(pref)) return add + self[(v+1)..-1] end return nil end def clopp; self.clop("?",true); end #:nodoc: def clopa return [self.clip,self.clop] end # base 64 decode def b64d self.unpack("m").first end # base 64 encode def b64e [self].pack("m").chomp end # URI.escape using defaults or passed regexp def escape(reg=nil,unicodify=false) if reg.nil? ret = URI.escape(self) elsif reg.kind_of?(Symbol) case reg when :none; return self when :default; ret = URI.escape(self) else; ret = URI.escape(self,WWMD::ESCAPE[reg]) end else ret = URI.escape(self,reg) end if unicodify ret.gsub!(/%/,"%u00") end return ret end # URI.escape def escape_url(reg=WWMD::ESCAPE[:url])#:nodoc: self.escape(reg) end def escape_xss(reg=WWMD::ESCAPE[:xss])#:nodoc: self.escape(reg) end def escape_default(reg=WWMD::ESCAPE[:default]) self.escape(reg) end # URI.escape all characters in string def escape_all#:nodoc: self.escape(/.*/) end # URI.unescape def unescape URI.unescape(self) end # encode the string using Encoding.to_utf7(self,false) # (encode non [:alnum:] characters). Set all true # to encode all characters in the string. def to_utf7(all=false) Encoding.to_utf7(self,all) end # File.dirname with a trailing slash def dirname return self if self.match(/\/$/) File.dirname(self) + "/" end # File.basename def basename File.basename(self) end def extname self.split('.').last end # write string to passed filename # if filename is nil? will raise an error def write(fname=nil) raise "filename required" if fname.nil? File.write(fname,self) return fname end def to_form_from_show self.split("\n").map { |a| key,val = a.split("=",2) key = key.split(" ")[-1] val = val.strip if val ["#{key}=#{val}"] }.join("&").to_form.squeeze_keys! end def mform return self.gsub("\n","").to_form end # parse passed GET param string into a form and return the FormArray object def to_form if self.split("\n").size > 1 return self.to_form_from_show end ret = self.split("&").each do |x| y = x.split("=",2) ret.extend!(y[0].to_s,y[1].to_s) end return ret end # create filename from url changing "/" to "_" def to_fn(ext=nil) ret = self.clip.split("/")[3..-1].join("_") ret += ".#{ext}" if not ext.nil? return ret end # html entity encode string # sym = :basic :named :decimal :hexadecimal def eencode(sym=nil) sym = :named if sym.nil? @@he.encode(self,sym) end # decode html entities in string def edecode return @@he.decode(self) end def edecode! self.replace(@@he.decode(self)) end # strip html tags from string def strip_html self.gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "") end # range or int def head(c=5) if c.kind_of?(Range) then range = c else range = (0..(c - 1)) end self.split("\n")[range].join("\n") end # return a literal regexp object for this string # # escape regexp operators def to_regexp return[\[\]\{\}\(\)\*\$\?])/) { |x| '\\' + x }) end # check if this string is a guid def is_guid? begin Guid.from_s(self) rescue => e return false end return true end def md5 Digest::MD5.digest(self).hexify end def sha1 Digest::SHA1.digest(self).hexify end def sha256 Digest::SHA256.digest(self).hexify end def sha512 Digest::SHA512.digest(self).hexify end def to_qp [self].pack("M") end def from_qp self.unpack("M").first end end class Array # grep each element of an array for the passed regular expression # and return an Array of matches # (only works one deep) def each_grep(regex) ret = [] self.each { |e| ret << e.grep(regex) } return ret end # join the array with "\n" and write to a file def to_file(filename) File.write(filename,self.join("\n")) end end class Hash#:nodoc: # no idea what I was doing here def to_f#:nodoc: self.each_key { |l| puts "#{l} = " + self[l] } return nil end end class File # write string to file def self.write(filename,contents) fout =,"w") fout.print contents fout.close end end