module Unipept class ApiRunner < Cri::CommandRunner def initialize(args, opts, cmd) super @configuration = set_configuration @url = "#{@host}/api/v1/#{mapping[]}.json" @message_url = "#{@host}/api/v1/messages.json" end def set_configuration # find host in opts first if options[:'config-host'] host = options[:'config-host'] else host = @configuration['host'] end # No host has been set? if host.nil? || host.empty? puts "WARNING: no host has been set, you can set the host with `unipept config host http://localhost:3000/`" exit 1 end if !host.start_with? "http://" host = "http://#{host}" end @host = host end def mapping {'pept2taxa' => 'pept2taxa', 'pept2lca' => 'pept2lca'} end def input_iterator # Argument over file input over stdin if !arguments.empty? arguments.each else if options[:input] IO.foreach(options[:input]) else STDIN.each_line end end end def batch_size 100 end def url_options(sub_part) filter = options[:select] ? options[:select] : [] if filter.empty? names = true else names = filter.any? {|f| /.*name.*/.match f} end {:input => sub_part, :equate_il => options[:equate], :extra => options[:extra], :names => names, } end def get_server_message return if options[:quiet] return unless STDOUT.tty? last_fetched = @configuration['last_fetch_date'] if last_fetched.nil? || (last_fetched + 60 * 60 * 24) < version =, "..", "VERSION")) puts Typhoeus.get(@message_url, params: {version: version}).body @configuration['last_fetch_date'] = end end def run get_server_message formatter = Unipept::Formatter.new_for_format(options[:format]) peptides = input_iterator filter_list = options[:select] ? options[:select] : [] filter_list = {|f| glob_to_regex(f) } output = STDOUT.tty? ? STDOUT : STDERR batch_order = printed_header = false result = [] hydra = 10) num_req = 0 peptide_iterator(peptides) do |sub_division, i, fasta_mapper| request = @url, method: :post, body: url_options(sub_division), accept_encoding: "gzip" ) request.on_complete do |resp| if resp.timed_out? $stderr.puts "request timed out, continuing anyway, but results might be incomplete" else if resp.success? # if JSON parsing goes wrong sub_result = JSON[resp.response_body] rescue [] sub_result = [sub_result] if not sub_result.kind_of? Array! {|r|! {|k,v| filter_list.any? {|f| f.match k } } } if ! filter_list.empty? if options[:xml] result << sub_result end # wait till it's our turn to write batch_order.wait(i) do if ! sub_result.empty? if ! printed_header write_to_output formatter.header(sub_result, fasta_mapper) printed_header = true end write_to_output formatter.format(sub_result, fasta_mapper) end end else save_error(resp.response_body) end end end hydra.queue request num_req += 1 if num_req % 200 == 0 end end begin download_xml(result) rescue STDERR.puts "Something went wrong while downloading xml information! please check the output" end end def save_error(message) path = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.home, ".unipept", "unipept-#{"%F-%T")}.log")) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path), "w") do |f| f.write message end $stderr.puts "API request failed! log can be found in #{path}" end def write_to_output(string) if options[:output][:output], 'a') do |f| f.write string end else puts string end end def download_xml(result) if options[:xml][:xml] + ".xml", "wb") do |f| f.write Typhoeus.get("{{|h| h['taxon_id'] }.join(",")}&retmode=xml").response_body end end end def peptide_iterator(peptides, &block) first = peptides.first if first.start_with? '>' # FASTA MODE ENGAGED fasta_header = first peptides.each_slice(batch_size).with_index do |sub,i| fasta_mapper = {}! {|s| s.chomp} j = 0 while j < sub.size if sub[j].start_with? '>' fasta_header = sub[j] else fasta_mapper[sub[j]] = fasta_header end j += 1 end sub -= fasta_mapper.values.uniq, i, fasta_mapper) end else peptides.each_slice(batch_size).with_index(&block) end end private def glob_to_regex(glob_string) # only implement * -> . for now glob_string.gsub("*", ".*") end end end