{"issue":{"gravatar_id":"9bee19040f2a9c6a901e33426a968135","position":10.0,"number":105,"votes":5,"created_at":"2010/10/03 11:36:43 -0700","comments":14,"body":"Hi,\n\nI just tried to play with this in an app with no ActiveRecord. I was disappointed. It seems the only reason the engine relies on AR is to provide History functionality. I would argue that having the History in a database, and therefore tying the app to AR & SQL, isn't worth it. How about we change it to just dump to a CSV and remove the AR dep?\n\n$0.02","title":"Use OrmAdapter instead of talking directly to ActiveRecord","updated_at":"2011/01/14 11:16:57 -0800","user":"ryana","labels":["@ml","enhancement"],"state":"open"}}