module TypeProf::LSP module ErrorCodes ParseError = -32700 InvalidRequest = -32600 MethodNotFound = -32601 InvalidParams = -32602 InternalError = -32603 end class Server def self.start_stdio(core) $stdin.binmode $stdout.binmode reader =$stdin) writer =$stdout) # pipe all builtin print output to stderr to avoid conflicting with lsp $stdout = $stderr new(core, reader, writer).run end def self.start_socket(core) Socket.tcp_server_sockets("localhost", nil) do |servs| serv = servs[0].local_address $stdout << JSON.generate({ host: serv.ip_address, port: serv.ip_port, pid: $$, }) $stdout.flush $stdout = $stderr Socket.accept_loop(servs) do |sock| sock.set_encoding("UTF-8") begin reader = writer = new(core, reader, writer).run ensure sock.close end exit end end end def initialize(core, reader, writer) @core = core @workspaces = {} @reader = reader @writer = writer @request_id = 0 @running_requests_from_client = {} @running_requests_from_server = {} @open_texts = {} @exit = false @signature_enabled = true end attr_reader :core, :open_texts attr_accessor :signature_enabled def add_workspaces(folders) folders.each do |path| conf_path = File.join(path, "typeprof.conf.json") if File.readable?(conf_path) conf = TypeProf::LSP.load_json_with_comments(conf_path, symbolize_names: true) if conf if conf[:typeprof_version] == "experimental" if conf[:analysis_unit_dirs].size >= 2 puts "currently analysis_unit_dirs can have only one directory" end conf[:analysis_unit_dirs].each do |dir| dir = File.expand_path(dir, path) @workspaces[dir] = true @core.add_workspace(dir, conf[:rbs_dir]) end else puts "Unknown typeprof_version: #{ conf[:typeprof_version] }" end end else puts "typeprof.conf.json is not found" end end end def target_path?(path) @workspaces.each do |folder, _| return true if path.start_with?(folder) end return false end def run do |json| if json[:method] # request or notification msg_class = Message.find(json[:method]) if msg_class msg =, json) @running_requests_from_client[json[:id]] = msg if json[:id] else end else # response callback = @running_requests_from_server.delete(json[:id]) callback&.call(json[:params], json[:error]) end break if @exit end end def send_response(**msg) @running_requests_from_client.delete(msg[:id]) @writer.write(**msg) end def send_notification(method, **params) @writer.write(method: method, params: params) end def send_request(method, **params, &blk) id = @request_id += 1 @running_requests_from_server[id] = blk @writer.write(id: id, method: method, params: params) end def cancel_request(id) req = @running_requests_from_client[id] req.cancel if req.respond_to?(:cancel) end def exit @exit = true end end class Reader class ProtocolError < StandardError end def initialize(io) @io = io end def read while line = @io.gets line2 = @io.gets if line =~ /\AContent-length: (\d+)\r\n\z/i && line2 == "\r\n" len = $1.to_i json = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true) yield json else raise ProtocolError, "LSP broken header" end end end end class Writer def initialize(io) @io = io @mutex = end def write(**json) json = JSON.generate(json.merge(jsonrpc: "2.0")) @mutex.synchronize do @io << "Content-Length: #{ json.bytesize }\r\n\r\n" << json @io.flush end end end end