require 'erb' require 'recursive-open-struct' module New::Interpolate # regex to match capital underscored template options names ie [PROJECT_NAME] FILENAME_RENAME_MATCH = /\[([A-Z_.]+)\]/ # Convienance method for processing everything # def interpolate src_path, options @src_path = src_path @options = options copy_to_tmp process_paths process_files end def dir; @dest_path; end # Convert options to OpenStruct so we can use dot notation in the templates # def dot_options @dot_options ||= end private # Allow templates to call option values directly # def method_missing method dot_options.send(method.to_sym) || super end def copy_to_tmp # Create a unique temporary path to store the processed files @dest_path = Dir.mktmpdir # Copy to tmp FileUtils.cp_r @src_path, @dest_path end # Collect files with a matching value to interpolate # def process_paths get_path = -> type do Dir.glob(File.join(@dest_path, '**/*')).select do |e| File.send("#{type}?".to_sym, e) && e =~ FILENAME_RENAME_MATCH end end # rename directories first get_path[:directory].each{ |dir| process_path dir } get_path[:file].each{ |file| process_path file } end # Interpolate filenames with template options # def process_path path new_path = path.gsub FILENAME_RENAME_MATCH do # Extract interpolated values into symbols methods = $1.downcase.split('.').map(&:to_sym) # Call each method on options methods.inject(dot_options){ |options, method| options.send(method.to_sym) } end if File.file? path File.rename path, new_path else path, new_path end end # Collect files with an .erb extension to interpolate # def process_files Dir.glob(File.join(@dest_path, '**/*.erb'), File::FNM_DOTMATCH).each do |file| process_file file end end # Interpolate erb template data # def process_file file # Process the erb file processed_file = # Overwrite the original file with the processed file file, 'w' do |f| f.write processed_file end # Remove the .erb from the file name File.rename file, file.chomp('.erb') end end