require 'capistrano/unicorn/utility' include CapistranoUnicorn::Utility # Load default values the capistrano 3.x way. # See namespace :load do task :defaults do # Environments set :unicorn_env ,{ fetch(:rails_env, 'production') } # Following recommendations from set :unicorn_rack_env,{ fetch(:rails_env) == 'development' ? 'development' : 'deployment' } # Execution set :unicorn_user , nil set :unicorn_bundle ,{ fetch(:bundle_cmd, "bundle") } set :unicorn_bin , "unicorn" set :unicorn_options , '' set :unicorn_restart_sleep_time, 2 # Relative paths set :app_subdir , '' set :unicorn_config_rel_path , "config" set :unicorn_config_filename , "unicorn.rb" set :unicorn_config_rel_file_path ,{ File.join(fetch(:unicorn_config_rel_path), fetch(:unicorn_config_filename)) } set :unicorn_config_stage_rel_file_path,{ File.join(fetch(:unicorn_config_rel_path), 'unicorn', "#{fetch(:unicorn_env)}.rb") } # Absolute paths # If you find the following confusing, try running 'cap unicorn:show_vars' - # it might help :-) set :app_path ,{ File.join(current_path, fetch(:app_subdir)) } set :unicorn_config_path ,{ File.join(fetch(:app_path), fetch(:unicorn_config_rel_path)) } set :unicorn_config_file_path ,{ File.join(fetch(:app_path), fetch(:unicorn_config_rel_file_path)) } set :unicorn_config_stage_file_path,{ File.join(fetch(:app_path), fetch(:unicorn_config_stage_rel_file_path)) } set :unicorn_default_pid ,{ File.join(fetch(:app_path), 'tmp', 'pids', '') } set :unicorn_pid,{ extracted_pid = extract_pid_file if extracted_pid extracted_pid else # TODO logger is not defined #logger.important "err :: failed to auto-detect pid from #{local_unicorn_config}" #logger.important "err :: falling back to default: #{unicorn_default_pid}" fetch :unicorn_default_pid end } end end namespace :unicorn do desc 'Debug Unicorn variables' task :show_vars do on roles :app do puts <<-EOF.gsub(/^ +/, '') # Environments rails_env #{fetch :rails_env} unicorn_env #{fetch :unicorn_env} unicorn_rack_env #{fetch :unicorn_rack_env} # Execution unicorn_user #{fetch(:unicorn_user).inspect} unicorn_bundle #{fetch :unicorn_bundle} unicorn_bin #{fetch :unicorn_bin} unicorn_options #{fetch :unicorn_options} unicorn_restart_sleep_time #{fetch :unicorn_restart_sleep_time} # Relative paths app_subdir #{fetch :app_subdir} unicorn_config_rel_path #{fetch :unicorn_config_rel_path} unicorn_config_filename #{fetch :unicorn_config_filename} unicorn_config_rel_file_path #{fetch :unicorn_config_rel_file_path} unicorn_config_stage_rel_file_path #{fetch :unicorn_config_stage_rel_file_path} # Absolute paths app_path #{fetch :app_path} unicorn_pid #{fetch :unicorn_pid} #bundle_gemfile #{fetch :bundle_gemfile} unicorn_config_path #{fetch :unicorn_config_path} unicorn_config_file_path #{fetch :unicorn_config_file_path} unicorn_config_stage_file_path -> "#{fetch :unicorn_config_stage_file_path} EOF end end desc 'Start Unicorn master process' task :start do on roles unicorn_roles do execute start_unicorn end end desc 'Stop Unicorn' task :stop do on roles unicorn_roles do execute kill_unicorn('QUIT') end end desc 'Immediately shutdown Unicorn' task :shutdown do on roles unicorn_roles do execute kill_unicorn('TERM') end end desc 'Restart Unicorn' task :restart do on roles unicorn_roles do duplicate_unicorn execute :sleep, fetch(:unicorn_restart_sleep_time) if old_unicorn_is_running? unicorn_send_signal('QUIT', get_old_unicorn_pid) end end end desc 'Duplicate Unicorn' task :duplicate do on roles unicorn_roles do duplicate_unicorn end end desc 'Reload Unicorn' task :reload do on roles unicorn_roles do if unicorn_is_running? unicorn_send_signal('HUP') else start_unicorn end end end desc 'Add a new worker' task :add_worker do on roles unicorn_roles do if unicorn_is_running? unicorn_send_signal('TTIN') end end end desc 'Remove amount of workers' task :remove_worker do on roles unicorn_roles do if unicorn_is_running? unicorn_send_signal('TTOU') end end end end