module MiniTestSpecRails module Init module ActiveSupportBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do singleton_class.send :remove_method, :describe register_spec_type(self) { |desc| Class === desc && desc < ActiveRecord::Base } register_rails_test_case self end end end end ActiveSupport::TestCase.send :include, MiniTestSpecRails::Init::ActiveSupportBehavior # The AbstractController::Helpers#default_helper_module! blows up using # ActiveSupport's modified LoadError class under Ruby 1.8 because describe # blocks with spaces for their names have a `module_path` of something like # "nested 1" while in Ruby 1.9 it is something like "#" # and hence wont find a #path match in REGEXPS due to the space. So add # another that allows filenames with spaces in it. # LoadError::REGEXPS << %r{^Missing \w+ (?:file\s*)?(.*\.rb)$}i