require 'spec_helper' require 'mirage/client' include Mirage describe Mirage do describe 'starting' do before(:each) do @runner = mock Runner.should_receive(:new).and_return(@runner) end it 'should start Mirage on port 7001 by default' do @runner.should_receive(:invoke).with(:start, [], {:port => 7001}) Mirage.start end it 'should start mirage on the given port' do options = {:port => 9001} @runner.should_receive(:invoke).with(:start, [], options) Mirage.start options end end describe 'stopping' do before(:each) do @runner = mock Runner.stub(:new).and_return(@runner) end it 'should supply single port argument in an array to the runner' do port = 7001 @runner.should_receive(:invoke).with(:stop, [], :port => [port]) @runner.should_receive(:invoke).with(:stop, [], :port => [:all]) Mirage.stop(:port => port) Mirage.stop(:all) end it 'should stop multiple instances of Mirage' do ports = 7001, 7002 @runner.should_receive(:invoke).with(:stop, [], :port => ports) Mirage.stop(:port => ports) end end describe Mirage::Runner do it 'should stop the running instance of Mirage' do runner = runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([:all]).any_number_of_times.and_return({"7001" => "18901"}) runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18901") do runner.rspec_reset runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([:all]).any_number_of_times.and_return({}) end runner.stop end it 'should not stop any instances when more than one is running' do runner = runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([:all]).any_number_of_times.and_return({"7001" => "18901", "7002" => "18902", "7003" => "18903"}) runner.should_not_receive(:kill) lambda { runner.stop }.should raise_error(Mirage::ClientError) end it 'should stop the instance running on the given port' do options = {:port => [7001]} runner = runner.options = options runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([7001]).and_return({"7001" => "18901"}) runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18901") do runner.rspec_reset runner.stub(:mirage_process_ids).with([7001]).and_return({}) end Mirage::Runner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) runner.invoke(:stop, [], options) end it 'should stop the instance running on the given ports' do options = {:port => [7001, 7002]} runner = runner.options = options runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([7001, 7002]).and_return({"7001" => "18901", "7002" => "18902"}) runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18901") runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18902") do runner.rspec_reset runner.stub(:mirage_process_ids).with([7001, 7002]).and_return({}) end Mirage::Runner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) runner.invoke(:stop, [], options) end it 'should stop all running instances' do options = {:port => [:all]} runner = runner.options = options runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([:all]).and_return({"7001" => "18901", "7002" => "18902"}) runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18901") runner.should_receive(:kill).with("18902") do runner.rspec_reset runner.stub(:mirage_process_ids).with([:all]).and_return({}) end Mirage::Runner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) runner.invoke(:stop, [], options) end it 'should not error when asked to stop Mirage on a port that it is not running on' do options = {:port => [7001]} runner = runner.options = options runner.should_receive(:mirage_process_ids).with([7001]).any_number_of_times.and_return({}) Mirage::Runner.should_receive(:new).and_return(runner) lambda { runner.invoke(:stop, [], options) }.should_not raise_error(Mirage::ClientError) end end end