# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Describe the ticks configuration of the chart axis
# Author:: Fernand
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Ziya::Charts::Support
# Sets the tick marks on the chart axes.
# value_ticks: A boolean value that indicates whether the ticks on the value axis are visible or not.
# The default is false.
# category_ticks: A boolean value that indicates whether the ticks on the category axis are visible or not.
# The default is true.
# position: A string that determines where on the axis to display the ticks. Valid values are "outside",
# "inside", and "centered".
# The default is "outside".
# major_thickness: The thickness of major ticks. Major ticks are those appearing with the axis labels.
# The default is 2 pixels.
# major_color: The color of major ticks. This must be a string holding triple hexadecimal values representing
# the red, green, and blue components for a color.
# The default is "000000" (black).
# minor_thickness: The thickness of minor ticks. Minor ticks are those appearing between major ticks.
# The default is 1 pixel.
# minor_color: The color of minor ticks. This must be a string holding triple hexadecimal values representing
# the red, green, and blue components for a color.
# The default is "000000" (black).
# minor_count: This applies to the value axis only. It sets the number of minor ticks between every 2 major ticks.
# The default is 4. The category axis displays minor ticks only where its labels get skipped.
# See http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/index.php?menu=Reference&submenu=axis_ticks
# for additional documentation, examples and futher detail.
class AxisTicks < Base
has_attribute :value_ticks, :category_ticks, :position, :major_thickness,
:major_color, :minor_thickness, :minor_color, :minor_count