module Concernz module Aggregation extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'aggregation_id' # Aggregation involves Variable belongs_to :aggregated_variable, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :aggregated_variable_id # Aggregation involves Variable belongs_to :variable, :foreign_key => :variable_id validates :aggregate_code, :presence => true validates :variable_id, :presence => true validates :aggregated_variable_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module AllowedRange extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'allowed_range_id' # Allowed Range involves Value Constraint and Value Constraint is a kind of Constraint belongs_to :constraint_via_value_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_concept_guid # Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Bound has Value belongs_to :value_via_value_range_maximum_bound, :class_name => 'Value', :foreign_key => :value_range_maximum_bound_value_id # Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Bound has Value belongs_to :value_via_value_range_minimum_bound, :class_name => 'Value', :foreign_key => :value_range_minimum_bound_value_id validates :value_constraint_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module AlternativeSet extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # maybe Alternative Set covers Step has_many :steps, :class_name => 'Step', :foreign_key => :alternative_set_guid, :dependent => :destroy end end end module Concernz module Component extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # maybe Component belongs to parent-Mapping and Mapping is a kind of Component belongs_to :component_via_mapping, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :mapping_guid # maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping projects Composite and Composite belongs to Composition belongs_to :composition_via_mapping_composite, :class_name => 'Composition', :foreign_key => :mapping_composition_guid # maybe Component is a Mapping and Mapping represents Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_mapping, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :mapping_object_type_id # maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses to child-Role belongs_to :child_role_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :absorption_child_role_id # maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and maybe Absorption is nested under index-Role belongs_to :index_role_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :absorption_index_role_id # maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses from parent-Role belongs_to :parent_role_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :absorption_parent_role_id # maybe Component is an Indicator and Indicator indicates Role played belongs_to :role_via_indicator, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :indicator_role_id # Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping contains Component has_many :members_via_mapping, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :mapping_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Component is a Discriminator and Discriminator is involved in Discriminated Role has_many :discriminated_roles_via_discriminator, :class_name => 'DiscriminatedRole', :foreign_key => :discriminator_guid, :dependent => :destroy end end end module Concernz module Composition extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # Composition contains Composite and maybe Composite consists of Mapping and maybe Mapping is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_mapping_composite, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :mapping_composition_guid, :dependent => :destroy validates :name, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Concept extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept and maybe Context Note applies to relevant-Concept belongs_to :relevant_concept_via_context_note, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :context_note_relevant_concept_guid # maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance objectifies Fact and Fact is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_instance_fact, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_fact_concept_guid # maybe Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact is of Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type_via_fact, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid # maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance is of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_instance, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :instance_object_type_id # maybe Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact belongs to Population belongs_to :population_via_fact, :class_name => 'Population', :foreign_key => :fact_population_id # maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance belongs to Population belongs_to :population_via_instance, :class_name => 'Population', :foreign_key => :instance_population_id # maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance has Value belongs_to :value_via_instance, :class_name => 'Value', :foreign_key => :instance_value_id # Concept is involved in Concept Annotation has_many :concept_annotations, :class_name => 'ConceptAnnotation', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Concept has Context Note and maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_context_note, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :context_note_relevant_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact is an instance of Concept and maybe Fact is objectified as Instance and maybe Instance is an instance of Concept has_one :concept_via_instance_fact, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_fact_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Constraint is an instance of Concept has_one :constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Context Note is an instance of Concept and Context Note is involved in Context According To has_many :context_according_tos_via_context_note, :class_name => 'ContextAccordingTo', :foreign_key => :context_note_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Context Note is an instance of Concept and Context Note was added by Agreement and Agreement is involved in Context Agreed By has_many :context_agreed_bies_via_agreement_context_note, :class_name => 'ContextAgreedBy', :foreign_key => :agreement_context_note_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Unit is an instance of Concept and Unit is involved in Derivation has_many :derivations_via_unit, :class_name => 'Derivation', :foreign_key => :base_unit_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Unit is an instance of Concept and Unit is involved in Derivation has_many :derivations_via_unit, :class_name => 'Derivation', :foreign_key => :derived_unit_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type is an instance of Concept has_one :fact_type, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is an instance of Concept has_one :object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Value Type is of Unit and maybe Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type has_many :object_types_via_domain_object_type_value_type_unit, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_unit_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Population is an instance of Concept has_one :population, :class_name => 'Population', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact includes Role Value has_many :role_values_via_fact, :class_name => 'RoleValue', :foreign_key => :fact_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance plays Role Value has_many :role_values_via_instance, :class_name => 'RoleValue', :foreign_key => :instance_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Role is an instance of Concept has_one :role, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Context Note is an instance of Concept and Model Note Shape is for Context Note and maybe Model Note Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_model_note_shape_context_note, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :model_note_shape_context_note_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit is of Value has_many :values_via_unit, :class_name => 'Value', :foreign_key => :unit_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Query is an instance of Concept and Query includes Variable has_many :variables_via_query, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :query_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy end end end module Concernz module ConceptAnnotation extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'concept_annotation_id' # Concept Annotation involves Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid validates :concept_guid, :presence => true validates :mapping_annotation, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Constraint extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'concept_guid' # Constraint is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid # maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has other-Role belongs_to :other_role_via_ring_constraint, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_other_role_id # maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has Role belongs_to :role_via_ring_constraint, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_role_id # maybe Constraint is a Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint applies to Role belongs_to :role_via_value_constraint, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_role_id # maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and Presence Constraint covers Role Sequence belongs_to :role_sequence_via_presence_constraint, :class_name => 'RoleSequence', :foreign_key => :presence_constraint_role_sequence_guid # maybe Constraint is a Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a Subset Constraint and Subset Constraint covers subset-Role Sequence belongs_to :subset_role_sequence_via_set_constraint_subset_constraint, :class_name => 'RoleSequence', :foreign_key => :subset_constraint_subset_role_sequence_guid # maybe Constraint is a Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a Subset Constraint and Subset Constraint covers superset-Role Sequence belongs_to :superset_role_sequence_via_set_constraint_subset_constraint, :class_name => 'RoleSequence', :foreign_key => :subset_constraint_superset_role_sequence_guid # Constraint is a Value Constraint and Value Constraint is involved in Allowed Range has_many :allowed_ranges_via_value_constraint, :class_name => 'AllowedRange', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Constraint is a Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint constrains Value Type and maybe Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type has_one :object_type_via_domain_object_type_value_type_value_constraint, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_value_constraint_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Constraint is a Set Constraint and Set Constraint is a Set Comparison Constraint and Set Comparison Constraint is involved in Set Comparison Roles has_many :set_comparison_roles_via_set_comparison_constraint_set_constraint, :class_name => 'SetComparisonRoles', :foreign_key => :set_comparison_constraint_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Constraint Shape is for Constraint and maybe Constraint Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_constraint_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :constraint_shape_constraint_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy validates :concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module ContextAccordingTo extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'context_according_to_id' # Context According To involves Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_context_note, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :context_note_concept_guid validates :agent_name, :presence => true validates :context_note_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module ContextAgreedBy extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'context_agreed_by_id' # Context Agreed By involves Agreement and Agreement covers Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_agreement_context_note, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :agreement_context_note_concept_guid validates :agent_name, :presence => true validates :agreement_context_note_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Derivation extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'derivation_id' # Derivation involves Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_unit, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :base_unit_concept_guid # Derivation involves Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_unit, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :derived_unit_concept_guid validates :base_unit_concept_guid, :presence => true validates :derived_unit_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Diagram extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'diagram_id' # Diagram is an ORM Diagram and ORM Diagram includes Shape has_many :shapes_via_orm_diagram, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :orm_diagram_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :name, :presence => true validates :vocabulary_name, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module DiscriminatedRole extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'discriminated_role_id' # Discriminated Role involves Discriminator and Discriminator is a kind of Component belongs_to :component_via_discriminator, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :discriminator_guid # Discriminated Role involves Role belongs_to :role, :foreign_key => :role_id # Discriminated Role involves Value belongs_to :value, :foreign_key => :value_id validates :discriminator_guid, :presence => true validates :role_id, :presence => true validates :value_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module FactType extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'concept_guid' # Fact Type is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid # maybe Fact Type is nested as Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :entity_type_object_type_id # maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :type_inheritance_subtype_object_type_id # maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :type_inheritance_supertype_object_type_id # Fact is of Fact Type and maybe Fact is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_fact, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type has Reading has_many :readings, :class_name => 'Reading', :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type contains Role has_many :roles, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type is a Link Fact Type and maybe Link Fact Type has implying-Role has_one :implying_role_via_link_fact_type, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :link_fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type has Fact Type Shape and maybe Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :fact_type_shape_fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Fact Type directs Step has_many :steps, :class_name => 'Step', :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid, :dependent => :destroy validates :concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module ObjectType extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'object_type_id' # Object Type is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid # maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is of Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_domain_object_type_value_type_unit, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :value_type_unit_concept_guid # maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type has Value Constraint and Value Constraint is a kind of Constraint belongs_to :constraint_via_domain_object_type_value_type_value_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :value_type_value_constraint_concept_guid # maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is subtype of super-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_domain_object_type_value_type_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_supertype_object_type_id # Mapping represents Object Type and maybe Mapping is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_mapping, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :mapping_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Instance is of Object Type and maybe Instance is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_instance, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is an Entity Type and maybe Entity Type nests Fact Type has_one :fact_type_via_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :entity_type_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is an Entity Type and Entity Type is involved in Type Inheritance and maybe Type Inheritance is a kind of Fact Type has_many :fact_types_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :type_inheritance_subtype_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy has_many :entity_types, :through => :fact_types_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is an Entity Type and Entity Type is involved in Type Inheritance and maybe Type Inheritance is a kind of Fact Type has_many :fact_types_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :type_inheritance_supertype_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy has_many :entity_types, :through => :fact_types_via_type_inheritance_entity_type_domain_object_type # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is supertype of Value Type and maybe Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type has_many :object_types_via_domain_object_type_value_type_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_supertype_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type plays Role has_many :roles, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type has Object Type Shape and maybe Object Type Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_object_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :object_type_shape_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a Value Type and Value Type is involved in Value Type Parameter Restriction has_many :value_type_parameter_restrictions_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ValueTypeParameterRestriction', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a Value Type and Value Type Parameter requires value of facet-Value Type has_many :value_type_parameters_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ValueTypeParameter', :foreign_key => :facet_value_type_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a Value Type and Value Type is involved in Value Type Parameter has_many :value_type_parameters_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ValueTypeParameter', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is a Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a Value Type and Value Type has Value has_many :values_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'Value', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy # Object Type is referenced in Variable has_many :variables, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :object_type_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :concept_guid, :presence => true validates :name, :presence => true validates :vocabulary_name, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Play extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'play_id' # Play involves Role belongs_to :role, :foreign_key => :role_id # Play involves Step belongs_to :step, :foreign_key => :step_guid # Play involves Variable belongs_to :variable, :foreign_key => :variable_id # maybe Play projects Role Ref has_one :role_ref, :class_name => 'RoleRef', :foreign_key => :play_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :role_id, :presence => true validates :step_guid, :presence => true validates :variable_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Population extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'population_id' # Population is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid # Population includes Fact and maybe Fact is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_fact, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :fact_population_id, :dependent => :destroy # Population includes Instance and maybe Instance is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_instance, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_population_id, :dependent => :destroy # Population includes Role Value has_many :role_values, :class_name => 'RoleValue', :foreign_key => :population_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :concept_guid, :presence => true validates :name, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Reading extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'reading_id' # Reading is for Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type, :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid # Reading is in Role Sequence belongs_to :role_sequence, :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid # Reading has Reading Shape and maybe Reading Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_reading_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :reading_shape_reading_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :fact_type_concept_guid, :presence => true validates :ordinal, :presence => true validates :role_sequence_guid, :presence => true validates :text, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Role extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'role_id' # Role is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept, :foreign_key => :concept_guid # maybe implying-Role implies Link Fact Type and Link Fact Type is a kind of Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type_via_link_fact_type, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :link_fact_type_concept_guid # Role belongs to Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type, :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid # Role is played by Object Type belongs_to :object_type, :foreign_key => :object_type_id # Absorption traverses to child-Role and maybe Absorption is a kind of Mapping and maybe Mapping is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :absorption_child_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Absorption is nested under index-Role and maybe Absorption is a kind of Mapping and maybe Mapping is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :absorption_index_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Absorption traverses from parent-Role and maybe Absorption is a kind of Mapping and maybe Mapping is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_mapping_absorption, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :absorption_parent_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Indicator indicates Role played and maybe Indicator is a kind of Component has_many :components_via_indicator, :class_name => 'Component', :foreign_key => :indicator_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe other-Role is of Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_many :constraints_via_ring_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_other_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Role is of Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_many :constraints_via_ring_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Role has role-Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_one :constraint_via_value_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Role is involved in Discriminated Role has_many :discriminated_roles, :class_name => 'DiscriminatedRole', :foreign_key => :role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Role is involved in Play has_many :plays, :class_name => 'Play', :foreign_key => :role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Role is involved in Role Display has_many :role_displays, :class_name => 'RoleDisplay', :foreign_key => :role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Role is involved in Role Ref has_many :role_refs, :class_name => 'RoleRef', :foreign_key => :role_id, :dependent => :destroy # Role Value is of Role has_many :role_values, :class_name => 'RoleValue', :foreign_key => :role_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Role is projected from Variable has_one :variable, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :projection_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :concept_guid, :presence => true validates :fact_type_concept_guid, :presence => true validates :object_type_id, :presence => true validates :ordinal, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module RoleDisplay extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'role_display_id' # Role Display involves Role belongs_to :role, :foreign_key => :role_id # Role Display involves Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape belongs_to :shape_via_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :fact_type_shape_guid # Role Display has Role Name Shape and maybe Role Name Shape is a kind of Shape has_one :shape_via_role_name_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :role_name_shape_role_display_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Role Display has Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is a kind of Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a kind of Shape has_one :shape_via_constraint_shape_value_constraint_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_shape_role_display_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :fact_type_shape_guid, :presence => true validates :ordinal, :presence => true validates :role_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module RoleRef extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'role_ref_id' # maybe Role Ref is projected from Play belongs_to :play, :foreign_key => :play_id # Role Ref involves Role belongs_to :role, :foreign_key => :role_id # Role Ref involves Role Sequence belongs_to :role_sequence, :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid validates :ordinal, :presence => true validates :role_id, :presence => true validates :role_sequence_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module RoleSequence extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # Presence Constraint covers Role Sequence and maybe Presence Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_many :constraints_via_presence_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :presence_constraint_role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Subset Constraint covers subset-Role Sequence and maybe Subset Constraint is a kind of Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_many :constraints_via_set_constraint_subset_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :subset_constraint_subset_role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Subset Constraint covers superset-Role Sequence and maybe Subset Constraint is a kind of Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a kind of Constraint has_many :constraints_via_set_constraint_subset_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :subset_constraint_superset_role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Role Sequence is for Reading has_many :readings, :class_name => 'Reading', :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Role Sequence is involved in Role Ref has_many :role_refs, :class_name => 'RoleRef', :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Role Sequence is involved in Set Comparison Roles has_many :set_comparison_roles, :class_name => 'SetComparisonRoles', :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid, :dependent => :destroy end end end module Concernz module RoleValue extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'role_value_id' # Role Value fulfils Fact and Fact is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_fact, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :fact_concept_guid # Role Value is of Instance and Instance is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_instance, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_concept_guid # Role Value belongs to Population belongs_to :population, :foreign_key => :population_id # Role Value is of Role belongs_to :role, :foreign_key => :role_id validates :fact_concept_guid, :presence => true validates :instance_concept_guid, :presence => true validates :population_id, :presence => true validates :role_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module SetComparisonRoles extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'set_comparison_roles_id' # Set Comparison Roles involves Set Comparison Constraint and Set Comparison Constraint is a kind of Set Constraint and Set Constraint is a kind of Constraint belongs_to :constraint_via_set_comparison_constraint_set_constraint, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :set_comparison_constraint_concept_guid # Set Comparison Roles involves Role Sequence belongs_to :role_sequence, :foreign_key => :role_sequence_guid validates :ordinal, :presence => true validates :role_sequence_guid, :presence => true validates :set_comparison_constraint_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Shape extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # maybe Shape is a Model Note Shape and Model Note Shape is for Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_model_note_shape_context_note, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :model_note_shape_context_note_concept_guid # maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and Constraint Shape is for Constraint belongs_to :constraint_via_constraint_shape, :class_name => 'Constraint', :foreign_key => :constraint_shape_constraint_concept_guid # Shape is in ORM Diagram and ORM Diagram is a kind of Diagram belongs_to :diagram_via_orm_diagram, :class_name => 'Diagram', :foreign_key => :orm_diagram_id # maybe Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is for Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type_via_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'FactType', :foreign_key => :fact_type_shape_fact_type_concept_guid # maybe Shape is an Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape is for Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_object_type_shape, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :object_type_shape_object_type_id # maybe Shape is a Reading Shape and Reading Shape is for Reading belongs_to :reading_via_reading_shape, :class_name => 'Reading', :foreign_key => :reading_shape_reading_id # maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is for Role Display belongs_to :role_display_via_constraint_shape_value_constraint_shape, :class_name => 'RoleDisplay', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_shape_role_display_id # maybe Shape is a Role Name Shape and Role Name Shape is for Role Display belongs_to :role_display_via_role_name_shape, :class_name => 'RoleDisplay', :foreign_key => :role_name_shape_role_display_id # maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Ring Constraint Shape and Ring Constraint Shape is attached to Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape belongs_to :shape_via_constraint_shape_ring_constraint_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_shape_fact_type_shape_guid # maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is for Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape is a kind of Shape belongs_to :shape_via_constraint_shape_value_constraint_shape_object_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_shape_object_type_shape_guid # maybe Shape is an Objectified Fact Type Name Shape and Objectified Fact Type Name Shape is for Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape belongs_to :shape_via_objectified_fact_type_name_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :objectified_fact_type_name_shape_fact_type_shape_guid # maybe Shape is a Reading Shape and Reading Shape is for Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape belongs_to :shape_via_reading_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :reading_shape_fact_type_shape_guid # Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is involved in Role Display has_many :role_displays_via_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'RoleDisplay', :foreign_key => :fact_type_shape_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape has Objectified Fact Type Name Shape and maybe Objectified Fact Type Name Shape is a kind of Shape has_one :shape_via_objectified_fact_type_name_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :objectified_fact_type_name_shape_fact_type_shape_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape has Reading Shape and maybe Reading Shape is a kind of Shape has_one :shape_via_reading_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :reading_shape_fact_type_shape_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Ring Constraint Shape is attached to Fact Type Shape and maybe Ring Constraint Shape is a kind of Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_constraint_shape_ring_constraint_shape_fact_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :ring_constraint_shape_fact_type_shape_guid, :dependent => :destroy # Shape is an Object Type Shape and maybe Object Type Shape has Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is a kind of Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a kind of Shape has_many :shapes_via_constraint_shape_value_constraint_shape_object_type_shape, :class_name => 'Shape', :foreign_key => :value_constraint_shape_object_type_shape_guid, :dependent => :destroy validates :orm_diagram_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Step extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'guid' # maybe Step falls under Alternative Set belongs_to :alternative_set, :foreign_key => :alternative_set_guid # Step specifies Fact Type belongs_to :fact_type, :foreign_key => :fact_type_concept_guid # Step is involved in Play has_many :plays, :class_name => 'Play', :foreign_key => :step_guid, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Step nests as Variable has_one :objectification_variable, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :step_guid, :dependent => :destroy validates :fact_type_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Value extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'value_id' # maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_unit, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :unit_concept_guid # Value is of Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id # Value is of Bound and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Value Range is involved in Allowed Range has_many :allowed_ranges_via_value_range_maximum_bound, :class_name => 'AllowedRange', :foreign_key => :value_range_maximum_bound_value_id, :dependent => :destroy # Value is of Bound and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Value Range is involved in Allowed Range has_many :allowed_ranges_via_value_range_minimum_bound, :class_name => 'AllowedRange', :foreign_key => :value_range_minimum_bound_value_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Instance has Value and maybe Instance is an instance of Concept has_many :concepts_via_instance, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :instance_value_id, :dependent => :destroy # Value is involved in Discriminated Role has_many :discriminated_roles, :class_name => 'DiscriminatedRole', :foreign_key => :value_id, :dependent => :destroy # Value Type Parameter Restriction has Value has_many :value_type_parameter_restrictions, :class_name => 'ValueTypeParameterRestriction', :foreign_key => :value_id, :dependent => :destroy # maybe Variable is bound to Value has_many :variables, :class_name => 'Variable', :foreign_key => :value_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :literal, :presence => true validates :value_type_object_type_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module ValueTypeParameter extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'value_type_parameter_id' # Value Type Parameter requires value of facet-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :facet_value_type_object_type_id # Value Type Parameter involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id # Value Type Parameter is involved in Value Type Parameter Restriction has_many :value_type_parameter_restrictions, :class_name => 'ValueTypeParameterRestriction', :foreign_key => :value_type_parameter_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :name, :presence => true validates :value_type_object_type_id, :presence => true validates :facet_value_type_object_type_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module ValueTypeParameterRestriction extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'value_type_parameter_restriction_id' # Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type belongs_to :object_type_via_value_type_domain_object_type, :class_name => 'ObjectType', :foreign_key => :value_type_object_type_id # Value Type Parameter Restriction has Value belongs_to :value, :foreign_key => :value_id # Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type Parameter belongs_to :value_type_parameter, :foreign_key => :value_type_parameter_id validates :value_id, :presence => true validates :value_type_object_type_id, :presence => true validates :value_type_parameter_id, :presence => true end end end module Concernz module Variable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.primary_key = 'variable_id' # Variable is in Query and Query is an instance of Concept belongs_to :concept_via_query, :class_name => 'Concept', :foreign_key => :query_concept_guid # Variable is for Object Type belongs_to :object_type, :foreign_key => :object_type_id # maybe Variable projects Role belongs_to :projection, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :projection_id # maybe Variable matches nesting over Step belongs_to :step, :foreign_key => :step_guid # maybe Variable is bound to Value belongs_to :value, :foreign_key => :value_id # Variable is involved in Aggregation has_many :aggregations, :class_name => 'Aggregation', :foreign_key => :aggregated_variable_id, :dependent => :destroy # Variable is involved in Aggregation has_many :aggregations, :class_name => 'Aggregation', :foreign_key => :variable_id, :dependent => :destroy # Variable is involved in Play has_many :plays, :class_name => 'Play', :foreign_key => :variable_id, :dependent => :destroy validates :object_type_id, :presence => true validates :ordinal, :presence => true validates :query_concept_guid, :presence => true end end end