webshims.ready('jme DOM', function(){ "use strict"; var webshims = window.webshims; var $ = webshims.$; var jme = $.jme; var listId = 0; var btnStructure = ''; function PlaylistList(data){ this._data = data; this.lists = {}; this.on('showcontrolschange', this._updateControlsClass); } $.extend(PlaylistList.prototype, { on: function(){ $.fn.on.apply($(this), arguments); }, off: function(){ $.fn.off.apply($(this), arguments); }, _getListId: function(list){ var id; if(typeof list == 'string'){ id = list; } else { id = list.id; } return id; }, _updateControlsClass: function(){ this._data.player[this.getShowcontrolsList() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('has-playlist'); }, add: function(list, opts){ list = new Playlist(list, this, opts); if(!list.id){ listId++; list.id = 'list-'+listId; } this.lists[list.id] = list; if(list.options.showcontrols){ this._data.player.addClass('has-playlist'); } return list; }, remove: function(list){ var id = this._getListId(list); if(this.lists[id]){ this.lists[id]._remove(); delete this.lists[id]; } if(!this.getShowcontrolsList()){ this._data.player.removeClass('has-playlist'); } }, getAutoplayList: function(){ var clist = null; $.each(this.lists, function(id, list){ if(list.options.autoplay){ clist = list; return false; } }); return clist; }, getShowcontrolsList: function(){ var clist = null; $.each(this.lists, function(id, list){ if(list.options.showcontrols){ clist = list; return false; } }); return clist; } }); function Playlist(list, parent, opts){ this.list = list || []; this.playlists = parent; this.media = parent._data.media; this.player = parent._data.player; this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Playlist.defaults, opts); this.options.itemTmpl = this.options.itemTmpl.trim(); this.deferred = $.Deferred(); this._selectedIndex = -1; this._selectedItem = null; this.$rendered = null; this._detectListType(); this.autoplay(this.options.autoplay); this.deferred.done(function(){ this._addEvents(this); if(this.options.defaultSelected == 'auto' && !this.media.jmeProp('srces').length){ this.options.defaultSelected = 0; } if(this.list[this.options.defaultSelected]){ this.selectedIndex(this.options.defaultSelected); } this._fire('addlist'); }); } Playlist.getText = function($elem){ return $elem.attr('content') || ($elem.text() || '').trim(); }; Playlist.getUrl = function($elem){ return $elem.attr('content') || $elem.attr('url') || $elem.attr('href') || $elem.attr('src') || ($elem.text() || '').trim(); }; Playlist.defaults = { loop: false, autoplay: false, defaultSelected: 'auto', addItemEvents: true, showcontrols: true, ajax: {}, itemTmpl: '
  • ' + '<% if(typeof poster == "string" && poster) {%><% }%>' + '


    ' + '<% if(typeof description == "string" && description) {%>
    <% }%>' + '
  • ', renderer: function(item, template){ return $.jme.tmpl(template, item); }, mapDom: function(element){ return { title: Playlist.getText($('[itemprop="name"], h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a', element)), srces: $('[itemprop="contentUrl"], a[type^="video"], a[type^="audio"]', element).map(function(){ var tmp; var src = {src: Playlist.getUrl($(this))}; if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a'){ tmp = $.prop(this, 'type'); } else { tmp = Playlist.getText($('[itemprop="encodingFormat"]', element)); } if(tmp){ src.type = tmp; } tmp = $.attr(this, 'data-media'); if(tmp){ src.media = tmp; } return src; }).get(), tracks: $('a[type="text/vtt"]').map(mapTrackUrl).get(), poster: Playlist.getUrl($('[itemprop="thumbnailUrl"], a[type^="image"], img', element)) || null, description: Playlist.getText($('[itemprop="description"], .item-description, p', element)) || null }; }, mapUrl: function(opts, callback){ $.ajax($.extend(opts, { success: function(data){ var list; if($.isArray(data)){ list = data; } else if(data.responseData && data.responseData.feed){ data = data.responseData.feed; list = (data.entries || []).map(mapJsonFeed); } else { list = []; $('item', data).each(function(){ var srces = $('enclosure, media\\:content', this) .filter('[type^="video"], [type^="audio"]') .map(mapUrl) .get() ; if(srces.length){ list.push({ title: $('title', this).html(), srces: srces, publishedDate: $('pubDate', this).html() || null, description: $('description', this).text() || null, poster: Playlist.getUrl($('itunes\\:image, media\\:thumbnail, enclosure[type^="image"], media\\:content[type^="image"]', this)) || null, author: $('itunes\\:author', this).html() || null, duration: $('itunes\\:duration', this).html() || null, tracks: $('media\\:subTitle', this).map(mapTrackUrl).get() || null }); } }); } if(list != data){ list.fullData = data; } callback(list); } })); } }; function mapJsonFeed(item){ item.description = item.description || item.content; item.srces = []; (item.mediaGroups || []).forEach(function(mediagroup){ (mediagroup.contents || []).forEach(function(itemSrc){ itemSrc.src = itemSrc.src || itemSrc.url; item.srces.push(itemSrc); }); }); return item; } function mapTrackUrl(){ return { src: $.attr(this, 'href'), srclang: $.attr(this, 'lang'), label: $.attr(this, 'data-label') }; } function mapUrl(){ return { src: $.attr(this, 'url') || $.attr(this, 'href'), type: $.attr(this, 'type') }; } function filterNode(){ return this.nodeType == 1; } $.extend(Playlist.prototype, { on: function(){ $.fn.on.apply($(this), arguments); }, off: function(){ $.fn.off.apply($(this), arguments); }, _detectListType: function(){ var fullData; if(typeof this.list == 'string'){ this._createListFromUrl(); return; } if(this.list.nodeName || (this.list.length > 0 && this.list[0].nodeName)){ this._createListFromDom(); } else if(this.list.responseData && this.list.responseData.feed){ fullData = this.list.responseData.feed; this.list = (fullData.entries || []).map(mapJsonFeed); this.list.fullData = fullData; } this.deferred.resolveWith(this); }, _createListFromUrl: function(){ var that = this; this.options.ajax.url = this.list; this.options.mapUrl(this.options.ajax, function(list){ that.list = list; that.deferred.resolveWith(that); }); }, _createListFromDom: function(){ var that = this; this.$rendered = $(this.list).eq(0); this.list = []; if(this.$rendered){ this._addDomList(); this.list = this.$rendered.children().map(function(){ return that._createItemFromDom(this); }).get(); } }, _createItemFromDom: function(dom){ var item = this.options.mapDom(dom); this._addItemData(item, dom); return item; }, _fire: function(evt, extra){ var evt = $.Event(evt); $(this).triggerHandler(evt, extra); $(this.playlists).triggerHandler(evt, $.merge([{list: this}], extra || [])); if(this.$rendered){ this.$rendered.triggerHandler(evt, extra); } }, _addDomList: function(){ this.$rendered .attr({ 'data-autoplay': this.options.autoplay, 'data-loop': this.options.loop }) .addClass('media-playlist') .data('playlist', this) ; }, _addItemData: function(item, dom){ var that = this; item.$item = $(dom).data('itemData', item); if(item == this._selectedItem){ item.$item.addClass('selected-item'); } if(this.options.addItemEvents){ item.$item.on('click.playlist', function(e){ if(that.options.addItemEvents){ that.playItem(item, e); return false; } }); } }, _addEvents: function(that){ var o = that.options; var onEnded = function(e){ if(o.autoplay){ that.playNext(e); } }; this.media.on('ended', onEnded); this._remove = function(){ that.media.off('ended', onEnded); that.autoplay(false); if(that.$rendered){ that.$rendered.remove(); } that._fire('removelist'); }; }, _remove: function(){ this._fire('removelist'); }, render: function(callback){ if(this.$rendered){ callback(this.$rendered, this.player, this); } else { this.deferred.done(function(){ var nodeName; var that = this; var items = []; if(!this.$rendered){ $.each(this.list, function(i, item){ var domItem = $($.parseHTML(that.options.renderer(item, that.options.itemTmpl))).filter(filterNode)[0]; that._addItemData(item, domItem); items.push(domItem); }); nodeName = (items[0] && items[0].nodeName || '').toLowerCase(); switch (nodeName){ case 'li': this.$rendered = $.parseHTML('