var ws; var suspended_monitoring = false; var myid = ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)); var paths = '#dat_details input, #dat_details textarea, #dat_details select, #dat_details button, #dat_details [contenteditable], #dat_dataelements input, #dat_dataelements textarea, #dat_dataelements select, #dat_dataelements button, #dat_dataelements [contenteditable], #dat_endpoints input, #dat_endpoints textarea, #dat_endpoints select, #dat_endpoints button, #dat_endpoints [contenteditable], #dat_attributes input, #dat_attributes textarea, #dat_attributes select, #dat_attributes button, #dat_attributes [contenteditable]'; var loading = false; var subscription; var subscription_state = 'less'; var save = {}; save['state']= undefined; save['dsl'] = undefined; save['graph'] = undefined; save['graph_theme'] = undefined; save['graph_adaptor'] = undefined; save['endpoints'] = undefined; save['endpoints_cache'] = {}; save['endpoints_list'] = {}; save['dataelements'] = undefined; save['attributes'] = undefined; save['details'] = undefined; save['details_target'] = undefined; save['instance_pos'] = []; var node_state = {}; var sub_more = 'topic' + '=' + 'activity' + '&' +// {{{ 'events' + '=' + 'calling,status,manipulating,failed,done' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'activity' + '&' + 'votes' + '=' + 'syncing_after' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'description' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change,error' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'position' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'state' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'dataelements' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'endpoints' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'attributes' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'task' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'instantiation' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'transformation' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'handlerwrapper' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'error,change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'handlers' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change';// }}} var sub_less = 'topic' + '=' + 'activity' + '&' +// {{{ 'events' + '=' + 'calling,status,manipulating,failed,done' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'position' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'description' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change,error' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'state' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'dataelements' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'endpoints' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'attributes' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'task' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'instantiation' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'transformation' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'handlerwrapper' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'error,change' + '&' + 'topic' + '=' + 'handlers' + '&' + 'events' + '=' + 'change';// }}} function cockpit() { //{{{ $("button[name=base]").click(function(){ create_instance($("input[name=base-url]").val(),null,false,false); }); $("button[name=instance]").click(function(){ ui_activate_tab("#tabinstance"); monitor_instance($("input[name=instance-url]").val(),$("input[name=res-url]").val(),false,false); }); $("button[name=loadtestset]").click(function(e){new CustomMenu(e).menu($('#predefinedtestsets'),function(){ load_testset(false) } ); }); $("button[name=loadtestsetfile]").click(load_testsetfile); $("button[name=loadmodelfile]").click(load_modelfile); $("button[name=loadmodeltype]").click(function(e){new CustomMenu(e).menu($('#modeltypes'),load_modeltype, $("button[name=loadmodeltype]")); }); $("button[name=savetestset]").click(function(){ save_testset(); }); $("button[name=savesvg]").click(function(){ save_svg(); }); $("button[name=state_start]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");start_instance(); }); $("button[name=state_stop]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");stop_instance(); }); $("button[name=state_simulate]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");sim_instance(); }); $("button[name=state_abandon]").click(function(){ aba_instance(); }); $("input[name=votecontinue]").click(check_subscription); $("input[name=testsetfile]").change(load_testsetfile_after); $("input[name=modelfile]").change(load_modelfile_after); $.ajax({ url: $('body').attr('current-testsets') + "testsets.xml", dataType: 'xml', success: function(res){ $('testset',res).each(function(){ var ts = $(this).text(); $('#predefinedtestsets').append($("").text(ts)); }); var q = $.parseQuerySimple(); if (q.min || q.min == "") { ui_toggle_vis_tab($('#instance')); ui_toggle_vis_tab($('#parameters')); } if (q.monitor && q.load) { if (q.load.match(/https?:\/\//)) { $('body').attr('load-testset',q.load); } else { $("#predefinedtestsets div.menuitem").each(function(k,v){ if ($(v).text() == q.load) { $(v).attr('data-selected','selected'); } }); } ui_activate_tab("#tabexecution"); monitor_instance(q.monitor,$("body").attr('current-resources'),true,false); } else if (q.load) { if (q.load.match(/https?:\/\//)) { $('body').attr('load-testset',q.load); } else { $("#predefinedtestsets div.menuitem").each(function(k,v){ if ($(v).text() == q.load) { $(v).attr('data-selected','selected'); } }); } ui_activate_tab("#tabexecution"); create_instance($("body").attr('current-base'),q.load,true,false); } else if ( || == "") { ui_activate_tab("#tabinstance"); create_instance($("body").attr('current-base'),"Plain Instance",false,false); } else if (q.monitor) { ui_activate_tab("#tabexecution"); monitor_instance(q.monitor,$("body").attr('current-resources'),false,false); } else if (q.exec) { if (q.exec.match(/https?:\/\//)) { $('body').attr('load-testset',q.load); } else { $("#predefinedtestsets div.menuitem").each(function(k,v){ if ($(v).text() == q.exec) { $(v).attr('data-selected','selected'); } }); } ui_activate_tab("#tabexecution"); create_instance($("body").attr('current-base'),q.exec,true,true); } } }); $.ajax({ url: $('body').attr('current-testsets') + "transformations.xml", dataType: 'xml', success: function(res){ $('transformation',res).each(function(){ var ts = $(this).text(); $('#modeltypes').append($("").text(ts)); }); } }); } //}}} function sanitize_url(url) { //{{{ var lastChar = url.substr(url.length - 1) if (lastChar != '/') { url = (url + '/'); } return url; } //}}} function check_subscription() { // {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var num = 0; if ($("input[name=votecontinue]").is(':checked')) num += 1; if (num > 0 && subscription_state == 'less') { $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription, data: ( sub_more + '&' + 'message-uid' + '=' + 'xxx' + '&' + 'fingerprint-with-producer-secret' + '=' + 'xxx' ) }); subscription_state = 'more'; } if (num == 0 && subscription_state == 'more') { $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription, data: ( sub_less + '&' + 'message-uid' + '=' + 'xxx' + '&' + 'fingerprint-with-producer-secret' + '=' + 'xxx' ) }); subscription_state = 'less'; format_visual_vote_clear(); } }// }}} function create_instance(base,name,load,exec) {// {{{ var info = name ? name : prompt("Instance info?", "Enter info here"); if (info != null) { if (info.match(/\S/)) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: base, dataType: "text", data: "info=" + info, success: function(res){ var iu = (base + "//" + res + "/").replace(/\/+/g,"/").replace(/:\//,"://"); if (name) { monitor_instance(iu,$("body").attr('current-resources'),load,exec); } else { $("body").attr('current-instance', sanitize_url(iu)); $("input[name=instance-url]").val(iu); } }, error: function(a,b,c) { alert("No CPEE running."); } }); } else { alert("An instance info is necessary!"); } } }// }}} function websocket() { //{{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var Socket = "MozWebSocket" in window ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket; if (ws) ws.close(); ws = new Socket(url.replace(/http/,'ws') + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + "/ws/"); ws.onopen = function() { append_to_log("monitoring", "opened", ""); }; ws.onmessage = function(e) { data = $.parseXML(; if ($('event > topic',data).length > 0) { switch($('event > topic',data).text()) { case 'dataelements': monitor_instance_values("dataelements"); break; case 'description': monitor_instance_dsl(); break; case 'endpoints': monitor_instance_values("endpoints"); break; case 'attributes': monitor_instance_values("attributes"); monitor_instance_transformation(); if (!suspended_monitoring) { // or else it would load twice, because dsl changes also monitor_graph_change(true); } break; case 'task': if ($('#trackcolumn').length > 0) { var details = JSON.parse($('event > notification',data).text()); $('#trackcolumn').append($('')); } break; case 'state': monitor_instance_state_change(JSON.parse($('event > notification',data).text()).state); break; case 'position': monitor_instance_pos_change($('event > notification',data).text()); break; case 'transformation': monitor_instance_transformation(); break; case 'activity': monitor_instance_running($('event > notification',data).text(),$('event > event',data).text()); break; } append_to_log("event", $('event > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('event > event',data).text(), $('event > notification',data).text()); } if ($('vote > topic',data).length > 0) { var notification = $('vote > notification',data).text(); append_to_log("vote", $('vote > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('vote > vote',data).text(), notification); monitor_instance_vote_add(notification); } }; ws.onclose = function() { append_to_log("monitoring", "closed", "server down i assume."); }; monitor_instance_values("dataelements"); monitor_instance_values("endpoints"); monitor_instance_values("attributes"); monitor_instance_transformation(); monitor_instance_dsl(); monitor_instance_state(); } //}}} function monitor_instance(cin,rep,load,exec) {// {{{ $("body").attr('current-instance',sanitize_url(cin)); $("body").attr('current-resources',sanitize_url(rep)); $("input[name=instance-url]").val($("body").attr('current-instance')); $("input[name=res-url]").val($("body").attr('current-resources')); $('.tabbehind button').hide(); $('#dat_details').empty(); url = $("body").attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/schema/", success: function(res){ $("ui-tabbed.hidden, ui-rest.hidden").removeClass("hidden"); $("ui-resizehandle.hidden").removeClass("hidden"); $("ui-tabbed ui-tab.hidden, ui-rest ui-tab.hidden").removeClass("hidden"); // Change url to return to current instance when reloading $("#current-instance").text(url); $("#current-instance").attr('href',url); $("#current-instance-properties").attr('href',url + 'properties/'); $("#current-instance-properties").text('P'); $("#current-instance-subscriptions").attr('href',url + 'notifications/subscriptions/'); $("#current-instance-subscriptions").text('S'); $("#current-instance-callbacks").attr('href',url + 'callbacks/'); $("#current-instance-callbacks").text('C'); var q = $.parseQuerySimple(); history.replaceState({}, '', '?' + (q.min || q.min=="" ? "min&" : "") + 'monitor='+url); // Change url to return to current instance when reloading (because new subscription is made) $("input[name=votecontinue]").prop( "checked", false ); subscription_state = 'less'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/", data: sub_less, success: function(res){ res = res.unserialize(); $.each(res,function(a,b){ if (b[0] == 'key') { subscription = b[1]; } }); append_to_log("monitoring", "id", subscription); websocket(); if (load || exec) load_testset(exec); } }); }, error: function(a,b,c) { alert("This ain't no CPEE instance"); ui_activate_tab("#tabnew"); } }); }// }}} function monitor_instance_values(val) {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var rep = $('body').attr('current-resources'); var bas = $('body').attr('current-base'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/" + val + "/", success: function(res){ save[val].content(res); if (val == "endpoints") { save['endpoints_list'] = {}; var tmp = {}; $(res).find(" > value > *").each(function(k,v) { save['endpoints_list'][v.localName] = v.lastChild.nodeValue; $.ajax({ url: rep + encodeURIComponent($(v).text()), success: function() { tmp[v.tagName] = {}; var deferreds = [new $.Deferred(), new $.Deferred(), new $.Deferred()]; $.ajax({ url: rep + encodeURIComponent($(v).text()) + "/symbol.svg", success: function(res) { tmp[v.tagName]['symbol'] = res; deferreds[0].resolve(true); }, error: deferreds[0].resolve }) $.ajax({ url: rep + encodeURIComponent($(v).text()) + "/schema.rng", success: function(res) { tmp[v.tagName]['schema'] = res; deferreds[1].resolve(true); }, error: deferreds[1].resolve }) $.ajax({ url: rep + encodeURIComponent($(v).text()) + "/properties.json", success: function(res) { tmp[v.tagName]['properties'] = res; deferreds[2].resolve(true); }, error: deferreds[2].resolve }) $.when.apply($, deferreds).then(function(x) { save['endpoints_cache'] = tmp; // when updating attributes clear the attributes, because they might change as well. New arguments are possible. $('#dat_details').empty(); adaptor_update(); }); } }); }); } else if(val == "attributes") { var text = $(" > value > info",res).text() + " (" + url.replace(/\/$/,'').split(/[\\/]/).pop() + ")"; $('#title').text(text); document.title = text; } } }); } // }}} function adaptor_update() { //{{{ $('g.element[element-endpoint]').each(function(k,ele){ if (save['endpoints_cache'][$(ele).attr('element-endpoint')] && save['endpoints_cache'][$(ele).attr('element-endpoint')]) { var c = $(ele).find('g.replace'); var symbol = save['endpoints_cache'][$(ele).attr('element-endpoint')].symbol; if (symbol) { c.replaceWith($(symbol.documentElement).clone()); } } }); } //}}} function adaptor_init(url,theme,dslx) { //{{{ if (save['graph_theme'] != theme) { save['graph_theme'] = theme; save['graph_adaptor'] = new WfAdaptor($('body').data('theme-base') + '/' + theme + '/theme.js',function(graphrealization){ manifestation.endpoints = save.endpoints_list; graphrealization.draw_labels = function(max,labels,shift,striped) { $('#graphcanvas').css('grid-row', '1/span ' + (max.row + 2)); if (striped == true) { if (!$('#graphgrid').hasClass('striped')) { $('#graphgrid').addClass('striped'); } } else { $('#graphgrid').removeClass('striped'); } $('#graphgrid .graphlabel, #graphgrid .graphempty, #graphgrid .graphlast').remove(); var tlabels = {}; var tcolumns = []; var tcolumncount = {} _.each(labels,function(val){ if (val.label != "") { tlabels[val.row] = []; _.each(val.label,function(col) { if (!tcolumns.includes(col.column)) { tcolumns.push(col.column); tcolumncount[col.column] = 0; } if (col.value != undefined) { tcolumncount[col.column] += 1; } tlabels[val.row][tcolumns.indexOf(col.column)] = { label: col.value, type: val.tname, id: val.element_id }; }); } }); $('#graphgrid').css({ 'grid-template-rows': (shift/2) + 'px repeat(' + max.row + ', 1fr) ' + (shift/2) + 'px', 'grid-template-columns': 'max-content' + (tcolumns.length > 0 ? ' repeat(' + tcolumns.length.toString() + ',max-content)' : '') + ' auto' }); for (var i = 0; i < max.row; i++) { for (var j =0; j < tcolumns.length; j++) { if (tlabels[i+1] != undefined && tlabels[i+1][j] != undefined && tlabels[i+1][j].label != undefined && tlabels[i+1][j].label != '') { var col = tlabels[i+1][j]; var ele = $('
' + col.label + '
'); graphrealization.illustrator.draw.bind_event(ele,col.type,false); $('#graphgrid').append(ele); } else { if (tcolumncount[tcolumns[j]] != 0) { var ele = $('
'); $('#graphgrid').append(ele); } } } var j = tcolumns.length; var ele = $('
'); $('#graphgrid').append(ele); } }; graphrealization.set_svg_container($('#graphcanvas')); graphrealization.set_label_container($('#graphgrid')); graphrealization.set_description($(dslx), true); graphrealization.notify = function(svgid) { var g = graphrealization.get_description(); save['graph'] = $X(g); save['graph'].find('[xmlns]').removeAttr('xmlns'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/description/", data: ({'content': '' + g + ''}) }); adaptor_update();; format_instance_pos(); }; adaptor_update(); monitor_instance_pos(); $('#dat_details').empty(); }); } else { save['graph_adaptor'].update(function(graphrealization){ var svgid = manifestation.selected(); graphrealization.set_description($(dslx)); adaptor_update();; format_instance_pos(); }); } } //}}} function monitor_graph_change(force) { //{{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/dslx/", success: function(dslx){ if (force || !save['graph'] || (save['graph'] && save['graph'].serializePrettyXML() != $(dslx).serializePrettyXML())) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/theme/", success: function(res){ adaptor_init(url,$('value',res).text(),dslx); }, error: function() { adaptor_init(url,'labels',dslx); } }); } } }); } //}}} function monitor_instance_dsl() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "text", url: url + "/properties/values/dsl/", success: function(res){ if (res != save['dsl']) { save['dsl'] = res; var ctv = $("#areadsl"); ctv.empty(); res = format_code(res,false,true); res = res.replace(/activity\s+:([A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/g,"activity :$1"); res = res.replace(/activity\s+\[:([A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)([^\]]*\])/g,"activity [:$1$2"); ctv.append(res); monitor_graph_change(false); } } }); }// }}} function monitor_instance_state() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/state/", dataType: "text", success: function(res){ monitor_instance_state_change(res); } }); }// }}} function monitor_instance_transformation() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/modeltype", success: function(res){ $("#currentmodel").text($(res.documentElement).text()); }, error: function() { $("#currentmodel").text('???'); } }); }// }}} function monitor_instance_pos() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/positions/", success: function(res){ save['instance_pos'] = $("value > *",res); format_visual_clear(); format_instance_pos(); } }); }// }}} function monitor_instance_running(notification,event) {// {{{ if (save['state'] == "stopping") return; var parts = JSON.parse(notification); if (event == "calling") format_visual_add(parts.activity,"active") if (event == "done") format_visual_remove(parts.activity,"active") } // }}} function monitor_instance_state_change(notification) { //{{{ if ($('#trackcolumn').length > 0) { if (notification == "finished") { parent.closeIFrame(; } } if (notification == "ready" || notification == "stopped" || notification == "running") { $("#state button").removeAttr('disabled'); } // sometimes, out of sheer network routingness, stopping comes after stopped, which fucks the UI hard // thus, we are having none of it if (notification == 'stopping' && save['state'] == 'stopped') return; if (notification != save['state']) { save['state'] = notification; if (notification == "stopped") { monitor_instance_pos(); } if (notification == "running") { format_visual_clear(); } var but = ""; if (notification == "ready" || notification == "stopped") { $('#state_extended').show(); $("button[name=state_start]").show(); $("button[name=state_stop]").hide(); $("button[name=state_sim]").show(); $("button[name=state_abandon]").show(); } else if (notification == "running") { $('#state_extended').hide(); $("button[name=state_start]").hide(); $("button[name=state_stop]").show(); $("button[name=state_sim]").hide(); $("button[name=state_abandon]").hide(); } // disable all input, also check themes format_visual_forms(); // remove all markings with state change if (save['graph_adaptor'] && save['graph_adaptor'].illustrator) { save['graph_adaptor'].illustrator.get_elements().removeClass('marked'); } if (notification == "finished" || notification == "abandoned") { $('.tabbehind button').hide(); $('#state_any').hide(); } else { $('#parameters .tabbehind button').show(); } $("#state_text").text(notification); } } //}}} function monitor_instance_pos_change(notification) {// {{{ var parts = JSON.parse(notification); if (parts['unmark']) { $.each(parts['unmark'],function(a,b){ format_visual_remove(b.position,"passive") }); } if (parts['at']) { $.each(parts['at'],function(a,b){ format_visual_add(b.position,"passive") }); } if (!parts['at'] && !parts['unmark'] && !parts['after'] && !parts['wait']) { monitor_instance_pos(); } } // }}} function monitor_instance_vote_add(notification) {// {{{ var parts = JSON.parse(notification); var ctv = $("#votes"); astr = ''; if ($("input[name=votecontinue]").is(':checked')) astr += ""; ctv.append(astr); format_visual_add(parts.activity,"vote") }// }}} function monitor_instance_vote_remove(activity,callback,value) {//{{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/callbacks/" + callback, data: ({'continue': value}), error: report_failure }); format_visual_remove(activity,"vote"); $('#vote_to_continue-' + activity + '-' + callback).remove(); }//}}} function start_instance() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/state", data: ({value: "running"}), error: report_failure }); }// }}} function sim_instance() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/state", data: ({value: "simulating"}), error: report_failure }); }// }}} function aba_instance() {// {{{ monitor_instance_state_change('abandoned'); var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/state", data: ({value: "abandoned"}), error: report_failure }); }// }}} function stop_instance() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/state", data: ({value: "stopping"}), error: report_failure }); }// }}} function save_testset() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var testset = $X(''); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/dataelements/", success: function(res){ var pars = $X(''); pars.append($(res.documentElement).children()); testset.append(pars); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/handlerwrapper/", success: function(res){ var pars = $X('' + res + ''); testset.append(pars); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/endpoints/", success: function(res){ var pars = $X(''); pars.append($(res.documentElement).children()); testset.append(pars); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/dslx/", success: function(res){ var pars = $X(''); pars.append($(res.documentElement)); testset.append(pars); pars = $X(""); testset.append(pars); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/", success: function(res){ var name = $("value > info",res).text(); var pars = $X(''); pars.append($(res.documentElement).children()); pars.find('uuid').remove(); testset.append(pars); var ct = new Date(); $('#savetestset').attr('download',name + '_' + ct.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z") + '.xml'); $('#savetestset').attr('href','data:application/xml;charset=utf-8;base64,' + $B64(testset.serializePrettyXML())); document.getElementById('savetestset').click(); }, error: report_failure }); }, error: report_failure }); }, error: report_failure }); }, error: report_failure }); }, error: report_failure }); }// }}} function save_svg() {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var gc = $('#graphcanvas').clone(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "css/wfadaptor.css", success: function(res){ gc.prepend($X('')); $(window.document.styleSheets).each(function(i,x){ if (x && x.href && x.href.match(/wfadaptor\.css$/)) { var varreps = {}; $(x.cssRules).each(function(j,y){ if (y.selectorText == ":root") { $(,z) { varreps['var\\(' + z + '\\)'] = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(z).toString(); }); } var loc = $(gc).find(y.selectorText.replace(/svg /g,'')); var cst =; for (k in varreps) { cst = cst.replace(new RegExp(k,'g'),varreps[k]); } loc.each(function(k,loco) { var sty = $(loco).attr('style') == undefined ? '' : $(loco).attr('style'); $(loco).attr('style',cst + sty); }); }); var loc = $(gc).find('text.super'); loc.attr('style',loc.attr('style') + ' display: none'); var loc = $(gc).find('.stripe'); loc.attr('style',loc.attr('style') + ' display: none'); } }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/info/", success: function(res){ var name = $(res.documentElement).text(); $('#savesvg').attr('download',name + '.svg'); $('#savesvg').attr('href','data:application/xml;charset=utf-8;base64,' + $B64(gc.serializeXML())); document.getElementById('savesvg').click(); }, error: report_failure }); } }); }// }}} async function set_testset(testset,exec) {// {{{ var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); suspended_monitoring = true; var promises = []; promises.push( $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/", error: report_failure }).then(async function(res) { var rcount = 0; var values = $("subscriptions > subscription[url]",res); var vals = []; values.each(function(){ vals.push($(this).attr('url')); }); await load_testset_handlers(url,testset,vals); }) ) promises.push(load_testset_dataelements(url,testset)); promises.push(load_testset_attributes(url,testset)); promises.push(load_testset_endpoints(url,testset)); promises.push(load_testset_pos(url,testset)); if ($("testset > transformation",testset).length > 0) { var ser = ''; $("testset > transformation > *",testset).each(function(){ ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n"; }); var val = "" + ser + ""; promises.push( $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/transformation", data: ({content: val}), error: report_failure }).then(async function(){ await load_testset_des(url,testset); }) ); } else { promises.push(load_testset_des(url,testset)); } promises.push(load_testset_hw(url,testset)); await Promise.all(promises); suspended_monitoring = false; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/properties/values/state/", dataType: "text", success: function(res){ $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/state", data: ({value: res}), error: report_failure, success: function(res){ if (exec) start_instance(); 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}// }}} async function load_testset_handlers(url,testset,vals) {// {{{ var promises = []; $("testset > handlers > *",testset).each(async function(){ var han = this; var suburl = $(han).attr('url'); if ($.inArray(suburl,vals) == -1) { var inp = "url="+encodeURIComponent(suburl); $("*",han).each(function(){ inp += "&topic=" + $(this).attr('topic'); inp += "&" + this.nodeName + "=" + $(this).text(); }); promises.push( $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/", data: inp }) ) } }); return Promise.all(promises); }// }}} function format_visual_add(what,cls) {//{{{ if (node_state[what] == undefined) node_state[what] = {}; if (node_state[what][cls] == undefined) node_state[what][cls] = 0; node_state[what][cls] += 1; format_visual_set(what); }//}}} function format_visual_remove(what,cls) {//{{{ if (node_state[what] == undefined) node_state[what] = {}; if (node_state[what][cls] == undefined) node_state[what][cls] = 0; node_state[what][cls] -= 1; format_visual_set(what); }//}}} function scroll_into_view(what) { //{{{ var tcontainer = $('#graphcanvas').parent()[0]; 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" + ln + " ".repeat(m.length)); l++; } res = res.replace(/ /g,"  "); res = res.replace(/\n$/g,"\n
 "); res = res.replace(/\n|$/g,"
\n"); } } catch(e) { alert(e.toString()); } return res; }// }}} function format_text(res) {// {{{ res = res.replace(/&/g,'&'); res = res.replace(//g,'>'); return res; }// }}} function format_text_skim(res) {// {{{ var l = res.match(/^ */); l = l[0].length; res = res.replace(new RegExp("^ {" + l + "}",'mg'),''); return res; }// }}} function serialize_hash(ary) { //{{{ var xml = $X(''); $.each(ary,function(k,v) { if (k.match(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/)) { xml.append($X('<' + k + '>' + v + '')); } }); return xml.serializeXML(); } //}}} function append_to_log(what,type,message) {//{{{ var d = new Date(); message = message.replace(/,\"/g,', "'); message = message.replace(/,\{/g,', {'); message = message.replace(/,\[/g,', ['); message = message.replace(/:\"/g,': "'); message = message.replace(/:\{/g,': {'); message = message.replace(/:\[/g,': ['); $("#dat_log").append("D - T - " + type + " - " + message + ""); }//}}} function report_failure(){} function ui_pos(e,bl) { var url = $('body').attr('current-instance'); var coll = []; $('g.element.primitive >, g.element.primitive > g.activities.passive').each(function(a,b){ coll.push($(b).parent().attr('element-id')); }); coll = bl(coll); var vals = ""; $(coll).each(function(k,ele){ vals += "<" + ele + ">at"; }); vals = "" + vals + ""; $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: url + "/properties/values/positions/", data: ({content: vals}), success: monitor_instance_pos, error: report_failure }); } function del_ui_pos(e) { ui_pos(e,function(coll){ coll.splice(coll.indexOf($(e).attr('id')),1); return coll; }); } function add_ui_pos(e) { ui_pos(e,function(coll){ coll.push($(e).attr('id')); return coll; }); }