# open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment class OpenStudio::Model::Model # Load the helper libraries for require_relative 'Prototype.Fan' require_relative 'Prototype.FanConstantVolume' require_relative 'Prototype.FanVariableVolume' require_relative 'Prototype.FanOnOff' require_relative 'Prototype.FanZoneExhaust' require_relative 'Prototype.HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent' require_relative 'Prototype.ControllerWaterCoil' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.hvac' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.swh' require_relative '../standards/Standards.Model' require_relative 'Prototype.building_specific_methods' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.elevators' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.exterior_lights' # Creates a DOE prototype building model and replaces # the current model with this model. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @param debug [Boolean] If true, will report out more detailed debugging output # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @example Create a Small Office, 90.1-2010, in ASHRAE Climate Zone 5A (Chicago) # model.create_prototype_building('SmallOffice', '90.1-2010', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-5A') def create_prototype_building(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file, sizing_run_dir = Dir.pwd, debug = false) osm_file_increment = 0 # There are no reference models for HighriseApartment at vintages Pre-1980 and 1980-2004, nor for NECB 2011. This is a quick check. if building_type == 'HighriseApartment' if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Not available', "DOE Reference models for #{building_type} at template #{template} are not available, the measure is disabled for this specific type.") return false elsif template == 'NECB 2011' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Not available', "Reference model for #{building_type} at template #{template} is not available, the measure is disabled for this specific type.") return false end end lookup_building_type = get_lookup_name(building_type) # Retrieve the Prototype Inputs from JSON search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'building_type' => building_type } prototype_input = find_object($os_standards['prototype_inputs'], search_criteria, nil) if prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find prototype inputs for #{search_criteria}, cannot create model.") return false end case template when 'NECB 2011' debug_incremental_changes = false load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_load_building_type_methods.osm") if debug_incremental_changes load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_load_geometry.osm") if debug_incremental_changes getBuilding.setName("#{template}-#{building_type}-#{climate_zone}-#{epw_file} created: #{Time.new}") osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_set_name.osm") if debug_incremental_changes space_type_map = define_space_type_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) File.open("#{sizing_run_dir}/space_type_map.json", 'w') {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(space_type_map)) } assign_space_type_stubs('Space Function', template, space_type_map) # TO DO: add support for defining NECB 2011 archetype by building type (versus space function) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_assign_space_type_stubs.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_loads(template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_loads.osm") if debug_incremental_changes apply_infiltration_standard(template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_apply_infiltration.osm") if debug_incremental_changes modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) # does not apply to NECB 2011 but left here for consistency osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_modify_infiltation_coefficients.osm") if debug_incremental_changes modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_modify_surface_convection_algorithm.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_constructions.osm") if debug_incremental_changes create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_create_thermal_zones.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_design_days_and_weather_file(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_design_days_and_weather_file.osm") if debug_incremental_changes return false if runSizingRun("#{sizing_run_dir}/SR0") == false osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_sizing_run_0.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_hvac(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, epw_file) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_hvac.osm") if debug_incremental_changes osm_file_increment += 1 add_swh(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_swh.osm") if debug_incremental_changes apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_apply_sizing_paramaters.osm") if debug_incremental_changes yearDescription.get.setDayofWeekforStartDay('Sunday') osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_setDayofWeekforStartDay.osm") if debug_incremental_changes else load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) getBuilding.setName("#{template}-#{building_type}-#{climate_zone} created: #{Time.new}") space_type_map = define_space_type_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) assign_space_type_stubs(lookup_building_type, template, space_type_map) add_loads(template, climate_zone) apply_infiltration_standard(template) modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) add_hvac(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, epw_file) custom_hvac_tweaks(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, self) add_swh(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) custom_swh_tweaks(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, self) add_exterior_lights(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) add_occupancy_sensors(building_type, template, climate_zone) add_design_days_and_weather_file(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file) apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) yearDescription.get.setDayofWeekforStartDay('Sunday') end # set climate zone and building type getBuilding.setStandardsBuildingType(building_type) if climate_zone.include? 'ASHRAE 169-2006-' getClimateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', climate_zone.gsub('ASHRAE 169-2006-', '')) end # For some building types, stories are defined explicitly if building_type == 'SmallHotel' building_story_map = PrototypeBuilding::SmallHotel.define_building_story_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) assign_building_story(building_type, template, climate_zone, building_story_map) end # Assign building stories to spaces in the building # where stories are not yet assigned. assign_spaces_to_stories # Perform a sizing run if runSizingRun("#{sizing_run_dir}/SR1") == false return false end # If there are any multizone systems, reset damper positions # to achieve a 60% ventilation effectiveness minimum for the system # following the ventilation rate procedure from 62.1 apply_multizone_vav_outdoor_air_sizing(template) # Apply the prototype HVAC assumptions # which include sizing the fan pressure rises based # on the flow rate of the system. apply_prototype_hvac_assumptions(building_type, template, climate_zone) # for 90.1-2010 Outpatient, AHU2 set minimum outdoor air flow rate as 0 # AHU1 doesn't have economizer if building_type == 'Outpatient' PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.modify_oa_controller(template, self) # For operating room 1&2 in 2010 and 2013, VAV minimum air flow is set by schedule PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, template, self) end if building_type == 'Hospital' PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.modify_hospital_oa_controller(template, self) end # Apply the HVAC efficiency standard apply_hvac_efficiency_standard(template, climate_zone) # Add daylighting controls per standard # only four zones in large hotel have daylighting controls # todo: YXC to merge to the main function if building_type == 'LargeHotel' PrototypeBuilding::LargeHotel.large_hotel_add_daylighting_controls(template, self) elsif building_type == 'Hospital' PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.hospital_add_daylighting_controls(template, self) else add_daylighting_controls(template) end if building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' PrototypeBuilding::QuickServiceRestaurant.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) elsif building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' PrototypeBuilding::FullServiceRestaurant.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) end if building_type == 'HighriseApartment' PrototypeBuilding::HighriseApartment.update_fan_efficiency(self) end # Add output variables for debugging if debug request_timeseries_outputs end # Finished model_status = 'final' save(OpenStudio::Path.new("#{sizing_run_dir}/#{model_status}.osm"), true) return true end # Get the name of the building type used in lookups # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [String] returns the lookup name as a string # @todo Unify the lookup names and eliminate this method def get_lookup_name(building_type) lookup_name = building_type case building_type when 'SmallOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'RetailStandalone' lookup_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' lookup_name = 'StripMall' when 'Office' lookup_name = 'Office' end return lookup_name end # Loads the library of methods specific to this building type # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) building_methods = nil case building_type when 'SecondarySchool' building_methods = 'Prototype.secondary_school' when 'PrimarySchool' building_methods = 'Prototype.primary_school' when 'SmallOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.small_office' when 'MediumOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.medium_office' when 'LargeOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.large_office' when 'SmallHotel' building_methods = 'Prototype.small_hotel' when 'LargeHotel' building_methods = 'Prototype.large_hotel' when 'Warehouse' building_methods = 'Prototype.warehouse' when 'RetailStandalone' building_methods = 'Prototype.retail_standalone' when 'RetailStripmall' building_methods = 'Prototype.retail_stripmall' when 'QuickServiceRestaurant' building_methods = 'Prototype.quick_service_restaurant' when 'FullServiceRestaurant' building_methods = 'Prototype.full_service_restaurant' when 'Hospital' building_methods = 'Prototype.hospital' when 'Outpatient' building_methods = 'Prototype.outpatient' when 'MidriseApartment' building_methods = 'Prototype.mid_rise_apartment' when 'HighriseApartment' building_methods = 'Prototype.high_rise_apartment' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Building Type = #{building_type} not recognized") return false end require_relative "#{building_methods}" return true end # Loads a geometry-only .osm as a starting point. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started adding geometry') # Determine which geometry file to use # based on building_type and template # NECB 2011 geometry is not explicitly defined; for NECB 2011 template, latest ASHRAE 90.1 geometry file is assigned (implicitly) case building_type when 'SecondarySchool' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' 'Geometry.secondary_school_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else 'Geometry.secondary_school.osm' end when 'PrimarySchool' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' 'Geometry.primary_school_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else 'Geometry.primary_school.osm' end when 'SmallOffice' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.small_office_pre_1980.osm' else 'Geometry.small_office.osm' end alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' geometry_file = 'Geometry.medium_office.osm' alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' alt_search_name = 'Office' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_reference.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_2010.osm' end when 'SmallHotel' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_doe.osm' when '90.1-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2004.osm' when '90.1-2007' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2007.osm' when '90.1-2010' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2010.osm' else # '90.1-2013' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2013.osm' end when 'LargeHotel' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.doe.osm' when '90.1-2007', '90.1-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2004_2007.osm' when '90.1-2010' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2010.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2013.osm' end when 'Warehouse' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.warehouse_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.warehouse.osm' end when 'RetailStandalone' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.pre1980_post1980.osm' when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.2004_2007.osm' else # '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.2010_2013.osm' end alt_search_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_stripmall.osm' alt_search_name = 'StripMall' when 'QuickServiceRestaurant' geometry_file = case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.quick_service_restaurant_pre1980.osm' else # 'DOE Ref 1980-2004','90.1-2010','90.1-2007','90.1-2004','90.1-2013' 'Geometry.quick_service_restaurant_allothers.osm' end when 'FullServiceRestaurant' geometry_file = case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.full_service_restaurant_pre1980.osm' else # 'DOE Ref 1980-2004','90.1-2010','90.1-2007','90.1-2004','90.1-2013' 'Geometry.full_service_restaurant_allothers.osm' end when 'Hospital' geometry_file = 'Geometry.hospital.osm' when 'Outpatient' geometry_file = 'Geometry.outpatient.osm' when 'MidriseApartment' geometry_file = 'Geometry.mid_rise_apartment.osm' when 'Office' # For NECB 2011 prototypes (old) geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_2010.osm' alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'HighriseApartment' geometry_file = 'Geometry.high_rise_apartment.osm' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Building Type = #{building_type} not recognized") return false end # Load the geometry .osm geom_dir = "../../../data/geometry" replace_model("#{geom_dir}/#{geometry_file}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding geometry') return true end # Replaces all objects in the current model # with the objects in the .osm. Typically used to # load a model as a starting point. # # @param rel_path_to_osm [String] the path to an .osm file, relative to this file # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def replace_model(rel_path_to_osm) # Take the existing model and remove all the objects # (this is cheesy), but need to keep the same memory block handles = OpenStudio::UUIDVector.new objects.each { |o| handles << o.handle } removeObjects(handles) model = nil if File.dirname(__FILE__)[0] == ':' # running from embedded location # Load geometry from the saved geometry.osm geom_model_string = load_resource_relative(rel_path_to_osm) # version translate from string version_translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new model = version_translator.loadModelFromString(geom_model_string) else abs_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), rel_path_to_osm) # version translate from string version_translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new model = version_translator.loadModel(abs_path) end if model.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Version translation failed for #{rel_path_to_osm}") return false end model = model.get # Add the objects from the geometry model to the working model addObjects(model.toIdfFile.objects) return true end # Reads in a mapping between names of space types and # names of spaces in the model, creates an empty OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType # (no loads, occupants, schedules, etc.) for each space type, and assigns this # space type to the list of spaces named. Later on, these empty space types # can be used as keys in a lookup to add loads, schedules, and # other inputs that are either typical or governed by a standard. # # @param building_type [String] the name of the building type # @param space_type_map [Hash] a hash where the key is the space type name # and the value is a vector of space names that should be assigned this space type. # The hash for each building is defined inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def assign_space_type_stubs(building_type, template, space_type_map) space_type_map.each do |space_type_name, space_names| # Create a new space type stub_space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(self) stub_space_type.setStandardsBuildingType(building_type) stub_space_type.setStandardsSpaceType(space_type_name) stub_space_type.setName("#{building_type} #{space_type_name}") stub_space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) space_names.each do |space_name| space = getSpaceByName(space_name) next if space.empty? space = space.get space.setSpaceType(stub_space_type) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Setting #{space.name} to #{building_type}.#{space_type_name}") end end return true end def add_full_space_type_libs(template) space_type_properties_list = find_objects($os_standards['space_types'], 'template' => 'NECB 2011') space_type_properties_list.each do |space_type_property| stub_space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(self) stub_space_type.setStandardsBuildingType(space_type_property['building_type']) stub_space_type.setStandardsSpaceType(space_type_property['space_type']) stub_space_type.setName("#{template}-#{space_type_property['building_type']}-#{space_type_property['space_type']}") stub_space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) end add_loads(template) end def assign_building_story(building_type, template, climate_zone, building_story_map) building_story_map.each do |building_story_name, space_names| stub_building_story = OpenStudio::Model::BuildingStory.new(self) stub_building_story.setName(building_story_name) space_names.each do |space_name| space = getSpaceByName(space_name) next if space.empty? space = space.get space.setBuildingStory(stub_building_story) end end return true end # Adds the loads and associated schedules for each space type # as defined in the OpenStudio_Standards_space_types.json file. # This includes lights, plug loads, occupants, ventilation rate requirements, # infiltration, gas equipment (for kitchens, etc.) and typical schedules for each. # Some loads are governed by the standard, others are typical values # pulled from sources such as the DOE Reference and DOE Prototype Buildings. # # @param template [String] the template to draw data from # @param climate_zone [String] the name of the climate zone the building is in # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def add_loads(template, climate_zone = nil) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying space types (loads)') # Loop through all the space types currently in the model, # which are placeholders, and give them appropriate loads and schedules getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| # Rendering color space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) # Loads space_type.apply_internal_loads(template, true, true, true, true, true, true) # Schedules space_type.apply_internal_load_schedules(template, true, true, true, true, true, true, true) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying space types (loads)') return true end # Adds code-minimum constructions based on the building type # as defined in the OpenStudio_Standards_construction_sets.json file. # Where there is a separate construction set specified for the # individual space type, this construction set will be created and applied # to this space type, overriding the whole-building construction set. # # @param building_type [String] the type of building # @param template [String] the template to draw data from # @param climate_zone [String] the name of the climate zone the building is in # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying constructions') is_residential = 'No' # default is nonresidential for building level # The constructions lookup table uses a slightly different list of # building types. lookup_building_type = get_lookup_name(building_type) # Assign construction to adiabatic construction # Assign a material to all internal mass objects cp02_carpet_pad = OpenStudio::Model::MasslessOpaqueMaterial.new(self) cp02_carpet_pad.setName('CP02 CARPET PAD') cp02_carpet_pad.setRoughness('VeryRough') cp02_carpet_pad.setThermalResistance(0.21648) cp02_carpet_pad.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) cp02_carpet_pad.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) cp02_carpet_pad.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.8) normalweight_concrete_floor = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) normalweight_concrete_floor.setName('100mm Normalweight concrete floor') normalweight_concrete_floor.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') normalweight_concrete_floor.setThickness(0.1016) normalweight_concrete_floor.setConductivity(2.31) normalweight_concrete_floor.setDensity(2322) normalweight_concrete_floor.setSpecificHeat(832) nonres_floor_insulation = OpenStudio::Model::MasslessOpaqueMaterial.new(self) nonres_floor_insulation.setName('Nonres_Floor_Insulation') nonres_floor_insulation.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') nonres_floor_insulation.setThermalResistance(2.88291975297193) nonres_floor_insulation.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) nonres_floor_insulation.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) nonres_floor_insulation.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.7) floor_adiabatic_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) floor_adiabatic_construction.setName('Floor Adiabatic construction') floor_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new floor_layers << cp02_carpet_pad floor_layers << normalweight_concrete_floor floor_layers << nonres_floor_insulation floor_adiabatic_construction.setLayers(floor_layers) g01_13mm_gypsum_board = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setName('G01 13mm gypsum board') g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setRoughness('Smooth') g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setThickness(0.0127) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setConductivity(0.1600) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setDensity(800) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setSpecificHeat(1090) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.5) wall_adiabatic_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) wall_adiabatic_construction.setName('Wall Adiabatic construction') wall_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new wall_layers << g01_13mm_gypsum_board wall_layers << g01_13mm_gypsum_board wall_adiabatic_construction.setLayers(wall_layers) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setName('M10 200mm concrete block basement wall') m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setRoughness('MediumRough') m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setThickness(0.2032) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setConductivity(1.326) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setDensity(1842) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setSpecificHeat(912) basement_wall_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) basement_wall_construction.setName('Basement Wall construction') basement_wall_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new basement_wall_layers << m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall basement_wall_construction.setLayers(basement_wall_layers) basement_floor_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) basement_floor_construction.setName('Basement Floor construction') basement_floor_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new basement_floor_layers << m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall basement_floor_layers << cp02_carpet_pad basement_floor_construction.setLayers(basement_floor_layers) getSurfaces.each do |surface| if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.to_s == 'Adiabatic' if surface.surfaceType.to_s == 'Wall' surface.setConstruction(wall_adiabatic_construction) else surface.setConstruction(floor_adiabatic_construction) end elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.to_s == 'OtherSideCoefficients' # Ground if surface.surfaceType.to_s == 'Wall' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') surface.setConstruction(basement_wall_construction) else surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') surface.setConstruction(basement_floor_construction) end end end # Make the default construction set for the building bldg_def_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, lookup_building_type, nil, is_residential) if bldg_def_const_set.is_initialized getBuilding.setDefaultConstructionSet(bldg_def_const_set.get) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Could not create default construction set for the building.') return false end # Make a construction set for each space type, if one is specified getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| # Get the standards building type stds_building_type = nil if space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized stds_building_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Space type called '#{space_type.name}' has no standards building type.") end # Get the standards space type stds_spc_type = nil if space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized stds_spc_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Space type called '#{space_type.name}' has no standards space type.") end # If the standards space type is Attic, # the building type should be blank. if stds_spc_type == 'Attic' stds_building_type = '' end # Attempt to make a construction set for this space type # and assign it if it can be created. spc_type_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, stds_building_type, stds_spc_type, is_residential) if spc_type_const_set.is_initialized space_type.setDefaultConstructionSet(spc_type_const_set.get) end end # Add construction from story level, especially for the case when there are residential and nonresidential construction in the same building if lookup_building_type == 'SmallHotel' getBuildingStorys.each do |story| next if story.name.get == 'AtticStory' puts "story = #{story.name}" is_residential = 'No' # default for building story level exterior_spaces_area = 0 story_exterior_residential_area = 0 # calculate the propotion of residential area in exterior spaces, see if this story is residential or not story.spaces.each do |space| next if space.exteriorWallArea.zero? space_type = space.spaceType.get if space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized space_type_name = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get end data = find_object($os_standards['space_types'], 'template' => template, 'building_type' => lookup_building_type, 'space_type' => space_type_name) exterior_spaces_area += space.floorArea story_exterior_residential_area += space.floorArea if data['is_residential'] == 'Yes' # "Yes" is residential, "No" or nil is nonresidential end is_residential = 'Yes' if story_exterior_residential_area / exterior_spaces_area >= 0.5 next if is_residential == 'No' # if the story is identified as residential, assign residential construction set to the spaces on this story. building_story_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, lookup_building_type, nil, is_residential) if building_story_const_set.is_initialized story.spaces.each do |space| space.setDefaultConstructionSet(building_story_const_set.get) end end end # Standars: For whole buildings or floors where 50% or more of the spaces adjacent to exterior walls are used primarily for living and sleeping quarters end # Make skylights have the same construction as fixed windows # sub_surface = self.getBuilding.defaultConstructionSet.get.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.get # window_construction = sub_surface.fixedWindowConstruction.get # sub_surface.setSkylightConstruction(window_construction) # Assign a material to all internal mass objects material = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) material.setName('Std Wood 6inch') material.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') material.setThickness(0.15) material.setConductivity(0.12) material.setDensity(540) material.setSpecificHeat(1210) material.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) material.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) material.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.7) construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) construction.setName('InteriorFurnishings') layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new layers << material construction.setLayers(layers) # Assign the internal mass construction to existing internal mass objects getSpaces.each do |space| internal_masses = space.internalMass internal_masses.each do |internal_mass| internal_mass.internalMassDefinition.setConstruction(construction) end end # get all the space types that are conditioned # not required for NECB 2011 unless template == 'NECB 2011' conditioned_space_names = find_conditioned_space_names(building_type, template, climate_zone) end # add internal mass # not required for NECB 2011 unless (template == 'NECB 2011') || ((building_type == 'SmallHotel') && (template == '90.1-2004' || template == '90.1-2007' || template == '90.1-2010' || template == '90.1-2013')) internal_mass_def = OpenStudio::Model::InternalMassDefinition.new(self) internal_mass_def.setSurfaceAreaperSpaceFloorArea(2.0) internal_mass_def.setConstruction(construction) conditioned_space_names.each do |conditioned_space_name| space = getSpaceByName(conditioned_space_name) if space.is_initialized space = space.get internal_mass = OpenStudio::Model::InternalMass.new(internal_mass_def) internal_mass.setName("#{space.name} Mass") internal_mass.setSpace(space) end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying constructions') return true end # Get the list of all conditioned spaces, as defined for each building in the # system_to_space_map inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Array] returns an array of space names as strings def find_conditioned_space_names(building_type, template, climate_zone) system_to_space_map = define_hvac_system_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) conditioned_space_names = OpenStudio::StringVector.new system_to_space_map.each do |system| system['space_names'].each do |space_name| conditioned_space_names << space_name end end return conditioned_space_names end # Creates thermal zones to contain each space, as defined for each building in the # system_to_space_map inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started creating thermal zones') # Remove any Thermal zones assigned getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # This map define the multipliers for spaces with multipliers not equals to 1 case building_type when 'LargeHotel' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeHotel.define_space_multiplier when 'MidriseApartment' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::MidriseApartment.define_space_multiplier when 'LargeOffice' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeOffice.define_space_multiplier when 'Hospital' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.define_space_multiplier else space_multiplier_map = {} end # Create a thermal zone for each space in the self getSpaces.each do |space| zone = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone.new(self) zone.setName("#{space.name} ZN") unless space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s].nil? zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s]) end space.setThermalZone(zone) # Skip thermostat for spaces with no space type next if space.spaceType.empty? # Add a thermostat space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.name.get thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space.name}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(self).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) if template == 'NECB 2011' #Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = OpenStudio::Model::ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem.new(self) ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished creating thermal zones') end # Loop through thermal zones and run thermal_zone.add_exhaust # If kitchen_makeup is "None" then exhaust will be modeled in every kitchen zone without makeup air # If kitchen_makeup is "Adjacent" then exhaust will be modeled in every kitchen zone. Makeup air will be provided when there as an adjacent dining,cafe, or cafeteria zone of the same buidling type. # If kitchen_makeup is "Largest Zone" then exhaust will only be modeled in the largest kitchen zone, but the flow rate will be based on the kitchen area for all zones. Makeup air will be modeled in the largest dining,cafe, or cafeteria zone of the same building type. # # @param template [String] Valid choices are # @param kitchen_makeup [String] Valid choices are # @return [Hash] Hash of newly made exhaust fan objects along with secondary exhaust and zone mixing objects def add_exhaust(template,kitchen_makeup = "Adjacent") # kitchen_makeup options are (None, Largest Zone, Adjacent) zone_exhaust_fans = {} # apply use specified kitchen_makup logic if not ["Adjacent","Largest Zone"].include?(kitchen_makeup) if not kitchen_makeup == "None" OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{kitchen_makeup} is an unexpected value for kitchen_makup arg, will use None.") end # loop through thermal zones self.getThermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| zone_exhaust_hash = thermal_zone.add_exhaust(template) # populate zone_exhaust_fans zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end else # common code for Adjacent and Largest Zone # populate standard_space_types_with_makup_air standard_space_types_with_makup_air = {} standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["FullServiceRestaurant","Kitchen"]] = ["FullServiceRestaurant","Dining"] standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["QuickServiceRestaurant","Kitchen"]] = ["QuickServiceRestaurant","Dining"] standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["Hospital","Kitchen"]] = ["Hospital","Dining"] standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["SecondarySchool","Kitchen"]] = ["SecondarySchool","Cafeteria"] standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["PrimarySchool","Kitchen"]] = ["PrimarySchool","Cafeteria"] standard_space_types_with_makup_air[["LargeHotel","Kitchen"]] = ["LargeHotel","Cafe"] # gather information on zones organized by standards building type and space type. zone may be in this multiple times if it has multiple space types zones_by_standards = {} self.getThermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| # get space type ratio for spaces in zone space_type_hash = {} # key is space type, value hash with floor area, standards building type, standards space type, and array of adjacent zones thermal_zone.spaces.each do |space| next if not space.spaceType.is_initialized next if not space.partofTotalFloorArea space_type = space.spaceType.get next if not space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized next if not space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized # add entry in hash for space_type_standardsif it doesn't already exist if not space_type_hash.has_key?(space_type) space_type_hash[space_type] = {} space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_floor_area] = 0.0 space_type_hash[space_type][:standards_array] =[space_type.standardsBuildingType.get,space_type.standardsSpaceType.get] if kitchen_makeup == "Adjacent" space_type_hash[space_type][:adjacent_zones] = [] end end # populate floor area space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_floor_area] += space.floorArea * space.multiplier # todo - populate adjacent zones (need to add methods to space and zone for this) if kitchen_makeup == "Adjacent" space_type_hash[space_type][:adjacent_zones] << nil end # populate zones_by_standards if not zones_by_standards.has_key?(space_type_hash[space_type][:standards_array]) zones_by_standards[space_type_hash[space_type][:standards_array]] = {} end zones_by_standards[space_type_hash[space_type][:standards_array]][thermal_zone] = space_type_hash end end if kitchen_makeup == "Largest Zone" zones_applied = [] # add thermal zones to this ones they have had thermal_zone.add_exhaust run on it # loop through standard_space_types_with_makup_air standard_space_types_with_makup_air.each do |makeup_target,makeup_source| # hash to manage lookups markup_target_effective_floor_area = {} markup_source_effective_floor_area = {} if zones_by_standards.has_key?(makeup_target) # process zones of each makeup_target zones_by_standards[makeup_target].each do |thermal_zone,space_type_hash| effective_floor_area = 0.0 space_type_hash.each do |space_type,hash| effective_floor_area += space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_floor_area] end markup_target_effective_floor_area[thermal_zone] = effective_floor_area end # find zone with largest effective area of this space type largest_target_zone = markup_target_effective_floor_area.key(markup_target_effective_floor_area.values.max) # find total effective area to calculate exhaust, then divide by zone multiplier when add exhaust target_effective_floor_area = markup_target_effective_floor_area.values.reduce(0, :+) # find zones that match makeup_target with makeup_source if zones_by_standards.has_key?(makeup_source) # process zones of each makeup_source zones_by_standards[makeup_source].each do |thermal_zone,space_type_hash| effective_floor_area = 0.0 space_type_hash.each do |space_type,hash| effective_floor_area += space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_floor_area] end markup_source_effective_floor_area[thermal_zone] = effective_floor_area end # find zone with largest effective area of this space type largest_source_zone = markup_source_effective_floor_area.key(markup_source_effective_floor_area.values.max) else # issue warning that makeup air wont be made but still make exhaust OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Model has zone with #{makeup_target} but not #{makeup_source}. Exhaust will be added, but no makeup air.") next end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Largest #{makeup_target} is #{largest_target_zone.name} which will provide exahust for #{target_effective_floor_area} m^2") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Largest #{makeup_source} is #{largest_source_zone.name} which will provide makeup air for #{makeup_target}") # add in extra arguments for makeup air exhaust_makeup_inputs = {} exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target] = {} # for now only one makeup target per zone, but method could have multiple exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:target_effective_floor_area] = target_effective_floor_area exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:source_zone] = largest_source_zone # add exhaust next if zones_applied.include?(largest_target_zone) # would only hit this if zone has two space types each requesting makeup air zone_exhaust_hash = largest_target_zone.add_exhaust(template,exhaust_makeup_inputs) zones_applied << largest_target_zone zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end end # add exhaust to zones that did not contain space types with standard_space_types_with_makup_air zones_by_standards.each do |standards_array,zones_hash| next if standard_space_types_with_makup_air.has_key?(standards_array) # loop through zones adding exhaust zones_hash.each do |thermal_zone,space_type_hash| next if zones_applied.include?(thermal_zone) # add exhaust zone_exhaust_hash = thermal_zone.add_exhaust(template) zones_applied << thermal_zone zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end end else #kitchen_makeup == "Adjacent" zones_applied = [] # add thermal zones to this ones they have had thermal_zone.add_exhaust run on it standard_space_types_with_makup_air.each do |makeup_target,makeup_source| if zones_by_standards.has_key?(makeup_target) # process zones of each makeup_target zones_by_standards[makeup_target].each do |thermal_zone,space_type_hash| # get adjacent zones adjacent_zones = thermal_zone.get_adjacent_zones_with_shared_wall_areas # find adjacent zones matching key and value from standard_space_types_with_makup_air first_adjacent_makeup_source = nil adjacent_zones.each do |adjacent_zone| next if not first_adjacent_makeup_source.nil? if zones_by_standards.has_key?(makeup_source) and zones_by_standards[makeup_source].has_key?(adjacent_zone) first_adjacent_makeup_source = adjacent_zone # todo - add in extra arguments for makeup air exhaust_makeup_inputs = {} exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target] = {} # for now only one makeup target per zone, but method could have multiple exhaust_makeup_inputs[makeup_target][:source_zone] = first_adjacent_makeup_source # add exhaust zone_exhaust_hash = thermal_zone.add_exhaust(template,exhaust_makeup_inputs) zones_applied << thermal_zone zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end end if first_adjacent_makeup_source.nil? # issue warning that makeup air wont be made but still make exhaust OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Model has zone with #{makeup_target} but no adjacent zone with #{makeup_source}. Exhaust will be added, but no makeup air.") # add exhaust zone_exhaust_hash = thermal_zone.add_exhaust(template) zones_applied << thermal_zone zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end end end end # add exhaust for rest of zones self.getThermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| next if zones_applied.include?(thermal_zone) # add exhaust zone_exhaust_hash = thermal_zone.add_exhaust(template) zone_exhaust_fans.merge!(zone_exhaust_hash) end end end return zone_exhaust_fans end # Adds occupancy sensors to certain space types per # the PNNL documentation. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo genericize and move this method to Standards.Space def add_occupancy_sensors(building_type, template, climate_zone) # Only add occupancy sensors for 90.1-2010 case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' return true end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started Adding Occupancy Sensors') space_type_reduction_map = { 'SecondarySchool' => { 'Classroom' => 0.32, 'Restroom' => 0.34, 'Office' => 0.22 }, 'PrimarySchool' => { 'Classroom' => 0.32, 'Restroom' => 0.34, 'Office' => 0.22 } } # Loop through all the space types and reduce lighting operation schedule fractions as-specified getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| # Skip space types with no standards building type next if space_type.standardsBuildingType.empty? stds_bldg_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType.get # Skip space types with no standards space type next if space_type.standardsSpaceType.empty? stds_spc_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get # Skip building types and space types that aren't listed in the hash next unless space_type_reduction_map.key?(stds_bldg_type) next unless space_type_reduction_map[stds_bldg_type].key?(stds_spc_type) # Get the reduction fraction multiplier red_multiplier = 1 - space_type_reduction_map[stds_bldg_type][stds_spc_type] lights_sch_names = [] lights_schs = {} reduced_lights_schs = {} # Get all of the lights in this space type # and determine the list of schedules they use. space_type.lights.each do |light| # Skip lights that don't have a schedule next if light.schedule.empty? lights_sch = light.schedule.get lights_schs[lights_sch.name.to_s] = lights_sch lights_sch_names << lights_sch.name.to_s end # Loop through the unique list of lighting schedules, cloning # and reducing schedule fraction before and after the specified times lights_sch_names.uniq.each do |lights_sch_name| lights_sch = lights_schs[lights_sch_name] # Skip non-ruleset schedules next if lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty? # Clone the schedule (so that we don't mess with lights in # other space types that might be using the same schedule). new_lights_sch = lights_sch.clone(self).to_ScheduleRuleset.get new_lights_sch.setName("#{lights_sch_name} OccSensor Reduction") reduced_lights_schs[lights_sch_name] = new_lights_sch # Reduce default day schedule multiply_schedule(new_lights_sch.defaultDaySchedule, red_multiplier, 0.25) # Reduce all other rule schedules new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.each do |sch_rule| multiply_schedule(sch_rule.daySchedule, red_multiplier, 0.25) end end # end of lights_sch_names.uniq.each do # Loop through all lights instances, replacing old lights # schedules with the reduced schedules. space_type.lights.each do |light| # Skip lights that don't have a schedule next if light.schedule.empty? old_lights_sch_name = light.schedule.get.name.to_s if reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name] light.setSchedule(reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name]) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Occupancy sensor reduction added to '#{light.name}'") end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished Adding Occupancy Sensors') return true end # add occupancy sensors # Adds exterior lights to the building, as specified # in OpenStudio_Standards_prototype_inputs # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo translate w/linear foot of facade, door, parking, etc # into lookup table and implement that way instead of hard-coding as # inputs in the spreadsheet. def add_exterior_lights(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) # TODO: Standards - translate w/linear foot of facade, door, parking, etc # into lookup table and implement that way instead of hard-coding as # inputs in the spreadsheet. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started adding exterior lights') # Occupancy Sensing Exterior Lights # which reduce to 70% power when no one is around. unless prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_power'].nil? occ_sens_ext_lts_power = prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_power'] occ_sens_ext_lts_sch_name = prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_schedule'] occ_sens_ext_lts_name = 'Occ Sensing Exterior Lights' occ_sens_ext_lts_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) occ_sens_ext_lts_def.setName("#{occ_sens_ext_lts_name} Def") occ_sens_ext_lts_def.setDesignLevel(occ_sens_ext_lts_power) occ_sens_ext_lts_sch = add_schedule(occ_sens_ext_lts_sch_name) occ_sens_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(occ_sens_ext_lts_def, occ_sens_ext_lts_sch) occ_sens_ext_lts.setName("#{occ_sens_ext_lts_name} Def") occ_sens_ext_lts.setControlOption('AstronomicalClock') end # Building Facade and Landscape Lights # that don't dim at all at night. unless prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_power'].nil? nondimming_ext_lts_power = prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_power'] nondimming_ext_lts_sch_name = prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_schedule'] nondimming_ext_lts_name = 'NonDimming Exterior Lights' nondimming_ext_lts_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) nondimming_ext_lts_def.setName("#{nondimming_ext_lts_name} Def") nondimming_ext_lts_def.setDesignLevel(nondimming_ext_lts_power) nondimming_ext_lts_sch = add_schedule(nondimming_ext_lts_sch_name) nondimming_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(nondimming_ext_lts_def, nondimming_ext_lts_sch) nondimming_ext_lts.setName("#{nondimming_ext_lts_name} Def") nondimming_ext_lts.setControlOption('AstronomicalClock') end # Fuel Equipment, As Exterior:FuelEquipment is not supported by OpenStudio yet, # temporarily use Exterior:Lights and set the control option to ScheduleNameOnly # todo: change it to Exterior:FuelEquipment when OpenStudio supported it. unless prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_power'].nil? fuel_ext_power = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_power'] fuel_ext_sch_name = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_schedule'] fuel_ext_name = 'Fuel equipment 1' fuel_ext_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) fuel_ext_def.setName("#{fuel_ext_name} Def") fuel_ext_def.setDesignLevel(fuel_ext_power) fuel_ext_sch = add_schedule(fuel_ext_sch_name) fuel_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(fuel_ext_def, fuel_ext_sch) fuel_ext_lts.setName(fuel_ext_name.to_s) fuel_ext_lts.setControlOption('ScheduleNameOnly') end unless prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_power'].nil? fuel_ext_power = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_power'] fuel_ext_sch_name = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_schedule'] fuel_ext_name = 'Fuel equipment 2' fuel_ext_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) fuel_ext_def.setName("#{fuel_ext_name} Def") fuel_ext_def.setDesignLevel(fuel_ext_power) fuel_ext_sch = add_schedule(fuel_ext_sch_name) fuel_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(fuel_ext_def, fuel_ext_sch) fuel_ext_lts.setName(fuel_ext_name.to_s) fuel_ext_lts.setControlOption('ScheduleNameOnly') end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding exterior lights') return true end # add exterior lights # Changes the infiltration coefficients for the prototype vintages. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make prototype and reference vintages consistent # @todo Add 90.1-2013? def modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) # Select the terrain type, which # impacts wind speed, and in turn infiltration terrain = 'City' case template when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case building_type when 'Warehouse' terrain = 'Urban' when 'SmallHotel' terrain = 'Suburbs' end end # Set the terrain type getSite.setTerrain(terrain) # modify the infiltration coefficients for 90.1-2004, 90.1-2007, 90.1-2010, 90.1-2013 return true unless template == '90.1-2004' || template == '90.1-2007' || template == '90.1-2010' || template == '90.1-2013' || template == 'NECB 2011' # The pre-1980 and 1980-2004 buildings have this: # 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient # 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient # The 90.1-2010 buildings have this: # 0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient # 0.224, !- Velocity Term Coefficient # 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each do |infiltration| infiltration.setConstantTermCoefficient(0.0) infiltration.setTemperatureTermCoefficient(0.0) infiltration.setVelocityTermCoefficient(0.224) infiltration.setVelocitySquaredTermCoefficient(0.0) end end # Sets the inside and outside convection algorithms for different vintages # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make prototype and reference vintages consistent def modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) inside = getInsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm outside = getOutsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' inside.setAlgorithm('TARP') outside.setAlgorithm('DOE-2') when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013', 'NECB 2011' inside.setAlgorithm('TARP') outside.setAlgorithm('TARP') end end # Changes the infiltration coefficients for the prototype vintages. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make sizing factors consistent # between building types, climate zones, and vintages? def apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) # Default unless otherwise specified clg = 1.2 htg = 1.2 case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' case building_type when 'PrimarySchool', 'SecondarySchool', 'Outpatient' clg = 1.5 htg = 1.5 when 'LargeHotel' clg = 1.33 htg = 1.33 end when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case building_type when 'Hospital', 'LargeHotel', 'MediumOffice', 'LargeOffice', 'Outpatient', 'PrimarySchool' clg = 1.0 htg = 1.0 end when 'NECB 2011' clg = 1.3 htg = 1.3 end sizing_params = getSizingParameters sizing_params.setHeatingSizingFactor(htg) sizing_params.setCoolingSizingFactor(clg) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Set sizing factors to #{htg} for heating and #{clg} for cooling.") end def apply_prototype_hvac_assumptions(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying prototype HVAC assumptions.') ##### Apply equipment efficiencies # Fans # Pressure Rise getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanOnOffs.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanZoneExhausts.sort.each(&:apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise) # Motor Efficiency getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanOnOffs.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanZoneExhausts.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } ##### Add Economizers if template != 'NECB 2011' # Create an economizer maximum OA fraction of 70% # to reflect damper leakage per PNNL econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(self) econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 70 pct') econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 70 pct Default') econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0), 0.7) else # NECB 2011 prescribes ability to provide 100% OA ( econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(self) econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 100 pct') econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 100 pct Default') econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0), 1.0) end # Check each airloop getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| if air_loop.economizer_required?(template, climate_zone) == true # If an economizer is required, determine the economizer type # in the prototype buildings, which depends on climate zone. economizer_type = nil case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' economizer_type = 'DifferentialDryBulb' when '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case climate_zone when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4A' economizer_type = 'DifferentialEnthalpy' else economizer_type = 'DifferentialDryBulb' end when 'NECB 2011' # NECB states that economizer can be controlled based on difference betweeen # return air temperature and outside air temperature OR return air enthalpy # and outside air enthalphy; latter chosen to be consistent with MNECB and CAN-QUEST implementation economizer_type = 'DifferentialEnthalpy' end # Set the economizer type # Get the OA system and OA controller oa_sys = air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem if oa_sys.is_initialized oa_sys = oa_sys.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "#{air_loop.name} is required to have an economizer, but it has no OA system.") next end oa_control = oa_sys.getControllerOutdoorAir oa_control.setEconomizerControlType(economizer_type) if template != 'NECB 2011' # oa_control.setMaximumFractionofOutdoorAirSchedule(econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch) end # Check that the economizer type set by the prototypes # is not prohibited by code. If it is, change to no economizer. unless air_loop.economizer_type_allowable?(template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "#{air_loop.name} is required to have an economizer, but the type chosen, #{economizer_type} is prohibited by code for #{template}, climate zone #{climate_zone}. Economizer type will be switched to No Economizer.") oa_control.setEconomizerControlType('NoEconomizer') end end end # TODO: What is the logic behind hard-sizing # hot water coil convergence tolerances? getControllerWaterCoils.sort.each(&:set_convergence_limits) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying prototype HVAC assumptions.') end def add_debugging_variables(type) # 'detailed' # 'timestep' # 'hourly' # 'daily' # 'monthly' vars = [] case type when 'service_water_heating' var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Mains Water Volume', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Target Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Mixed Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Tank Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Use Side Mass Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Heating Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume', 'timestep'] end var_names.each do |var_name, reporting_frequency| output_var = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(var_name, self) output_var.setReportingFrequency(reporting_frequency) end end def run(run_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/Run") # If the run directory is not specified # run in the current working directory # Make the directory if it doesn't exist unless Dir.exist?(run_dir) Dir.mkdir(run_dir) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Started simulation in '#{run_dir}'") # Change the simulation to only run the weather file # and not run the sizing day simulations sim_control = getSimulationControl sim_control.setRunSimulationforSizingPeriods(false) sim_control.setRunSimulationforWeatherFileRunPeriods(true) # Save the model to energyplus idf idf_name = 'in.idf' osm_name = 'in.osm' forward_translator = OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ForwardTranslator.new idf = forward_translator.translateModel(self) idf_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/#{idf_name}") osm_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/#{osm_name}") idf.save(idf_path, true) save(osm_path, true) # Set up the sizing simulation # Find the weather file epw_path = nil if weatherFile.is_initialized epw_path = weatherFile.get.path if epw_path.is_initialized if File.exist?(epw_path.get.to_s) epw_path = epw_path.get else # If this is an always-run Measure, need to check a different path alt_weath_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../resources')) alt_epw_path = File.expand_path(File.join(alt_weath_path, epw_path.get.to_s)) if File.exist?(alt_epw_path) epw_path = OpenStudio::Path.new(alt_epw_path) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Model has been assigned a weather file, but the file is not in the specified location of '#{epw_path.get}'.") return false end end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Model has a weather file assigned, but the weather file path has been deleted.') return false end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Model has not been assigned a weather file.3') return false end # If running on a regular desktop, use RunManager. # If running on OpenStudio Server, use WorkFlowMananger # to avoid slowdown from the sizing run. use_runmanager = true begin require 'openstudio-workflow' use_runmanager = false rescue LoadError use_runmanager = true end sql_path = nil if use_runmanager == true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Running sizing run with RunManager.') # Find EnergyPlus ep_dir = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusDirectory ep_path = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusExecutable ep_tool = OpenStudio::Runmanager::ToolInfo.new(ep_path) idd_path = OpenStudio::Path.new(ep_dir.to_s + '/Energy+.idd') output_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/") # Make a run manager and queue up the sizing run run_manager_db_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/run.db") run_manager = OpenStudio::Runmanager::RunManager.new(run_manager_db_path, true, false, false, false) job = OpenStudio::Runmanager::JobFactory.createEnergyPlusJob(ep_tool, idd_path, idf_path, epw_path, output_path) run_manager.enqueue(job, true) # Start the sizing run and wait for it to finish. while run_manager.workPending sleep 1 OpenStudio::Application.instance.processEvents end sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/Energyplus/eplusout.sql") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Finished sizing run in #{(Time.new - start_time).round}sec.") else # Use the openstudio-workflow gem OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Running sizing run with openstudio-workflow gem.') # Copy the weather file to this directory FileUtils.copy(epw_path.to_s, run_dir) # Run the simulation sim = OpenStudio::Workflow.run_energyplus('Local', run_dir) final_state = sim.run if final_state == :finished OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Finished sizing run in #{(Time.new - start_time).round}sec.") end sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/run/eplusout.sql") end # Load the sql file created by the sizing run sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/Energyplus/eplusout.sql") if OpenStudio.exists(sql_path) sql = OpenStudio::SqlFile.new(sql_path) # Check to make sure the sql file is readable, # which won't be true if EnergyPlus crashed during simulation. unless sql.connectionOpen OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed. Look at the eplusout.err file in #{File.dirname(sql_path.to_s)} to see the cause.") return false end # Attach the sql file from the run to the sizing model setSqlFile(sql) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Results for the sizing run couldn't be found here: #{sql_path}.") return false end # Check that the run finished without severe errors error_query = "SELECT ErrorMessage FROM Errors WHERE ErrorType='1'" errs = sqlFile.get.execAndReturnVectorOfString(error_query) if errs.is_initialized errs = errs.get unless errs.empty? errs = errs.get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed with the following severe errors: #{errs.join('\n')}.") return false end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Finished simulation in '#{run_dir}'") return true end def request_timeseries_outputs # "detailed" # "timestep" # "hourly" # "daily" # "monthly" vars = [] # vars << ['Heating Coil Gas Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Air Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Fan Electric Power', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Flow Fraction', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Minimum Flow Fraction', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Total Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Target Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Mixed Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Total Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Hot Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Cold Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Plant Hot Water Energy', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Return Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Economizer Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Heat Recovery Bypass Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air High Humidity Control Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Minimum Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Mixed Air Mass Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Heating Coil Gas Rate','timestep'] vars << ['Boiler Part Load Ratio', 'timestep'] vars << ['Boiler Gas Rate', 'timestep'] # vars << ['Boiler Gas Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Fan Electric Power','timestep'] vars << ['Pump Electric Power', 'timestep'] vars << ['Pump Outlet Temperature', 'timestep'] vars << ['Pump Mass Flow Rate', 'timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal VAV Damper Position','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal Minimum Air Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal Outdoor Air Volume Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Lights Electric Power','hourly'] # vars << ['Daylighting Lighting Power Multiplier','hourly'] # vars << ['Schedule Value','hourly'] vars.each do |var, freq| output_var = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(var, self) output_var.setReportingFrequency(freq) end end def clear_and_set_example_constructions # Define Materials name = 'opaque material' thickness = 0.012700 conductivity = 0.160000 opaque_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Opaque.create_opaque_material(self, name, thickness, conductivity) name = 'insulation material' thickness = 0.050000 conductivity = 0.043000 insulation_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Opaque.create_opaque_material(self, name, thickness, conductivity) name = 'simple glazing test' shgc = 0.250000 ufactor = 3.236460 thickness = 0.003000 visible_transmittance = 0.160000 simple_glazing_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration.create_simple_glazing(self, name, shgc, ufactor, thickness, visible_transmittance) name = 'Standard Glazing Test' thickness = 0.003 conductivity = 0.9 solar_trans_normal = 0.84 front_solar_ref_normal = 0.075 back_solar_ref_normal = 0.075 vlt = 0.9 front_vis_ref_normal = 0.081 back_vis_ref_normal = 0.081 ir_trans_normal = 0.0 front_ir_emis = 0.84 back_ir_emis = 0.84 optical_data_type = 'SpectralAverage' dirt_correction_factor = 1.0 is_solar_diffusing = false standard_glazing_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration.create_standard_glazing(self, name, thickness, conductivity, solar_trans_normal, front_solar_ref_normal, back_solar_ref_normal, vlt, front_vis_ref_normal, back_vis_ref_normal, ir_trans_normal, front_ir_emis, back_ir_emis, optical_data_type, dirt_correction_factor, is_solar_diffusing) # Define Constructions # # Surfaces ext_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) ext_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) ext_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) # # Subsurfaces fixed_window = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionFixed', [simple_glazing_mat]) operable_window = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionOperable', [simple_glazing_mat]) glass_door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDoor', [standard_glazing_mat]) door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionDoor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) overhead_door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionOverheadDoor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) skylt = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionSkylight', [standard_glazing_mat]) daylt_dome = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDomeConstruction', [standard_glazing_mat]) daylt_diffuser = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDiffuserConstruction', [standard_glazing_mat]) # Define Construction Sets # # Surface exterior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'ExteriorSet', ext_wall, ext_roof, ext_floor) interior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'InteriorSet', int_wall, int_roof, int_floor) ground_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'GroundSet', grnd_wall, grnd_roof, grnd_floor) # # Subsurface subsurface_exterior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_subsurface_construction_set(self, fixed_window, operable_window, door, glass_door, overhead_door, skylt, daylt_dome, daylt_diffuser) subsurface_interior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_subsurface_construction_set(self, fixed_window, operable_window, door, glass_door, overhead_door, skylt, daylt_dome, daylt_diffuser) # Define default construction sets. name = 'Construction Set 1' default_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_construction_set(self, name, exterior_construction_set, interior_construction_set, ground_construction_set, subsurface_exterior_construction_set, subsurface_interior_construction_set) # Assign default to the model. getBuilding.setDefaultConstructionSet(default_construction_set) return default_construction_set end private # Method to multiply the values in a day schedule by a specified value # but only when the existing value is higher than a specified lower limit. # This limit prevents occupancy sensors from affecting unoccupied hours. def multiply_schedule(day_sch, multiplier, limit) # Record the original times and values times = day_sch.times values = day_sch.values # Remove the original times and values day_sch.clearValues # Create new values by using the multiplier on the original values new_values = [] values.each do |value| new_values << if value > limit value * multiplier else value end end # Add the revised time/value pairs to the schedule new_values.each_with_index do |new_value, i| day_sch.addValue(times[i], new_value) end end # end reduce schedule end