require 'spec_helper' describe "LinkedIn::Client OAuth" do let(:client) {'token', 'secret') } it "should initialize with consumer token and secret" do client.ctoken.should == 'token' client.csecret.should == 'secret' end it "should set authorization path to '/uas/oauth/authorize' by default" do client.consumer.options[:authorize_path].should == '/uas/oauth/authorize' end it "should have a consumer" do consumer = mock('oauth consumer') options = { :request_token_path => "/uas/oauth/requestToken", :access_token_path => "/uas/oauth/accessToken", :authorize_path => "/uas/oauth/authorize", :site => '' } OAuth::Consumer.should_receive(:new).with('token', 'secret', options).and_return(consumer) client.consumer.should == consumer end it "should have a request token from the consumer" do options = { :request_token_path => "/uas/oauth/requestToken", :access_token_path => "/uas/oauth/accessToken", :authorize_path => "/uas/oauth/authorize", :site => '' } consumer = mock('oauth consumer') request_token = mock('request token') consumer.should_receive(:get_request_token).and_return(request_token) OAuth::Consumer.should_receive(:new).with('token', 'secret', options).and_return(consumer) client.request_token.should == request_token end it "#set_callback_url should clear the request token and set the callback url" do consumer = mock('oauth consumer') request_token = mock('request token') options = { :request_token_path => "/uas/oauth/requestToken", :access_token_path => "/uas/oauth/accessToken", :authorize_path => "/uas/oauth/authorize", :site => '' } OAuth::Consumer. should_receive(:new). with('token', 'secret', options). and_return(consumer) linkedin ='token', 'secret') consumer. should_receive(:get_request_token). with({:oauth_callback => ''}) linkedin.set_callback_url('') end it "should be able to create access token from request token, request secret and verifier" do consumer ='token', 'secret', {:site => ''}) client.stub(:consumer).and_return(consumer) access_token = mock('access token', :token => 'atoken', :secret => 'asecret') request_token = mock('request token') request_token. should_receive(:get_access_token). with(:oauth_verifier => 'verifier'). and_return(access_token) OAuth::RequestToken. should_receive(:new). with(consumer, 'rtoken', 'rsecret'). and_return(request_token) client.authorize_from_request('rtoken', 'rsecret', 'verifier') client.access_token.class.should be(OAuth::AccessToken) client.access_token.token.should == 'atoken' client.access_token.secret.should == 'asecret' end it "should be able to create access token from access token and secret" do consumer ='token', 'secret', {:site => ''}) client.stub(:consumer).and_return(consumer) client.authorize_from_access('atoken', 'asecret') client.access_token.class.should be(OAuth::AccessToken) client.access_token.token.should == 'atoken' client.access_token.secret.should == 'asecret' end it "should be able to configure consumer token and consumer secret without passing to initialize" do LinkedIn.configure do |config| config.token = 'consumer_token' config.secret = 'consumer_secret' end linkedin = linkedin.ctoken.should == 'consumer_token' linkedin.csecret.should == 'consumer_secret' end end