require 'ffi' require 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/enums' module MTLibcouchbase::Ext extend FFI::Library if ffi_lib ::File.expand_path("../../../../ext/libcouchbase.dll", __FILE__) else ffi_lib ::File.expand_path("../../../../ext/libcouchbase/build/lib/libcouchbase.#{FFI::Platform::LIBSUFFIX}", __FILE__) end require 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase_libuv' autoload :T, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/t' autoload :HttpRequestT, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/http_request_t' autoload :CONTIGBUF, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/contigbuf' autoload :KEYBUF, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/keybuf' autoload :FRAGBUF, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/fragbuf' autoload :VALBUFUBuf, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/valbuf_u_buf' autoload :VALBUF, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/valbuf' autoload :CreateSt0, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/create_st0' autoload :CreateSt1, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/create_st1' autoload :CreateSt2, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/create_st2' autoload :CreateSt3, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/create_st3' autoload :CRSTU, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/crst_u' autoload :CreateSt, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/create_st' autoload :CMDBASE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdbase' autoload :RESPBASE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respbase' autoload :RESPSERVERBASE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respserverbase' autoload :MUTATIONTOKEN, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/mutation_token' autoload :CMDGET, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdget' autoload :RESPGET, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respget' autoload :CMDGETREPLICA, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdgetreplica' autoload :CMDSTORE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdstore' autoload :RESPSTORE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respstore' autoload :MULTICMDCTX, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/multicmd_ctx' autoload :DURABILITYOPTSv0, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/durabilityopt_sv0' autoload :DurabilityOptsStV, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/durability_opts_st_v' autoload :DurabilityOptsT, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/durability_opts_t' autoload :CMDENDURE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdendure' autoload :RESPENDURE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respendure' autoload :CMDSTOREDUR, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdstoredur' autoload :RESPSTOREDUR, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respstoredur' autoload :CMDOBSERVE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdobserve' autoload :RESPOBSERVE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respobserve' autoload :CMDOBSEQNO, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdobseqno' autoload :RESPOBSEQNO, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respobseqno' autoload :CMDCOUNTER, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdcounter' autoload :RESPCOUNTER, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respcounter' autoload :RESPSTATS, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respstats' autoload :RESPMCVERSION, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respmcversion' autoload :CMDVERBOSITY, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdverbosity' autoload :CMDHTTP, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdhttp' autoload :RESPHTTP, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/resphttp' autoload :HISTOGRAM, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/histogram' autoload :SDSPEC, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/sdspec' autoload :CMDSUBDOC, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdsubdoc' autoload :RESPSUBDOC, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respsubdoc' autoload :SDENTRY, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/sdentry' autoload :VIEWHANDLE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/viewhandle' autoload :CMDVIEWQUERY, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdviewquery' autoload :RESPVIEWQUERY, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respviewquery' autoload :N1QLHANDLE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/n1qlhandle' autoload :N1QLPARAMS, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/n1qlparams' autoload :CMDN1QL, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdn1ql' autoload :RESPN1QL, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respn1ql' autoload :RESPFTS, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/respfts' autoload :FTSHANDLE, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/ftshandle' autoload :CMDFTS, 'mt-libcouchbase/ext/mt-libcouchbase/cmdfts' attach_function :create_io_ops, :lcb_create_io_ops, [:pointer, :pointer], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_errmap_callback`(error_t, instance) # @param [T] error_t # @param [Integer] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # callback :errmap_callback, [T.by_ref, :ushort], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_bootstrap_callback`(instance, err) # @param [T] instance # @param [ErrorT] err # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :bootstrap_callback, [T.by_ref, ErrorT], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_respcallback`(instance, cbtype, resp) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cbtype # @param [RESPBASE] resp # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :respcallback, [T.by_ref, :int, RESPBASE.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_destroy_callback`(cookie) # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :destroy_callback, [:pointer], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_timings_callback`(instance, cookie, timeunit, min, max, total, maxtotal) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [TimeunitT] timeunit # @param [Integer] min # @param [Integer] max # @param [Integer] total # @param [Integer] maxtotal # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :timings_callback, [T.by_ref, :pointer, TimeunitT, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_histogram_callback`(cookie, timeunit, min, max, total, maxtotal) # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [TimeunitT] timeunit # @param [Integer] min # @param [Integer] max # @param [Integer] total # @param [Integer] maxtotal # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :histogram_callback, [:pointer, TimeunitT, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_viewquerycallback`(instance, cbtype, row) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cbtype # @param [RESPVIEWQUERY] row # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :viewquerycallback, [T.by_ref, :int, RESPVIEWQUERY.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_n1qlcallback`(, , ) # @param [T] # @param [Integer] # @param [RESPN1QL] # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :n1qlcallback, [T.by_ref, :int, RESPN1QL.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method `callback_ftscallback`(, , ) # @param [T] # @param [Integer] # @param [RESPFTS] # @return [nil] # @scope class # callback :ftscallback, [T.by_ref, :int, RESPFTS.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method get_errtype(err) # @param [ErrorT] err # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :get_errtype, :lcb_get_errtype, [ErrorT], :int # (Not documented) # # @method strerror(instance, error) # @param [T] instance # @param [ErrorT] error # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :strerror, :lcb_strerror, [T.by_ref, ErrorT], :string # (Not documented) # # @method errmap_default(instance, code) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] code # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :errmap_default, :lcb_errmap_default, [T.by_ref, :ushort], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method set_errmap_callback(t, errmap_callback) # @param [T] t # @param [Proc(callback_errmap_callback)] errmap_callback # @return [Proc(callback_errmap_callback)] # @scope class # attach_function :set_errmap_callback, :lcb_set_errmap_callback, [T.by_ref, :errmap_callback], :errmap_callback # (Not documented) # # @method create(instance, options) # @param [FFI::Pointer(*T)] instance # @param [CreateSt] options # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :create, :lcb_create, [:pointer, CreateSt.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method connect(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :connect, :lcb_connect, [T.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method set_bootstrap_callback(instance, callback) # @param [T] instance # @param [Proc(callback_bootstrap_callback)] callback # @return [Proc(callback_bootstrap_callback)] # @scope class # attach_function :set_bootstrap_callback, :lcb_set_bootstrap_callback, [T.by_ref, :bootstrap_callback], :bootstrap_callback # (Not documented) # # @method get_bootstrap_status(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :get_bootstrap_status, :lcb_get_bootstrap_status, [T.by_ref], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method install_callback3(instance, cbtype, cb) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cbtype # @param [Proc(callback_respcallback)] cb # @return [Proc(callback_respcallback)] # @scope class # attach_function :install_callback3, :lcb_install_callback3, [T.by_ref, :int, :respcallback], :respcallback # (Not documented) # # @method get_callback3(instance, cbtype) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cbtype # @return [Proc(callback_respcallback)] # @scope class # attach_function :get_callback3, :lcb_get_callback3, [T.by_ref, :int], :respcallback # (Not documented) # # @method strcbtype(cbtype) # @param [Integer] cbtype # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :strcbtype, :lcb_strcbtype, [:int], :string # (Not documented) # # @method get3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDGET] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :get3, :lcb_get3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDGET.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method rget3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDGETREPLICA] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :rget3, :lcb_rget3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDGETREPLICA.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method store3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDSTORE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :store3, :lcb_store3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDSTORE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method remove3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :remove3, :lcb_remove3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method endure3_ctxnew(instance, options, err) # @param [T] instance # @param [DurabilityOptsT] options # @param [FFI::Pointer(*ErrorT)] err # @return [MULTICMDCTX] # @scope class # attach_function :endure3_ctxnew, :lcb_endure3_ctxnew, [T.by_ref, DurabilityOptsT.by_ref, :pointer], MULTICMDCTX.by_ref, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method storedur3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDSTOREDUR] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :storedur3, :lcb_storedur3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDSTOREDUR.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method durability_validate(instance, persist_to, replicate_to, options) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*U16)] persist_to # @param [FFI::Pointer(*U16)] replicate_to # @param [Integer] options # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :durability_validate, :lcb_durability_validate, [T.by_ref, :pointer, :pointer, :int], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method observe3_ctxnew(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [MULTICMDCTX] # @scope class # attach_function :observe3_ctxnew, :lcb_observe3_ctxnew, [T.by_ref], MULTICMDCTX.by_ref, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method observe_seqno3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDOBSEQNO] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :observe_seqno3, :lcb_observe_seqno3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDOBSEQNO.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method resp_get_mutation_token(cbtype, rb) # @param [Integer] cbtype # @param [RESPBASE] rb # @return [MUTATIONTOKEN] # @scope class # attach_function :resp_get_mutation_token, :lcb_resp_get_mutation_token, [:int, RESPBASE.by_ref], MUTATIONTOKEN.by_ref, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_mutation_token(instance, kb, errp) # @param [T] instance # @param [KEYBUF] kb # @param [FFI::Pointer(*ErrorT)] errp # @return [MUTATIONTOKEN] # @scope class # attach_function :get_mutation_token, :lcb_get_mutation_token, [T.by_ref, KEYBUF.by_ref, :pointer], MUTATIONTOKEN.by_ref, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method counter3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDCOUNTER] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :counter3, :lcb_counter3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDCOUNTER.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method unlock3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :unlock3, :lcb_unlock3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method touch3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :touch3, :lcb_touch3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method stats3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :stats3, :lcb_stats3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method server_versions3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :server_versions3, :lcb_server_versions3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method server_verbosity3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDVERBOSITY] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :server_verbosity3, :lcb_server_verbosity3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDVERBOSITY.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cbflush3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :cbflush3, :lcb_cbflush3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method flush3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDBASE] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :flush3, :lcb_flush3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDBASE.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method http3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDHTTP] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :http3, :lcb_http3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDHTTP.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cancel_http_request(instance, request) # @param [T] instance # @param [HttpRequestT] request # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :cancel_http_request, :lcb_cancel_http_request, [T.by_ref, HttpRequestT.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method set_cookie(instance, cookie) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :set_cookie, :lcb_set_cookie, [T.by_ref, :pointer], :void # (Not documented) # # @method get_cookie(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] # @scope class # attach_function :get_cookie, :lcb_get_cookie, [T.by_ref], :pointer # (Not documented) # # @method wait(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :wait, :lcb_wait, [T.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method tick_nowait(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :tick_nowait, :lcb_tick_nowait, [T.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method wait3(instance, flags) # @param [T] instance # @param [WAITFLAGS] flags # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :wait3, :lcb_wait3, [T.by_ref, WAITFLAGS], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method breakout(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :breakout, :lcb_breakout, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method is_waiting(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :is_waiting, :lcb_is_waiting, [T.by_ref], :int, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method refresh_config(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :refresh_config, :lcb_refresh_config, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method sched_enter(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :sched_enter, :lcb_sched_enter, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method sched_leave(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :sched_leave, :lcb_sched_leave, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method sched_fail(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :sched_fail, :lcb_sched_fail, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method sched_flush(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :sched_flush, :lcb_sched_flush, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method destroy(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :destroy, :lcb_destroy, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method set_destroy_callback(t, destroy_callback) # @param [T] t # @param [Proc(callback_destroy_callback)] destroy_callback # @return [Proc(callback_destroy_callback)] # @scope class # attach_function :set_destroy_callback, :lcb_set_destroy_callback, [T.by_ref, :destroy_callback], :destroy_callback # (Not documented) # # @method destroy_async(instance, arg) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] arg # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :destroy_async, :lcb_destroy_async, [T.by_ref, :pointer], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_node(instance, type, index) # @param [T] instance # @param [GETNODETYPE] type # @param [Integer] index # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :get_node, :lcb_get_node, [T.by_ref, GETNODETYPE, :uint], :string, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_keynode(instance, key, nkey) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] key # @param [Integer] nkey # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :get_keynode, :lcb_get_keynode, [T.by_ref, :pointer, :ulong], :string, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_num_replicas(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :get_num_replicas, :lcb_get_num_replicas, [T.by_ref], :int # (Not documented) # # @method get_num_nodes(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :get_num_nodes, :lcb_get_num_nodes, [T.by_ref], :int # (Not documented) # # @method get_server_list(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] # @scope class # attach_function :get_server_list, :lcb_get_server_list, [T.by_ref], :pointer, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method dump(instance, fp, flags) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*FILE)] fp # @param [Integer] flags # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :dump, :lcb_dump, [T.by_ref, :pointer, :uint], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cntl(instance, mode, cmd, arg) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] mode # @param [Integer] cmd # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] arg # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :cntl, :lcb_cntl, [T.by_ref, :int, :int, :pointer], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cntl_string(instance, key, value) # @param [T] instance # @param [String] key # @param [String] value # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :cntl_string, :lcb_cntl_string, [T.by_ref, :string, :string], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cntl_setu32(instance, cmd, arg) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cmd # @param [Integer] arg # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :cntl_setu32, :lcb_cntl_setu32, [T.by_ref, :int, :uint], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cntl_getu32(instance, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [Integer] cmd # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :cntl_getu32, :lcb_cntl_getu32, [T.by_ref, :int], :uint, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method cntl_exists(ctl) # @param [Integer] ctl # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :cntl_exists, :lcb_cntl_exists, [:int], :int, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method enable_timings(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :enable_timings, :lcb_enable_timings, [T.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method disable_timings(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :disable_timings, :lcb_disable_timings, [T.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_timings(instance, cookie, callback) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [Proc(callback_timings_callback)] callback # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :get_timings, :lcb_get_timings, [T.by_ref, :pointer, :timings_callback], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method get_version(version) # @param [FFI::Pointer(*U32)] version # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :get_version, :lcb_get_version, [:pointer], :string, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method supports_feature(n) # @param [Integer] n # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :supports_feature, :lcb_supports_feature, [:int], :int, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method mem_alloc(size) # @param [Integer] size # @return [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] # @scope class # attach_function :mem_alloc, :lcb_mem_alloc, [:ulong], :pointer, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method mem_free(ptr) # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] ptr # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :mem_free, :lcb_mem_free, [:pointer], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method run_loop(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :run_loop, :lcb_run_loop, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method stop_loop(instance) # @param [T] instance # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :stop_loop, :lcb_stop_loop, [T.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method nstime() # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :nstime, :lcb_nstime, [], :ulong_long, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method histogram_create() # @return [HISTOGRAM] # @scope class # attach_function :histogram_create, :lcb_histogram_create, [], HISTOGRAM.by_ref, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method histogram_destroy(hg) # @param [HISTOGRAM] hg # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :histogram_destroy, :lcb_histogram_destroy, [HISTOGRAM.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method histogram_record(hg, duration) # @param [HISTOGRAM] hg # @param [Integer] duration # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :histogram_record, :lcb_histogram_record, [HISTOGRAM.by_ref, :ulong_long], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method histogram_read(hg, cookie, cb) # @param [HISTOGRAM] hg # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [Proc(callback_histogram_callback)] cb # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :histogram_read, :lcb_histogram_read, [HISTOGRAM.by_ref, :pointer, :histogram_callback], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method histogram_print(hg, stream) # @param [HISTOGRAM] hg # @param [FFI::Pointer(*FILE)] stream # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :histogram_print, :lcb_histogram_print, [HISTOGRAM.by_ref, :pointer], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method subdoc3(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDSUBDOC] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :subdoc3, :lcb_subdoc3, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDSUBDOC.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method sdresult_next(resp, out, iter) # @param [RESPSUBDOC] resp # @param [SDENTRY] out # @param [FFI::Pointer(*SizeT)] iter # @return [Integer] # @scope class # attach_function :sdresult_next, :lcb_sdresult_next, [RESPSUBDOC.by_ref, SDENTRY.by_ref, :pointer], :int, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method view_query(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDVIEWQUERY] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :view_query, :lcb_view_query, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDVIEWQUERY.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method view_query_initcmd(vq, design, view, options, callback) # @param [CMDVIEWQUERY] vq # @param [String] design # @param [String] view # @param [String] options # @param [Proc(callback_viewquerycallback)] callback # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :view_query_initcmd, :lcb_view_query_initcmd, [CMDVIEWQUERY.by_ref, :string, :string, :string, :viewquerycallback], :void # (Not documented) # # @method view_cancel(instance, handle) # @param [T] instance # @param [VIEWHANDLE] handle # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :view_cancel, :lcb_view_cancel, [T.by_ref, VIEWHANDLE.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_new() # @return [N1QLPARAMS] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_new, :lcb_n1p_new, [], N1QLPARAMS.by_ref # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_reset(params) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_reset, :lcb_n1p_reset, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_free(params) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_free, :lcb_n1p_free, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref], :void # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_setquery(params, qstr, nqstr, type) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [String] qstr # @param [Integer] nqstr # @param [Integer] type # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_setquery, :lcb_n1p_setquery, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :string, :ulong, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_namedparam(params, name, n_name, value, n_value) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] n_name # @param [String] value # @param [Integer] n_value # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_namedparam, :lcb_n1p_namedparam, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :string, :ulong, :string, :ulong], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_posparam(params, value, n_value) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [String] value # @param [Integer] n_value # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_posparam, :lcb_n1p_posparam, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :string, :ulong], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_readonly(params, readonly) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [Integer] readonly if non-zero, the query will be read-only # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_readonly, :lcb_n1p_readonly, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_readonly(params, readonly) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [Integer] Sets maximum buffered channel size. Use 0 or a negative number to disable. # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_scancap, :lcb_n1p_scancap, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_readonly(params, readonly) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [Integer] maximum number of items each execution operator can buffer between operators. # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_pipelinecap, :lcb_n1p_pipelinecap, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_readonly(params, readonly) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [Integer] number of items execution operators can batch for fetch from the KV # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_pipelinebatch, :lcb_n1p_pipelinebatch, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_setopt(params, name, n_name, value, n_value) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [String] name # @param [Integer] n_name # @param [String] value # @param [Integer] n_value # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_setopt, :lcb_n1p_setopt, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :string, :ulong, :string, :ulong], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_setconsistency(params, mode) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [Integer] mode # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_setconsistency, :lcb_n1p_setconsistency, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :int], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_setconsistent_token(params, keyspace, st) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [String] keyspace # @param [MUTATIONTOKEN] st # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_setconsistent_token, :lcb_n1p_setconsistent_token, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :string, MUTATIONTOKEN.by_ref], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_setconsistent_handle(params, instance) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [T] instance # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_setconsistent_handle, :lcb_n1p_setconsistent_handle, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, T.by_ref], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_encode(params, rc) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [FFI::Pointer(*ErrorT)] rc # @return [String] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_encode, :lcb_n1p_encode, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, :pointer], :string # (Not documented) # # @method n1p_mkcmd(params, cmd) # @param [N1QLPARAMS] params # @param [CMDN1QL] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1p_mkcmd, :lcb_n1p_mkcmd, [N1QLPARAMS.by_ref, CMDN1QL.by_ref], ErrorT # (Not documented) # # @method n1ql_query(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDN1QL] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :n1ql_query, :lcb_n1ql_query, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDN1QL.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # (Not documented) # # @method n1ql_cancel(instance, handle) # @param [T] instance # @param [N1QLHANDLE] handle # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :n1ql_cancel, :lcb_n1ql_cancel, [T.by_ref, N1QLHANDLE.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true # @volatile # Issue a full-text query. The callback (lcb_CMDFTS::callback) will be invoked # for each hit. It will then be invoked one last time with the result # metadata (including any facets) and the lcb_RESPFTS::rflags field having # the @ref LCB_RESP_F_FINAL bit set # # @param instance the instance # @param cookie opaque user cookie to be set in the response object # @param cmd command containing the query and callback # # @method fts_query(instance, cookie, cmd) # @param [T] instance # @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] cookie # @param [CMDFTS] cmd # @return [ErrorT] # @scope class # attach_function :fts_query, :lcb_fts_query, [T.by_ref, :pointer, CMDFTS.by_ref], ErrorT, :blocking => true # @volatile # Cancel a full-text query in progress. The handle is usually obtained via the # lcb_CMDFTS::handle pointer. # # @method fts_cancel(t, ftshandle) # @param [T] t # @param [FTSHANDLE] ftshandle # @return [nil] # @scope class # attach_function :fts_cancel, :lcb_fts_cancel, [T.by_ref, FTSHANDLE.by_ref], :void, :blocking => true end